"Give me a gun that never fires! Give me a sword that is ever blunt! Give me a weapon that deals no wound, so long as it always strikes fear!"
;default positions pOutTim(cyc)=0 : pFoc(cyc)=0 If pRole(cyc)=0 curtainSlot(pCurtain(cyc))=curtainSlot(pCurtain(cyc))+1 If matchTeams=0 slotter=(no_wrestlers-(no_wrestlers/2))-curtainSlot(pCurtain(cyc)) If slotter<0 Then slotter=0 If pCurtain(cyc)=1 Then pZ#(cyc)=410+(20*slotter) : pA#(cyc)=180 slotter=(no_wrestlers/2)-curtainSlot(pCurtain(cyc)) If slotter<0 Then slotter=0 If pCurtain(cyc)=2 Then pZ#(cyc)=410+(20*slotter) : pA#(cyc)=180 ;changed -410- to + and 0 to 180 Else If pCurtain(cyc)=1 Then pZ#(cyc)=390+(20*curtainSlot(pCurtain(cyc))) : pA#(cyc)=180 ;If pCurtain(cyc)=2 Then pZ#(cyc)=-390-(20*curtainSlot(pCurtain(cyc))) : pA#(cyc)=0 ;changed If pCurtain(cyc)=2 Then pZ#(cyc)=-390+(20*curtainSlot(pCurtain(cyc))) : pA#(cyc)=180 EndIf pX#(cyc)=0 : pY#(cyc)=wGround# EndIf If pRole(cyc)=1 Repeat pX#(cyc)=Rnd(-130,130) : pZ#(cyc)=Rnd(-130,130) Until InsideRing(pX#(cyc),pZ#(cyc),0)=0 pY#(cyc)=wGround# : pA#(cyc)=Rnd(0,360) pOutTim(cyc)=100 EndIf If pRole(cyc)=2 If pZ#(pClient(cyc))>0 Then pZ#(cyc)=pZ#(pClient(cyc))+10 : pA#(cyc)=180 If pZ#(pClient(cyc))<0 Then pZ#(cyc)=pZ#(pClient(cyc))+10 : pA#(cyc)=180 ;changed to +10 and 0 to 180 randy=Rnd(0,1) If randy=0 Then pX#(cyc)=pX#(pClient(cyc))+10 Else pX#(cyc)=pX#(pClient(cyc))+10 ;changed -10 to +10 first one pY#(cyc)=pY#(pClient(cyc)) EndIf