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Author Topic: [Show #16] Vincere Immunity (6th, November 2011)  (Read 5912 times)


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  • The Forgotten Obscure Orgasmic Mime
[Show #16] Vincere Immunity (6th, November 2011)
« on: December 26, 2020, 08:34:18 pm »
Match 1:   David Zutos (w/ Hawk Knight) Vs Adam Faith (w/ Corvo)

The crowd begins to get rowdy as they begin to chant “Start the show!” so they can witness the opening match. The show eventually begins and David Zutos walks out of the curtains, the crowd cheers big for him as he raises his fists into the air as he smiles, Hawk Knight walks out and the crowd continues to cheer. They both make their way down to the ring area while they greet the fans, they get into the ring and Hawk jumps on the ropes as Zutos taunts to the crowd. The cheers quickly turns to boos as Project H.E.R.O both step out with their NHW Tag Team Championships above their heads, they both stare at Zutos and Hawk as they make their way down to the ring. They get in the ring and raise the titles above their heads again. Corvo and Hawk both stare at each other as they both get out of the ring while Faith and Zutos walk up to each other.

The referee calls for the bell and the crowd straight away cheers and chants for David Zutos, they both lockup and Adam Faith powers him into the ropes, Zutos then powers him into the turnbuckle and the referee tries to get them to break, they both break and Faith slaps Zutos across the face. Zutos gets angered and Faith quickly backs away and rolls to the outside, Zutos follows pursuits to the outside as Faith runs around the turnbuckle, Zutos runs around it until Corvo sends Zutos down with a Clothesline. Faith rolls back into the ring while Corvo quickly picks Zutos back up and rolls him back into the ring, Faith goes for a pin but gets a 1 count. Faith sits him up and starts punching him in the side of the head, he hooks his head and locks on a Dragon Sleeper. Zutos tries to get out of it but Faith applies pressure while the crowd boos for him, Zutos tries to use his leg strength to crawl to the ropes but Faith lets go of the submission and starts hitting elbow shots on his face! He picks Zutos up and grabs his arm then whiplashes him down with a Russian Leg Sweep, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count.

Adam Faith gets back up to his feet and stomps on David Zutos’ head, he grabs his head and picks him up but Zutos punches him on the jaw, Faith goes for a punch but Zutos blocks it and punches him again. Faith gets angered and goes for a forearm shot but Zutos ducks under his arm and grabs his waist, he tries to lift him up with a German Suplex, but Faith blocks the attempt and hooks his head then drives his knee into his face. Zutos stumbles around as Faith runs off the ropes and hits a Flying Forearm Smash, he quickly goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. Corvo argues with the referee while Hawk Knight gets the fans to cheer for Zutos as Faith gets back to his feet, he picks Zutos back up and hits a chop on his chest, he retaliates with a chop of his own but Faith kicks him in the ribs. He grabs his arm and throws him into the turnbuckle, he runs towards him but Zutos hits a Back Elbow, he quickly grabs his head then drives his face into the middle turnbuckle! Faith holds his face and checks for blood as Zutos gets back to his feet and stomps on his back, he picks Faith back up and hits his chest with a chop, he hits him with another one and Faith quickly rakes the eyes of Zutos.

Adam Faith swings for a Clothesline but David Zutos ducks under and goes for a Clothesline of his own, but Faith also ducks under and leaps up then sends Zutos down with an Enziguri. Faith rolls to his feet as Zutos gets to one knee, Faith runs off the ropes and goes for a Shining Wizard but Zutos swiftly grabs Faith’s leg and gets to his feet, he throws Faith overhead with a Capture Suplex! He hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Zutos gets to his feet and stares down at Corvo then puts his middle finger up at him, Corvo gets frustrated as Zutos smiles while the crowd cheers. Faith gets back to his feet and Zutos kicks him in the ribs then grabs his waist, he lifts him up then drives him down onto his knees with a SAT Bomb! Corvo gets on the ring apron and shouts at Zutos, he gets back up to his feet and looks to Corvo, Corvo then gets in the ring until Hawk Knight suddenly rolls in and runs towards Corvo then tackles him to the outside and gets back out. Zutos laughs as Corvo lies on the outside while Hawk pumps the crowd up, Faith gets back up and turns Zutos around then sends him down with a Super Kick! Faith hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Corvo gets back up to his feet and shouts at the fans. Faith gets to his knees and shouts at the referee, Zutos crawls to the ropes as Faith stares at him, he grabs his head then punches him on the jaw.

Adam Faith gets back up to his feet as he drags David Zutos back up, he grabs his waist and lifts him up onto the turnbuckle then begins to climb up, he hooks Zutos’ head but Zutos fights back with punches to the ribs. Zutos then hits him with a headbutt and grabs his waist, he tries to lift him up but Faith manages to block it, he hits Zutos with a Back Elbow to the jaw and grabs his arm, he then throws him overhead to the canvas with a Super Hip Toss! Faith manages to stay on the turnbuckle and looks down at Zutos, he then climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps off but Zutos moves out of the way and Faith misses the Diving Leg Drop! Zutos quickly capitalizes and places his hand on Faith’s chest for a pin, but gets a 2 count. Hawk Knight starts to cheer for him as Corvo suddenly grabs a chair from under the ring, Zutos gets back up to his feet as Faith gets to one knee, Zutos drags him back up and punches him across the face, Faith then retaliates with a punch of his own until they both grab each other’s heads and start to hit each other numerous times. Faith drives his knee into Zutos’ ribs and he falls to one knee, he goes for a kick but Zutos throws Faith’s leg to the side and quickly springs up and sends Faith to one knee with a European Uppercut.

Corvo runs around the ring and hits Hawk Knight across the face out of nowhere with the chair! David Zutos and the referee notice this and the referee quickly orders Corvo to get sent to the back as David Zutos gets to the outside. Officials run down to ringside and begin to hold Corvo back while they drag him up the entrance way, Zutos gives a disgusted look at him and goes to check up on Hawk, he helps him up as the referee tells him to get back into the ring. Zutos rolls in until Faith swings his leg with a Roundhouse Kick but Zutos ducks under, Faith turns back around until Zutos lifts him up onto his shoulders. He spins him off with an F-5 but Faith lands on his feet! Faith then spins on the spot and drives his fist into Zutos’ face with a backfist, he lifts Zutos up onto his shoulders then quickly connects a Death Valley Driver! He hooks the leg but gets a 2 count! The fans start to show their appreciation for this match as they begin to hugely cheer, Faith gets back up to his feet and looks to the crowd, Zutos gets to his knees until Faith drags him back up, he punches him across the face and hits him again. He grabs his arm and throws him off the ropes, Faith goes for a Rolling Elbow but Zutos ducks under while grabbing Faith’s waist, he lifts him up overhead and connects the Zutosphere while putting on a bridge for the pin, but gets a 2 count!

David Zutos hits the canvas in frustration as he gets back up, he grabs Adam Faith’s head and picks him up but Faith throws his arms to the side and hits him in the ribs with a Spinning Back Kick. Faith then runs off the ropes but Zutos catches him and drives him down with a Spinebuster. He quickly gets up to his feet and drags Faith up, he turns him around and hooks both of his arms, he tries for another Zutosphere but Faith breaks free and hits a Rolling Elbow to his jaw. He lifts Zutos up onto his shoulders then throws him overhead and drives his knee into his face with a Go To Sleep. Faith continues to hold onto Zutos’ head and hooks it, he lifts him up into the air then drives him down onto the canvas with a Brainbuster! He hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Brainbuster: Adam Faith

After the match, the crowd gives a standing ovation to the match they just witnessed as Hawk Knight manages to get back up to his feet until Corvo suddenly runs down to ringside and tackles him down. Adam Faith rolls to the ring apron while Corvo assaults Hawk, Faith gets to his feet on the outside and grabs both of the NHW Tag Team Championships as Corvo stops the assault and helps Faith make his way back to the locker room. David Zutos sits up while holding the back of his head and stares at Project H.E.R.O as they raise their titles above their heads.

The camera cuts the backstage area in Jerry Honson’s office, we see Honson talking to a few officials until a knock on his office door is heard. Honson shouts to them that they can come inside, the officials thank Honson and they make their way to the door, Kenny Heights then gets in the office as the officials leave.
Kenny! Just the man I wanted to see!” says Honson, as Kenny shakes his hand. Kenny smiles as he raises his sunglasses and leans his hands on his waist.
Let me just say, sir. This is the only company, that I have wanted to join, in recent months.
Thank you, Kenny. Let me be the first to say, welcome to NHW. I’m sure you’ll definitely call this place home, in a couple of years.
Kenny chuckles to that statement and nods his head in agreement, he then crosses his arms and begins to speak.
You’re right, this will be my home… However, before that happens, I have something I need to tell you.
Sure, go right ahead.
Thank you… You see, this is Nytro Hydro Wrestling, correct?” Kenny asks, as Honson answers with a nod and a smile on his face.
The thing is, Mr. Honson… I wasn’t originally going to accept the contract offer, and the reason is simple… Where is the ‘Nytro’?
I’m not quite sure I understand what you mean, Kenny.
For a company that uses Nytro in their name, I am yet to see anything like that.
Honson then smiles as he lowers his head, he looks back up to Kenny as he places his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
You may think the name might cause confusion for some, but the name was not created for a specific crazy purpose. It’s to showcase the talent in the world, such as yourself, and help them become better than they may or may not be.
Whether it was for a purpose, or not, I am here to put NHW, back on the map… My skills and abilities will prove, that this company has always needed me… Because I am here to put the ‘Nytro’, in Nytro Hydro Wrestling!
Kenny Heights then lowers his sunglasses over his eyes and walks out of the office, Honson breathes a sigh of relief and looks slightly worried as to what might happen while the camera fades out to black.

Match 2:   Tyson Roders Vs CJ Sixer

Tyson Roders steps out of the curtains and the crowd completely boos him, he shrugs it off as he makes his way down to the ring while arguing with various fans. He rolls into the ring and gets to one knee while staring to the crowd with a smile. The boos quickly turns to cheers as CJ Sixer walks out and begins to clap the fans’ hands, he takes off his t-shirt and throws it into the crowd. He gets in the ring and climbs up the turnbuckle then taunts to the cheering crowd, he jumps down and stares at Roders as he shouts at him.

The referee calls for the bell and they quickly lockup, CJ Sixer powers him into the ropes until he gets hit in the ribs with a knee, they let go and Tyson Roders punches him across the jaw. CJ stumbles to the centre of the ring as Tyson runs to him then leaps up and hits a Flying Clothesline, he gets back up to his feet and taunts to the crowd while they send heat towards him, CJ gets to one knee and Tyson kicks him in the face, he drags him up while hooking his head, he tries to lift him up with a Suplex but CJ blocks it and punches him in the ribs, he lifts him up and connects his own Suplex on Roders. CJ quickly gets to his feet and runs off the ropes then hits Roders with a Leg Drop, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. CJ grabs Tyson’s head and picks him up, he punches him on the jaw and Tyson retaliates with a punch of his own, he goes for a kick but Tyson catches his boot. CJ tries to swing for a punch until Tyson quickly leaps up and sends CJ down with an Enziguri. Tyson then sits on his back and clutches at his jaw locking on a Camel Clutch, CJ tries to free himself until Tyson applies pressure. The crowd starts to chant for CJ while he tries to get out of the submission as he gets to his knees, he then gets up to his feet while Tyson tries to send him back down but CJ elbows him in the abdomen, Tyson lets go and quickly hooks his head then connects a Bulldog.

Tyson Roders gets up to his feet and looks to the fans while they continue to send him heat, he then shouts at them while CJ Sixer gets up to one knee, Tyson turns around and punches him in the jaw. CJ gets up and Tyson punches him across the face, he grabs his arm and goes to throw him but CJ reverses and throws Tyson off the ropes instead, he runs to CJ and he kicks Tyson in the abdomen, CJ then runs off the ropes until Tyson quickly throws him overhead with a Powerslam, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He grabs CJ’s head and picks him up, he hits a forearm shot on his jaw causing CJ to stumble around, he then hits him with another forearm shot sending him to one knee. Tyson picks him up and goes for a third forearm shot but CJ blocks it and hits him with his own forearm shot, Tyson holds his jaw while CJ runs off the ropes and sends him down with a Clothesline, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. CJ gets to his feet as Tyson gets to one knee, he then turns around and hits Tyson in the head with a Spinning Back Kick. He runs off the ropes and sends Tyson down with a Shining Wizard, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count.

CJ Sixer gets back up to his feet as he drags Tyson Roders back up, he kicks him in the abdomen and grabs his head, he goes for a Russian Leg Sweep but Tyson blocks it and quickly grabs CJ’s head then connects an MDKO. CJ crawls to the ropes as Tyson gets back up to his feet, CJ pulls himself up using the corner ropes and turns around, Tyson then runs to him and leaps up then boots him in the face with a Corner Dropkick! Tyson rolls to the ring apron and gets up as CJ falls to his knees, Tyson quickly climbs up the turnbuckle as CJ gets up to his feet, he turns around as Tyson leaps off the turnbuckle and sends CJ down with his Senton Bomb! He quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He gets up to his feet and argues with the referee, CJ gets to one knee as Tyson gets frustrated, he picks CJ up to his feet and shouts in his face. He then slaps him across the face causing CJ to grab Tyson’s head and hit a Jawbreaker, Tyson stumbles as CJ quickly gets back up and hooks Tyson’s arm, he then lifts him up overhead and connects a Half Nelson Suplex! The crowd starts to cheer hugely for CJ as he gets back up to his feet, he pumps up the crowd as Tyson gets to one knee, CJ walks over to him until he springs back up and hits CJ with a Super Kick. CJ stumbles until he turns around and hits Tyson in the ribs with a Spinning Back Kick, he leaps up and goes for a Hurricanrana until Tyson quickly catches his legs and slams CJ down with a Sitout Powerbomb!

Tyson Roders gets to one knee and grabs CJ Sixer’s head then drags him up to his feet, he hooks his head and falls to one knee as he drives CJ’s jaw onto his shoulder ready for his Surgical Repair, he goes for it until CJ spins out of it and kicks him in the abdomen, he grabs his waist and lifts him up then hits a Piledriver, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. CJ gets to one knee as he grabs Tyson’s head, he picks him up and punches him across the face and hits him with a second punch, Tyson swings for a punch but CJ runs under his arm and off the ropes, he leaps up and tackles Tyson down with a Flying Clothesline. He gets to his feet and taunts to the cheering crowd, Tyson gets to his feet while holding his jaw, CJ then kicks him in the abdomen and hooks his head, he lifts him up into the air then drives him down onto the canvas with a Brainbuster, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. CJ gets desperate as he gets to one knee, he grabs Tyson’s head and picks him up to his feet as he grabs his arm, he throws him off the ropes and throws Tyson up into the air until Tyson suddenly grabs CJ’s head as he spins in the air and connects a Tornado DDT!

Tyson Roders eventually gets to his knees and punches CJ Sixer on the jaw, CJ gets to one knee and punches Tyson on the jaw, they both get to their feet and start to hit each other with punches across the face. Tyson then kicks CJ in the abdomen, he grabs his arm and throws him off the ropes then goes for a Back Body Drop, but CJ leaps behind him and hooks Tyson’s head, he drives him down to the canvas with a Reverse DDT, he quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. CJ grabs Tyson’s head and drags him up to his feet, he hooks his head and goes for his Small Package Driver, but Tyson drives his knee into CJ’s ribs causing him to let go of his head. Tyson goes for a Clothesline but CJ blocks it and hits a forearm shot on his jaw, he grabs his arm and throws him into the corner, he runs towards him but Tyson lifts his leg and hits a Super Kick on CJ’s jaw. CJ falls to one knee as Tyson quickly jumps on the second turnbuckle, he gets up on the top turnbuckle and leaps off as CJ gets back to his feet and Tyson connects the Senton Bomb, he hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Senton Bomb: Tyson Roders

After the match, Tyson Roders gets up to one knee as CJ Sixer rolls to the ring apron, he raises his fists into the air while the crowd boos him, he gets up and climbs the middle turnbuckle and taunts to them, proceeding to shout and argue with them. CJ makes his way back to the locker room while Tyson gets down from the turnbuckle and grabs a microphone with an irate look on his face.
For more than three years, I have won more Championships than anyone in that locker room. I have paid my dues here in NHW since 2009, yet I am still waiting for a reward for all of my hard work!
The crowd begins to boo heavily and proceeds to chant “Tyson sucks!” He gets annoyed while staring at them.
Even though, some guy, who no one has ever heard of, comes from SWA and wins a couple of matches, HE gets a reward while I don’t? This, is bullshit!” Tyson shouts, as he argues with the crowd numerous times.
That is why, I had to do something about it. I’m not just going to sit there and watch someone else get what I deserve! Ian Shane, you don’t belong here, never have, never will. Which is why I am going to be the man to finally send you back to SWA, the only company that cares about you.
Tyson then gets out of the ring and looks to ringside fans as they shout at them, he smirks at them while he sarcastically waves at them. He slowly walks up the entrance way while looking to the crowd.
I am the only man, NHW should be rewarding. I have done more for this company, than anyone has ever done since it began! But hey, if Ian has been here for what, seven months? He gets rewarded for his nothingness, that’s fine… That just means one thing, I will have to reward him in my own way, reward him with a death wise!
The crowd immediately gets disgusted with that remark as Tyson quickly leaves through the curtains, they begin to chant “Fuck you, Tyson!” while they throw various bits of trash at the curtains.

Match 3:   Josh Stone Vs Thomas R. West     (NHW Inter-Globe Championship)

The crowd cheers as the lights go out and the spotlight shines on the curtains, Thomas R. West then steps out with a bottle of whiskey in his hand as he drinks it. He slowly makes his way down to the ring while staring to the crowd, he gets in the ring and quickly throws his jacket off then places his bottle of whiskey on the ring apron. Josh Stone walks out to boos while he raises his NHW Inter-Globe Championship above his head, he looks to the crowd with disgust on his face while he walks down and goes for a fist pump then stops and drops his hand in anger. He rolls into the ring and smirks at West as he points to his Championship.

They both walk up to each other as Josh Stone begins to talk trash in Thomas R. West’s face, West then quickly grabs his head and throws him into the turnbuckle then begins to hit punches across his jaw. Stone eventually pushes him away and runs towards him but West grabs his waist and lifts him up then hits him down with a Belly-to-belly Slam, he goes for a pin but gets a 1 count. Stone quickly rolls to the outside and recuperates, West follows pursuit as Stone turns around and is hit with a punch, West grabs his arm and goes to throw him but Stone reverses and throws West into the guard rails. He smirks to the fans as they start to boo once again, he kicks West on the head and picks him up, he throws him back into the ring and rolls back in. He gets to his feet and runs off the ropes then hits a Leg Drop, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Stone shouts at the referee as he gets back to his feet, West gets to one knee until Stone picks him and kicks him in the abdomen, he hooks his head then hits him with a DDT, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count.

Josh Stone grabs Thomas R. West’s head and picks him up, he grabs his arm and throws him off the ropes, West ducks a Clothesline and runs back then hits Stone down with a Running Forearm. Stone quickly gets back up to his feet and West lifts him up overhead and hits him with a Body Slam, the crowd begins to chant for him as he picks Stone up, he kicks him in the abdomen and grabs his waist, he tries to lift him up until Stone spins out of it and hits him with a Back Elbow, he runs off the ropes and leaps up into the air until West catches him and connects a Powerbomb! He looks to the crowd as he raises his fist into the air while they cheer for him as Stone slowly crawls to the turnbuckle, West waists for him as he gets back up to his feet, he turns around and West runs towards and extends his leg for a Quick Draw until Stone ducks out of it and West crotches himself on the ropes. Stone tackles him off and West lands on the outside, Stone quickly climbs up the turnbuckle and smirks to the fans as they continue to boo him heavily, West gets back up to his feet until Stone leaps off and tackles West down with a Diving Clothesline from the turnbuckle to the outside!

Thomas R. West eventually gets to one knee as Josh Stone gets back up to his feet, he grabs West’s head and picks him up then throws him back into the ring, he quickly rolls in and hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. West then springs to his feet as Stone looks up with a shocked face, he angrily grabs Stone’s head and hits him with a headbutt. He grabs his arm and throws him into the turnbuckle, he runs to Stone and hits him with a Corner Clothesline. He grabs his head and drags him to the centre of the ring then kicks him in the abdomen, he grabs his waist then lifts him up and connects a Piledriver, he quickly goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. West looks to the referee with a chilling stare, he gets back up to his feet and hits Stone with an Elbow Drop. He grabs Stone’s head then punches him on the jaw, he picks him up to his feet and spins on the spot then hits him with a Roaring Elbow, sending him to one knee. West then runs off the ropes and hits him on the jaw with a Big Boot, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. He drags Stone up to his feet and goes for a punch but is blocked and Stone kicks him in the abdomen, he quickly grabs West’s head and goes for a Small Package until West stops him and shoves him away.

They both then run and hit each other with a forearm shot, Thomas R. West lifts his foot for a Big Boot but Josh Stone ducks under and leaps up then hits West in the face with a Dropkick, West stumbles to the centre of the ring as Stone springs back up to his feet, he runs off the ropes and goes for a Clothesline until West quickly catches him and throws him down as he places his leg over Stone’s head and locks on the Strangle Hold! The crowd hugely cheers as they start to chant “Tap!” Stone tries to reach for the ropes but is too far away, West starts to apply more pressure as Stone attempts to crawl but is unable to. Suddenly, Stone uses his leg strength and crawls around then rolls West backwards with a Roll-up, but gets a 2 count! They both quickly get back up to their feet and Stone lowers his hand then hits West in the face with a Fist Pump Uppercut, West then furiously punches him across the face sending him down. Stone then crawls towards the bottle of whiskey underneath the turnbuckle while West takes a breather on the ropes, Stone grabs the whiskey and springs up to his feet, he runs towards West but he grabs his by the throat and slowly looks up to him with a bone chilling stare.

Thomas R. West grabs hold of the bottle of whiskey and throws Josh Stone to the side, West then drinks the whiskey and gets angered. Stone tries to back away until West starts hitting him with punch combinations on the jaw then hits him with a European Uppercut. Stone goes for a punch but is blocked and West hits him with a Big Boot, Stone stays on his feet and swings for a punch but West ducks under his arm and connects a headbutt sending Stone to the corner, West runs and hits him with a Back Elbow. Stone falls to the one knee as West quickly gets to the ring apron and starts climbing up the turnbuckle as the crowd cheers. West gets to the top turnbuckle as he grabs Stone’s head, he places his knee on the back of his head until Stone quickly grabs his arm and throws him off the turnbuckle, West lands on one knee as Stone quickly climbs up the turnbuckle, West gets back to his feet as Stone leaps off with a Diving Clothesline while West suddenly steps to the side and kicks Stone in midair with a Quick Draw! The crowd goes insane as West quickly hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner and NEW NHW Inter-Globe Champion via Quick Draw: Thomas R. West

After the match, the crowd is ecstatic as Thomas R. West gets to his feet and the referee hands him the NHW Inter-Globe Championship. He looks to the crowd as he slowly raises the Championship above his head, Josh Stone rolls to the outside while holding his jaw. West gets to the outside and grabs his bottle of whiskey then raises both the bottle of whiskey and his newly won Championship with the crowd clapping and cheering for him.

The camera pans round to reveal The MPire Uploader sat down with papers in hand in the locker room. He looks to the camera and begins to speaks.
"Welcome NHW fans, I have an exclusive interview for you lucky collection of people. The wrestlers I shall be interviewing are collectively known as Fire Stadium!"
The camera then pans over to Ed and Tony Fire where Ed greets TMU while Tony crosses his arms, they are both seated opposite to TMU.
"Welcome gentlemen."
"Hey, it's good to be here." Ed says, with a positive tone, Tony simply grunts and nods his head.
"Now, I could beat around the bush and avoid it, but instead, I shall get right to the point of this interview… Ed, Tony… What is it with you guys and Polaroid…?"
TMU asks curiously. Tony's facial expression changes to one of anger and annoyance.
"Who the hell do you think you are asking us that bullshit?!" Tony replies swiftly and in a frustrated manner. Ed quietly and incoherently speaks to his brother and calms him then looks to TMU. "I apologize for my brother, the subject is a sensitive matter."
"I apologize if I have caused you any distress, Tony." says TMU apologetically.
"It's fine, in fact, I have a little announcement if you'll allow me…" says Tony.
"Please, feel free."
"Now Polaroid, I do have issues with you, this is clear, but in all honesty… I'm not alone, and here is my proof." Tony says whilst gesturing off camera, to an unknown individual.
"Tony, please… We said this was a last resort, are we definitely going ahead with this?" Ed asks him, with an uneasy tone to his voice.
"Oh, we are Ed, we definitely are." replies Tony, with a smirk. Tony then gestures to the individual off camera to enter the interview. The camera then looks over next to Tony and in walks a very determined and focused Ian Shane. Tony stands and shakes his hand. He places an arm around his shoulder as he looks to the camera.
"You see, Ian here also agrees that both of you are cowards and spineless individuals, who need putting in their place."
"That's damn right." speaks Shane.
"In fact, I'm bringing myself into this to make sure I help teach a lesson to the two of you."
Ed shakes his head in uncertainty as he stands up from his chair, he joins Tony and Ian then looks to the camera.
"You see Polaroid, you've made yourselves nothing but targets, everyone's out to get you… And the only people you can blame, are the people you see in the mirror."
"But…" TMU says, trying to get answers.
"Shut your damn mouth, justice has to be served, and this is the only way." says Shane, quickly silencing TMU.
"I would also like to send a little message at one certain Tyson Roders… If you think you can take away my opportunity to finally make a name for myself in NHW, you’ve got another thing coming… You think you deserve to be rewarded? How about you actually do something relevant for a change, I’ve accomplished more things in NHW than you have your whole life."
Tony then stands in front of Shane and Ed, looks deeply into the camera with a focused glare.
"It's a good thing you're called Polaroid, because when this is all over, you're going to have suffered such a beating, you will need the help and assistance of photos to help you remember that Fire Stadium will not, and never be defeated by arrogant, gutless worms like yourselves…"
Ed and Ian then high five each other as they begin to leave, Tony looks at the camera in disgust while walking away. The camera then pans over to TMU while he adjusts his suit tie looking relieved that they’ve left as the camera fades out to black.

Match 4:   Matt Greer Vs Jason Kingdom

Jason Kingdom walks out to a mixed reaction as he looks around the crowd, he walks down to the ring with his fists raised in the air. He gets in the ring as the crowd continues being mixed towards him. Matt Greer steps out of the curtains while raising one of his t-shirts into the air, he looks out for money and notices a fan with some, he walks down to the ring area and he exchanges the fan’s money for his t-shirt and slips the money in his kneepad. He slides into the ring and gets up to his feet, he stares at Kingdom wondering who he is as the referee calls for the bell.

They both walk up to each other and lockup, Matt Greer quickly overpowers him into the ropes as the referee eventually pulls them apart. Jason Kingdom then grabs Greer’s head and rolls him over with a Snapmare, he gets back up to his feet and Kingdom hits him with a Back Elbow. He runs off the ropes but Greer goes for a Clothesline but he ducks under and rolls Greer over with a Roll-up, but gets a 2 count. They both quickly get back up to their feet and Greer runs to him but is swept off his feet, he stomps on his leg and goes for a Figure-four Leg Lock, but Greer kicks him off into the ropes and boots him in the head. Greer gets back up as Kingdom holds his head, he grabs Kingdom’s arm and throws him into the turnbuckle, he runs to him but Kingdom dodges out of the way and Greer crashes into the turnbuckle. Greer stumbles out until Kingdom quickly goes for another Roll-up, but gets a 2 count. They both get up again and Kingdom locks on a headlock, Greer elbows him in the ribs numerous times causing him to break the hold, Kingdom then runs towards him but Greer grabs his waist and lifts him up then throws him onto the ropes with a Guillotine, Kingdom falls to the canvas choking as Greer goes for a cover, but gets a 2 count.

Matt Greer gets up to his feet and drags Jason Kingdom up, he hooks both of his arms and throws him overhead with a Double Underhook Suplex, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. He gets back up and stomps on Kingdom’s face, he picks him up and hits him in the jaw with a forearm shot, Kingdom retaliates with a punch to the face. Greer then punches him in the face and Kingdom hits another punch on him. He then pushes Greer into the turnbuckle and runs to him, but he gets out of the way and Kingdom misses a Corner Clothesline and falls to the bottom turnbuckle. Greer then starts to stomp on Kingdom’s face numerous times, he rolls down one of his kneepads to expose his knee then runs off the ropes and hits Kingdom in the face with a Running Knee Lift! He drags him out of the corner and hooks the leg, but gets a 2 count. He gets to his feet and looks to the booing crowd, Kingdom sits up but is kicked in the face, Greer laughs at him and kicks him again while he gets to one knee.

Jason Kingdom gets up to his feet and Matt Greer punches him as Kingdom starts to get angered, Greer then grabs his head and slams it into the top turnbuckle, he turns him around and drives his shoulder into his ribs. Greer then drives his shoulder into his ribs again and the referee tries to get him away, Greer argues with the referee that he’s the NHW CEO and he will fire him if he does that again. Kingdom stumbles out of the corner and Greer quickly throws him down with a Snapmare, then locks on a chinlock. The crowd sends mixed reactions as Kingdom tries to get out of it, Greer applies more pressure but Kingdom manages to get up to one knee, he gets up and punches Greer in the ribs, he hits him again and Greer breaks the hold. He punches Greer on the face numerous times then runs off the ropes, Greer goes for a Clothesline but Kingdom ducks it and jumps at the middle ropes, he leaps off with a Springboard Moonsault but Greer swiftly gets on the canvas with his knees up and Kingdom lands face-first on Greer’s knees! Kingdom holds his face as Greer gets up to his feet, Kingdom eventually gets up and Greer runs to him but Kingdom leaps up and hits him with a Dropkick. They both get up and Kingdom hits him with a Back Elbow, Greer stumbles around and Kingdom begins a punch combination on him.

Jason Kingdom then sends Matt Greer down with a forearm shot and he quickly springs back up, he sends Greer down with a Clothesline and he gets back up again but is hit with a second Clothesline. Greer gets to one knee and Kingdom drags him up, Greer then throws his arms to the side and kicks Kingdom in the abdomen, he grabs his head then drives him down with a Neckbreaker. Greer gets up while dragging Kingdom up with him, he turns him around as he grabs his waist then lifts him overhead and connects a German Suplex, he puts a bridge on for a pin but gets a 2 count. They both eventually get up and Greer grabs Kingdom’s waist, he runs towards the ropes but Kingdom holds on and Greer rolls back to his feet, Kingdom runs to him until Greer grabs his legs and sweeps him off his feet and locks on a Boston Crab! Kingdom then desperately crawls towards the ropes, Greer tries to apply pressure until Kingdom grabs the ropes and he lets go of the submission. Kingdom slowly gets back up and Greer quickly grabs his head then drags him into the centre of the ring, he jumps up while clutching at his head then drives his face onto his knees with the Full Gear! He hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Full Gear: Matt Greer

After the match, Matt Greer gets to one knee and raises his fist into the air with a smirk on his face, the crowd boos as Greer gets up to his feet and kicks Jason Kingdom out of the ring. He raises his fists into the air and celebrates while laughing to the fans, he starts to get out of the ring until suddenly Mr. Detonator walks out to a huge tremendous amount of cheer! Matt Greer quickly stops laughing and gets angry, he then calls for a microphone and grabs one as Detonator stares at him with a smile on his face.

We all know why you’re here, Detonator… You just had to arrive just after my match, didn’t you? What a coincidence. You can’t stand not having the spotlight and attempt to make me look like an idiot.
Mr. Detonator then picks up a microphone from behind the guard rails as the crowd continues to cheer for him.
Jerry Honson allowed me back into NHW and seeing as you’re the CEO, I just wanted to say hello. It’s basically the only thing I can do, to be honest, seeing as I’m not allowed to get in the ring and potentially hurt you at the moment.
Greer gets vexed as the crowd chants Detonator’s name, he shouts at them while Detonator laughs.
You think that’s funny? Nobody cares about you anymore, Detonator… I will expose you at Mount Success, to show everyone that you are nothing but a selfish, has been. I don’t respect you, whatsoever, and I’m not intimidated by you… However, I am willing to negotiate a deal.
Detonator then gets interested and folds his arms while the crowd begins to send a huge amount of heat on Greer, he looks to them with fury in his eyes and looks back to Detonator.
I am willing to put up my CEO spot, because I know, and everyone else knows for a fact, that I am the best CEO this company has ever had and will remain CEO, until I die… And if you have any guts and brains, you would put up your career… My CEO spot, for your career.
The crowd begins to cheer as Greer stares at him with a smile on his face, Detonator looks to the crowd while he thinks about the decision. He looks back at Greer as he smirks to himself.
I accept…” Detonator answers, as the crowd begins to cheer for him. Greer sadistically laughs as Detonator tries to quiet the fans.
Whoa, there. I’m not done just yet… Greer, I hope you’re watching, because you just made a big mistake… At Mount Success, when you lose your CEO spot… Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you… Matt Greer’s CEO replacement…
The crowd and Greer get confused as Detonator then points to the curtains, until Yasmin Foley walks out to a huge ovation! Greer’s jaw drops as Foley waves to the fans, Detonator raises her hand while Greer goes insane, Detonator then hands her the microphone while she smiles.
Matt Greer… At Mount Success… You’re fired!
Greer goes insane in the ring and starts shouting at the fans while they continue cheering, Detonator and Foley both laugh as they leave through the curtains. Greer gets out of the ring and starts kicking the guard rails, the fans start chanting Foley’s name while he rips off his wrist tape and throws it at the fans. He walks up to the entrance way while get furious and eventually walks through the curtains as he throws down his microphone.

Match 5:   Hocktus Vs Dino Nuo Vs Kevin Empire     (Elimination Chase To Mount Success - NHW World Championship)

The crowd starts chant for Hocktus and Kevin Empire until Dino Nuo walks out to huge boos, he makes his way down to the ring without caring what the fans say or think of him. He rolls into the ring and gets on the middle rope, he stares at the crowd booing at him while he shouts at them. Kevin Empire steps out of the curtains to cheers and looks to Nuo in the ring with a smirk on his face, he claps the fans’ hands as he walks down to ring side while Nuo gets psyched up. Empire gets in the ring and they both quickly get in each other’s faces until the referee pulls them apart. Hocktus then walks out with the crowd continuing to cheer, he raises his fist into the air while making his way down to the ring. He takes off his NHW World Championship and raises it overhead as Nuo and Empire both look to it then look back at each other with vex, Hocktus gets in the ring and places his Championship on the ring apron while looking at both Nuo and Empire.

The referee calls for the bell and Dino Nuo quickly rolls to the outside while laughing to himself as the crowd boos at him, Hocktus and Kevin Empire look to him until Empire quickly rolls Hocktus over with a Roll-up, but gets a 2 count. They both get back to their feet as Hocktus gets annoyed, Empire kicks him in the abdomen and grabs his waist, he tries to lift him up for a Powerbomb but Hocktus spins out of it and hits a Big Boot on his jaw. Empire stumbles around as Hocktus runs off the rope and hits a forearm shot on Empire, causing him to run back and off the ropes. Hocktus ducks a Clothesline and Empire suddenly leaps through the ropes onto Nuo on the outside with a Suicide Dive! The crowd cheers with excitement as Hocktus gets out of the ring and quickly picks up Nuo then throws him back into the ring, he rolls in and hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He picks Nuo back up and punches him in the jaw, Empire rolls back in the ring as Hocktus grabs Nuo’s arm, he throws him until Empire springs back up and throws him overhead with a Powerslam. Hocktus quickly grabs Empire’s head and picks him up, he goes for a punch but Empire blocks it and pushes him away, he runs to Empire but is sent down with a Big Boot to the face.

Dino Nuo rolls back to his feet and runs up to Kevin Empire, he quickly grabs his waist then lifts him overhead with a German Suplex, he bridges for a pin but gets a 2 count. They both get back up to their feet and Nuo leaps up and sends Empire down to the canvas with an Enziguri, Hocktus gets back up and Nuo walks over then punches him in the jaw, he punches him again then grabs his arm and throws him into the turnbuckle, he goes to run at him but Empire grabs his foot preventing him, Nuo then kicks in the face causing him to let go, Hocktus capitalizes and hits Nuo in the face with a Running Big Boot, he quickly hooks the leg on Nuo but gets a 2 count. Hocktus and Empire get back to their feet and look down at Nuo, they look to each other then smirk as they agree to team up. Nuo looks up and notices them both walking towards him and quickly rolls out of the ring, he laughs to himself while pointing to his head until Hocktus and Empire get out of the ring as Nuo turns around, he stops laughing and Empire tackles him down to the floor. Empire starts punching him numerous times while Hocktus begins to stomp on his ribs. They pick him up as they grab his arms, then throw him into the guard rails! The crowd cheers as Hocktus and Empire get back into the ring.

Hocktus says to Kevin Empire that he won’t fall for it again and kicks him in the abdomen, he hooks his head and goes for a DDT but Empire spins out of it and hits Hocktus with a headbutt. Empire then runs to the ropes but Hocktus quickly runs to him and hits him with a Clothesline. He drags Empire away from the ropes while hooking his head, he lifts him with a Suplex but Empire lands on his feet behind Hocktus. He lifts him up onto his shoulders and spins him off with a Reverse F-5! Empire quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Empire grabs Hocktus’ head and they both get to their feet, Empire punches him across the face and Hocktus retaliates with a punch of his own. Empire lifts his foot and hits him with a Big Boot, Hocktus again retaliates with a Big Boot of his own. They both begin to hit each other with multiple Big Boots until one to Hocktus causes him to run off the ropes then drives Empire’s back onto his knee, ready for the TigerDome! Dino Nuo quickly rolls back into the ring as Hocktus lifts Empire off his knee for the TigerDome, but Nuo springs to his feet and tackles Hocktus down with a forearm shot, Nuo then hooks Empire’s head and lifts him up while spinning him then connects the Dragon’s Emerald! He quickly hooks the leg on Empire but gets a 2 count!

Dino Nuo gets up to his feet and complains to the referee, Hocktus gets to his feet as Nuo walks over to him, Hocktus punches him in the jaw causing him to stumble to the centre of the ring. Hocktus runs to him but Nuo puts his thumb to his eye and leaps up then sends Hocktus down with a Dropkick. Kevin Empire gets to his knees as Nuo gets back up, he drags Empire up as he grabs his arm, he throws him into the turnbuckle and runs to him but Empire boots Nuo in the face. Hocktus gets back up and grabs Nuo’s waist, he lifts him up and hits a Piledriver. He gets back up to his feet until Empire runs out of the corner and boots Hocktus in the face with a Sick Kick! He hooks the leg but gets a 2 count! The crowd begins to split and chant for Hocktus and Empire as Empire gets up to one knee, Nuo also gets to one knee and they both look to each other. They get up and Nuo hits him with a forearm to the jaw, Empire retaliates with a Big Boot to the face. Nuo still stands while holding his face until he spins on the spot and connects a Rolling Elbow on Empire’s jaw. Hocktus gets back up to his feet and hits a European Uppercut on Nuo, Empire hits Hocktus with a punch and Nuo hits Empire with a forearm. Hocktus hits Nuo in the chest with a chop, Nuo steps to the side then swiftly lifts his boot and sends Empire down with a Super Kick. Hocktus then runs off the ropes and drives Nuo’s back onto his knee, he lifts him up and whiplashes him down with the TigerDome! He hooks the leg but gets a 2 count!

Hocktus gets to his knees and looks frustrated as Dino Nuo rolls to the ring apron, Empire gets to one knee as Hocktus gets back up, he walks over to him and drags Empire up to his feet while hooking his head, he tries to lift him up for a Suplex but Empire blocks it and drives his knee into Hocktus’ ribs. He lets go and Empire grabs his arm then throws him off the ropes, he quickly throws Hocktus into the air and sends his leg into his ribs with the Alarm Clock. Hocktus falls to one knee as he holds his ribs while Nuo gets back up to his feet on the ring apron, Hocktus gets up and goes for a kick but Empire catches his boot, he then drops his boot and sends him down with a Clothesline. Nuo then jumps up on the ropes and leaps off for a Springboard Clothesline until Empire suddenly leaps up and catches his head then drives him to the canvas with a mid-air DDT! The crowd goes crazy at what they just saw as Empire goes for a cover but gets a 2 count!

Kevin Empire hits the canvas in fury as Hocktus gets to one knee, Empire gets back up while the crowd continues being split sided for them both. Hocktus gets back up to his feet and they both walk up to each other, Empire signals that he will win the NHW World Championship and Hocktus signals that Empire won’t go to Mount Success. Dino Nuo gets back up while Hocktus kicks Empire in the ribs and grabs his waist, he tries to lift him up but Empire manages to lift him up overhead until Nuo catches him on his shoulder and goes for his Dragon’s Emerald! Empire then kicks Nuo in the ribs and Hocktus lands on his feet behind Nuo. Empire grabs Nuo’s waist until Hocktus quickly runs to him and drives his back onto his knee, he whiplashes back and connects the TigerDome! He springs up to his feet until Nuo swiftly lifts Hocktus up while spinning him around then slams him onto Empire with the Dragon’s Emerald! Hocktus lays on Empire causing it to be a pin and it gets the 3 count… Winners and STILL NHW World Champion via Dragon’s Emerald: Hocktus and Dino Nuo

After the match, Dino Nuo rolls out of the ring and laughs with his fists raised in the air, the crowd boos him out of the building as he quickly makes his way back to the locker room. The referee checks up on Hocktus as he slowly rolls off Kevin Empire and gets to his knees, the referee places the NHW World Championship in front of him as Empire sits up holding his ribs. Hocktus grabs his Championship and wonders what happened, Empire gets to one knee as Hocktus gets up to his feet while the crowd cheers for them both. They both eventually get to their feet and the referee explains to them what happened. Empire gets frustrated and Hocktus calms him down, the fans chants for them both until Hocktus raises Empire’s hand to the crowd and tells them to cheer for him. Empire then gets out of the ring as Hocktus points to him while telling the crowd to continue cheering for him, Empire slowly makes his way back to the locker room then turns around and raises his fist into the air as Hocktus raises his title above his head.

The Event Ends With Kevin Empire Raising His Fist Into Their Air While He Claps The Fans’ Hands, Hocktus Raises His NHW World Championship Above His Head While Points To Him. The Crowd Cheers For Them Both Until Empire Walks Through The Curtains And Hocktus Gets Out Of The Ring And Thanks The Fans At Ringside As He Makes His Way Back To The Locker Room