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Author Topic: [Show #8] Tenacious (18th, June 2011)  (Read 5830 times)


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  • The Forgotten Obscure Orgasmic Mime
[Show #8] Tenacious (18th, June 2011)
« on: December 26, 2020, 07:55:04 pm »
Match 1:   Thomas R. West Vs Matt Greer Vs Brian Michaels Vs Tyson Roders Vs Yuzuru Maeda Vs Gary Thrash Vs Baxter Raynes Vs Dan McMinalen     (Four Corners Of Justice Match)

The crowd cheers hugely as the show begins with the Four Corners Of Justice match! Brian Michaels runs to the ring while clapping the fans’ hands, Gary Thrash walks out to a mixed reaction, Matt Greer gets big heat as he walks down to the ring with “H£LP M£ R£TIR£” written on a t-shirt, he offers it to fans while a few wave money around, Greer picks a lucky fan and they exchange the items. Baxter Raynes walks out also to a mixed reaction, he raises his fists to the crowd while shouting that he will be here tomorrow night. Dan McMinalen makes his way to the ring while adjusting his belt, Tyson Roders casually walks out and argues with fans at ringside that he is a threat to everyone in the match, Yuzuru Maeda rushes to the ring and slides in, he quickly tackles McMinalen out of the ring. Suddenly, everyone else decides to follow pursuit and a brawl begins. The lights quickly go out as Thomas R. West slowly makes his way down to the ring while the fans begin to cheer, Greer turns around with a nervous look on his face until West swiftly hits the Quick Draw sending him down!

Gary Thrash grabs Brian Michaels and throws him into the guard rail, Tyson Roders slides into the ring and goes to the nearest briefcase, Baxter Raynes rolls in and sends him down with an elbow to the head. Thomas R. West grabs Thrash’s waist and hits a Sidewalk Slam on the outside, Yuzuru Maeda and Dan McMinalen continue to punch each other’s head while Baxter picks Tyson up and throws him into the turnbuckle, he runs to him but Tyson quickly lifts his foot and boots Baxter in the jaw. Tyson then attempts to go for a briefcase but Baxter runs again to him and hits a Corner Body Splash on his back, sending him down. West gets into the ring and sends Baxter down with a Big Boot, Brian picks Thrash up and throws him into the ring, he walks over to Maeda and McMinalen while they still fight each other. Brian then kicks Maeda’s head and picks McMinalen up, he then throws him into the ring post. Maeda crawls to the ring apron until Brian lifts him up and throws him into the ring.

Thomas R. West quickly drags Brian Michaels into the ring and sends him down with a vicious Clothesline, Baxter Raynes gets to his feet while Tyson Roders springs up and sends West into the ropes with a Dropkick. Baxter jumps up and hits a Knee Drop on Yuzuru Maeda’s back, West then sends Baxter to the outside with a Clothesline over the top rope, Tyson runs to Thrash but gets caught, Thrash throws him over and connects his T-Bone Suplex! Maeda gets up holding his back until Brian hooks his head, he lifts him up and spins him in the air then connects his Spinning Perfect-Plex! Dan McMinalen suddenly rolls into the ring and hooks Brian’s arms, he spins him around and connects the BioBip! McMinalen, Thrash and West then stare at each other until they then lock eyes on the same briefcase. All three then run to it and try and grab it, Dan applies a Sleeper Hold on West while Thrash goes to grab the briefcase but Dan then kicks him in the abdomen, West tries to get Dan off but Thrash then elbows Dan on the head breaking the Sleeper Hold.

Dan McMinalen stumbles back holding his jaw until Gary Thrash runs at him but gets thrown overhead with a Powerslam, Thomas R. West then lifts his foot and sends McMinalen down to the canvas with a Quick Draw! Matt Greer then sneakily gets into the ring then clutches at West’s head and connects the Full Gear! He gets to his feet and arrogant smirks to the fans and locks his eyes on the briefcase, he walks over to it until Baxter Raynes rolls into the ring and turns Greer around, he turns on the spot and sends Greer down onto his head with the Discus Clothesline! Baxter then walks over to the briefcase and retrieves it… Winner of the FIRST briefcase: Baxter Raynes

Tyson Roders suddenly begins to get up as the crowd sends a mixed reaction towards Baxter Raynes, Yuzuru Maeda gets to his knees and they both stare at each other. They get up to their feet until Maeda throws Tyson down with a Headscissors Takedown, he rolls through but Maeda runs to him, Tyson then catches him and throws him into the air and slams him off his knee with a Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker. He throws Maeda off his knee and walks over to a briefcase, Maeda then spins on the canvas and trips Tyson up, he picks Tyson up and starts punching at his head, suddenly Brian Michaels runs to the turnbuckle and jumps up, he then leaps off and connects a Diving Moonsault onto both Tyson and Maeda. The crowd cheers for Brian while Dan McMinalen gets back to his feet, he picks Brian up and hooks his arms again, he spins him around until Brian leaps up and sends him down with a Hurricanrana. Brian gets to his feet and walks to the briefcase, Gary Thrash then grabs Brian’s foot as Brian tries to get him off.

Matt Greer then springs to his feet and grabs Brian Michaels’ back, he lifts him up and connects a Back Drop while landing on Gary Thrash! Greer gets to his feet and walks to a briefcase but notices Thomas R. West trying to get up, Greer then angrily looks and walks over to him, he picks him up into the corner and punches him in the face but West then shoves his face away, Greer then runs to him but West lifts him up and throws him over but Greer lands on his feet on the apron, West then hits a back elbow shot on his jaw but still holds on. Yuzuru Maeda then runs to West and goes for a Running Shoulder Barge but West grabs his throat, Tyson Roders then cheers and claps him on until West also grabs his throat, he lifts them both up and sends them down with a Double Choke Slam! Greer then goes to grab the briefcase but West quickly gets on the ring apron next to him. They stare at each other until Greer goes for a kick but West catches his boot.

Thomas R. West throws his boot down and goes for a Big Boot, but Matt Greer catches him and throws him up which causes West to get caught on the top turnbuckle. Gary Thrash gets up and drags Greer back into the ring, Greer then rakes his eyes and goes to grab the briefcase until West grabs the briefcase aswell. He then sends a chilling stare at him until he knees Greer in the face causing him to let go as West then retrieves the briefcase… Winner of the SECOND briefcase: Thomas R. West

Matt Greer then turns around to Thomas R. West until West leaps off but Greer then puts Gary Thrash in his place and gets hit with the Foot Branding! Matt Greer quickly rolls out of the ring in safety as Gary Thrash falls to the outside holding his head. Brian Michaels gets to his feet and walks over to Tyson Roders, he picks him up and punches him in the jaw, he hooks his head and lifts him up into the air until Tyson lands on his feet behind Brian, he grabs Brian’s waist and lifts him up overhead and connects a German Suplex. Tyson rolls to his feet while Dan McMinalen gets to his feet, Tyson looks to him as Dan says they should team-up against Brian, Tyson accepts and they both pick him up. Tyson hits an Atomic Drop on Brian but still has hold of him, Dan runs off the ropes and lifts his foot but instead kicks Tyson in the back of the head, sending him down. Dan then shouts in his face to “never trust a Dragon’s Nest member!”, Greer then rolls into the ring but Yuzuru Maeda springs back up and sends Greer down with a Drop Toe Hold into the ropes. Maeda gets back to his feet again as Dan turns around, they lock eyes and Yuzuru throws Dan into the ropes, Yuzuru then quickly grabs Dan’s head and whiplashes him down with an MDKO.

Yuzuru Maeda then rolls to the ring apron and begins to climb the turnbuckle, Tyson Roders then gets to his feet on the ring apron and swiftly lifts his foot and hits a Super Kick onto Maeda’s jaw, sending him to the outside! Tyson then manages to retrieve the briefcase… Winner of the THIRD briefcase: Tyson Roders

Brian Michaels gets to his feet while Gary Thrash rolls back into the ring, Brian then picks him up and kicks him in the abdomen, he grabs his waist and goes for a Gutwrench Suplex, but Thrash elbows him in the back and lifts him up then slams him down with a Powerbomb. Thrash then picks Dan McMinalen up, he turns him around and grabs his head, he goes for a Russian Leg Sweep but Dan rolls him forward, they get back to their feet and Dan lifts him up overhead then connects a Michinoku Driver! McMinalen gets to his feet and walks over to the briefcase, Yuzuru Maeda suddenly gets in the ring and sends Dan down with a Spear. Maeda then punches at his head while Matt Greer gets to his feet, he picks Brian and kicks him in the abdomen. Thrash gets to one knee while Dan throws Maeda off and they both roll to their feet, all five remaining men then look at the last briefcase and look to each other.

They all then suddenly run to the briefcase trying to grab it, Brian Michaels hits an elbow shot on Gary Thrash’s back, Yuzuru Maeda sends his knee into Dan McMinalen’s abdomen. Matt Greer goes to grab the briefcase but Brian grabs his head and pulls him away. Brian and Yuzuru then hook Greer’s head and lift him up, they then throw him abdomen-first onto the ropes. Dan then sends Yuzuru into the corner with a tackle, he grabs Maeda’s back and lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle, Dan turns around and Thrash sends him to the outside with a Clothesline over the top rope, Brian then takes a step back and sends Thrash to the outside with a Super Kick. Brian then pumps himself up and runs off the ropes, he then jumps out between the ropes and hits a Suicide Dive onto Dan and Thrash, laying all three men out! Maeda then looks around on the turnbuckle as the crowd cheers him on, he begins to stand up on the turnbuckle trying to reach for the briefcase, he touches it until Greer suddenly throws Maeda’s leg away and crotches him on the turnbuckle, Maeda then gets stuck in a Tree Of Woe while he desperately tries to stop Greer but is too late as Greer retrieves the briefcase… Winner of the FOURTH briefcase: Matt Greer

After the match, Baxter Raynes, Thomas R. West and Tyson Roders return to the ring with Jerry Honson. Honson grabs a microphone and congratulates the four briefcase holders, he then says they will open them in order of winning them… Baxter Raynes opens his briefcase and receives a Tag Team Championship match, he raises the contract in the air while the crowd sends him mixed reactions. Thomas R. West opens his briefcase and receives a Yasmin Foley contract, he stares angrily at the contract while Matt Greer laughs at him. Tyson Roders opens his briefcase and receives a NHW World Championship match, he looks at the contract with a shocked face as if he’s about to cry of happiness, he kisses the contract while Matt Greer still looks at West but the laugh slowly stops as he opens his briefcase without looking, he receives a Yasmin Foley contract. Thomas R. West then walks up to him with a sadistic smirk on his face, he then slides his thumb across his throat while Greer looks like he’s seen a ghost.

Match 2:   Kevin Empire Vs David Zutos

The crowd begins to cheer as David Zutos walks out while pumping the crowd up, he greets the fans before eventually getting into the ring, he gets on the turnbuckle and raises his fist to the cheering crowd. The cheers then get shuffled with a mixed reaction as Kevin Empire makes his way to the ring, he looks to the crowd with a smirk on his face as the crowd both cheer and sends him heat, he rolls into the ring and looks to Zutos.

The referee calls for the bell and David Zutos offers a tie-up, just as Kevin Empire goes to accept, Zutos then quickly grabs his hand and goes behind him, he then trips Empire onto his face and locks on a Half Crab. Empire quickly grabs the bottom rope and Zutos releases the hold, Zutos laughs while Empire gets to his feet. They both run to each other until Empire grabs his waist and lifts him up then slams him onto his knee with a Gutbuster, Zutos holds his abdomen until Empire begins to stomp on his ribs, Zutos then catches a stomp and throws his leg. Zutos gets to his feet while Empire begins to mock Zutos’ previous injuries at Dragon Trial, Zutos quickly runs to him until Empire sends him down with a Big Boot. Empire goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. He grabs Zutos’ head and lifts him up, he then sends a chop into his chest which causes him to fall to the turnbuckle, Empire then throws him into the opposite and runs at him, Zutos moves out of the way and Empire slams into the turnbuckle.

David Zutos then runs off the ropes and sends Kevin Empire to the canvas with a Clothesline. He hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Zutos then picks him up, he hits him in the neck with an elbow and leans him on the ropes, Zutos then climbs to the second turnbuckle and kicks Empire on the back, Empire stumbles to the centre as Zutos leaps off and hits a Double Axe Handle on the back of Empire’s neck! He falls to his knees holding his neck while Zutos stares at him, he kicks Empire down to the canvas and applies a second Half Crab. Empire tries to grab the rope but is too far away, Zutos applies more pressure while the crowd begins to chant “Tap!”. Empire tries desperately to crawl as Zutos tries to wrench more pressure, Empire then grabs Zutos’ leg and tries to push him off, Zutos tries to kick his arm but Empire manages to get Zutos off the submission. Empire then kicks Zutos away and he runs off the ropes, Zutos runs to him until Empire catches and rolls him over with a Small Package, but gets a 2 count.

They roll to their feet while Empire struggles to his, Zutos notices and laughs at him, he then mocks his injury as Empire looks to him with furious eyes. They walk to each other until Zutos sends a chop to his chest, Empire then retaliates with a chop of his own, they then begin to exchange chops to one another. The crowd cheers on as Zutos gets the upper hand, Zutos then slaps him across the face and runs off the ropes, Empire then catches him and throws him into the air, he then kicks him with the bad leg connecting the Alarm Clock. Empire quickly goes to one knee holding his leg until Zutos runs off the ropes and connects a Jumping Knee sending him to the canvas, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count as Zutos sits him up. Zutos then smirks as he picks Empire back up, he hits an elbow shot to the back of his neck and runs off the ropes, Empire manages to catch his waist and lifts him up, he then drives him down with a Dominator. Empire falls to the canvas and cannot capitalize as he holds his leg and neck on the canvas.

Kevin Empire then gets to one knee and picks David Zutos back up, he hops on one leg as he slaps Zutos in the face, Zutos then wakes up and slaps Empire even harder which causes him to turn around. Zutos then quickly hooks his arms and connects the Zutosphere, but gets a 2 count! Zutos then grabs Empire and begins to pick him up, Empire then quickly lifts Zutos on his shoulders with a Fireman’s Carry, he then lifts him up and hits a Double Knee Gutbuster on Zutos, he stays on his knees while holding his ribs as Empire quickly gets to his feet, he runs off the ropes and connects the Sick Kick! Empire however, holds his leg from the early attack and cannot go for a cover, he eventually crawls over to him and places his hand on his chest for a pin but gets a 2 count! Empire then grabs Zutos’ head and picks him up, he grabs his waist and lifts him up onto his shoulder, he hooks his arms and then drives him down abdomen-first with a Blitzen! Empire rolls him over and hooks the leg and gets the 3 count… Winner via Blitzen: Kevin Empire

The camera shows Ian Shane looking at Devlyn, who has his arms crossed while security guards are standing behind him. Devlyn then asks him if he’s scared, Shane replies that Devlyn must be proud to be a coward who needs security guards to solve his problems. Devlyn sarcastically laughs and tells him that this is for his own good, he won’t let anyone ruin his big moment tomorrow night when he becomes the NHW ICON Wildcard and prove that he is better than either Josh Stone, Dr. Numbre Jr. and the entire NHW roster. Ian Shane asks if he’s kidding and says that Devlyn is nothing more than a failure in the wrestling business, he says he will prove that statement and challenges him to a match at the next show. Devlyn happily accepts and tells the security guards to take him away, they follow his orders as Shane angrily smirks.

Match 3:   Fire Stadium (Ed And Tony Fire) Vs The Canadian Storm (Al Orb And Overboard)     (NHW Tag Team Championships)

The Canadian Storm makes their way to the ring while taunting to the booing crowd, Overboard shouts to the ringside crowd that they will be here tomorrow night. They get into the ring and wait for their opponents while warming up. The crowd then cheers and chants as Fire Stadium run to the ring and slide in, they quickly takes off their titles and we now have a tag team brawl!

Tony Fire manages to Clothesline Al Orb to the outside while Overboard sends Ed Fire to the outside with a Back Body Drop, Tony then begins to punch at Overboard until he blocks a punch attempt and punches Tony on the jaw, he runs at him sends Tony down with a Spear. He quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Ed and Orb begin to make their ways to their respective corners as Overboard picks Tony back up, he knees him in the abdomen and lifts him up overhead then sends him down with a Body Slam. He drags him across the canvas and tags in Orb, Orb kicks Tony in the back and begins to pick him up, he throws him off the ropes and grabs his waist then slams him down with a Sidewalk Slam, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Orb gets to his feet and runs to Ed and punches him off the apron, Orb begins to stomp on Tony’s abdomen as Ed tries to get into the ring but the referee stops him, Overboard quickly gets in and The Canadian Storm begin to assault Tony.

The Canadian Storm picks Tony Fire up and hooks his head, they then hit a Double DDT as Ed Fire tries to tell the referee what’s going on. Overboard quickly rolls to the ring apron as the referee turns around and the match continues as normal, Orb goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. He sits Tony up and drives his knee into his back, Orb then clutches at his jaw and puts on a Chinlock, Tony tries to get out of it while Ed tries to get the crowd behind him. Tony then gets to one knee as Orb tries to apply more pressure, Tony gets to his feet until Orb throws him down to the canvas and jumps up for an Elbow Drop but Tony rolls out of the way. Orb holds his elbow and quickly tags Overboard in, Tony extends his hand to Ed until Overboard runs and hits Ed off the ring apron. Overboard then picks Tony up and grabs his waist, he lifts him up and slams him off his knee with a Backbreaker, he hooks the leg and gets a 2 count. Ed springs back up onto the apron and tries to get in while the referee stops him once again.

Overboard picks Tony Fire up to his feet and hooks his arms, Al Orb gets into the ring and runs off the ropes, he goes for a Clothesline but Tony gets out of the way and Orb accidentally hits Overboard with the Clothesline. Tony then springs to the corner and tags Ed Fire in! Ed jumps over the ropes and punches Orb down to the canvas, Overboard gets up but gets sent back down with a Back Elbow to the jaw, he picks Orb up and Dropkicks him into the ropes, Overboard towards him but Ed moves out of the way and Overboard accidentally knocks Orb out of the ring with a Double Axe Handle. Ed runs off the ropes as Overboard turns around and sends him down with a Leg Lariat, Tony suddenly gets to his feet and runs towards the ropes then dives through them onto Orb with a Suicide Dive! Ed hooks the leg on Overboard, but gets a 2 count. Ed picks Overboard up to his feet and grabs his waist, he lifts him up and sends him down with a Back Drop, he rolls to his feet and runs off the ropes, he then jumps in the air and connects a Somersault Leg Drop on the back of Overboard’s neck.

Ed Fire rolls him over and hooks the leg, but gets a 2 count. Tony Fire gets back on the ring apron as Ed drags Overboard to the corner and tags Tony in, Tony climbs up the turnbuckle as Overboard gets to one knee, Tony leaps off and connects a Missile Dropkick. He crawls for a cover but gets a 2 count. He gets back to his feet while Al Orb shouts at Tony, he walks over and Orb takes hold of Tony’s head and hits a Guillotine across the ropes. Tony falls to the canvas holding his throat and Overboard tags Orb in, Orb then runs and hits an Elbow Drop on Tony, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Orb then gets to his feet and walks to Ed and spits at him, the crowd sends a tremendous amount of boos towards Orb until Ed rapidly gets into the ring and tackles Orb down and starts to punch furiously at him, the referee tries to stop him until Overboard gets in and tackles Ed to the canvas, Tony gets up and hooks Overboard’s head, he lifts him up overhead and connects a Reverse Suplex.

Al Orb gets back up to his feet and quickly grabs hold of Tony Fire’s waist and throws him overhead with a German Suplex. Ed Fire gets to his feet as Orb gets to one knee and Ed viciously headbutts Orb’s head, he then starts to send forearm shots to Orb’s jaw and spins on the spot then kicks him in the abdomen with a Spinning Back Kick. Ed then places his leg on Orb’s head and grabs his arm, he signals for the Overdrive until Overboard swiftly sends Ed down with a Super Kick! Tony gets to one knee as Overboard walks towards him until Tony quickly grabs hold of Overboard’s head and whiplashes him down with a Neckbreaker. Tony rolls to his feet and runs towards Orb until he trips Tony up, he wraps his legs around and locks on the Sharpshooter! The referee notices that they are the legal men and checks on Tony, he tries to crawl for the ropes while shouting in pain as Orb applies more pressure.

Tony Fire suddenly raises his hand as if he’s going to tap while Al Orb leans back for more pressure until Ed Fire gets to his feet and runs off the ropes, he leaps up and over Orb while grabbing his head and breaks up the submission with a Jumping Neck Snap! Overboard manages to get to his feet until Ed runs to him and sends them both over the top rope to the outside, Orb holds his neck as Tony tries to get to his feet. Tony grabs the middle rope and pulls himself up while Orb gets to one knee, Tony then hooks Orb’s head and spins his elbow onto Orb’s head with the Eye Of The Fire, Tony then hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winners and STILL NHW Tag Team Champions via Eye Of The Fire: Fire Stadium

We see the camera panning across a hospital room and we see Luke Sensus sitting on a bed with a cast on his leg, recovering from injury. He’s leaning on the bed pillow while looking out of the window until he looks to the side and stares into the camera.
Since day one, I’ve been injured… I’ve been in-and-out of this hospital numerous times, it’s made my life a living hell. However, last month, something made me a very happy man which boosted my motivation for recovery.” Luke then slowly rolls to the side of the bed and looks to the camera with confidence.
I am also not the only happy man since last month, the man who I will become a tag team with is Essa Enemigo and together, we will become one of the best tag teams in this business, since The Road Warriors!
Essa Enemigo then walks into the hospital room and greets Luke, he then notices the camera and smirks into the lens.
You know what, this guy is right and you know why? The Road Warriors will be nothing compared to us, when we make our triumphant debut.” Essa then helps Luke up on his feet while Luke arrogantly smirks to the camera.
Para todos los equipos de etiquetas en blancos no hispanos, es mejor que ver su espalda, porque cuando llegamos ... Usted serátestigo de todo el dominio Sensus.” They both high five each other and Essa walks out of the hospital room while Luke manages to walk over to the window and look into the sunny sky as he laughs to himself.

Match 4:   Kei Otonashi Vs Tony Spike

Tony Spike walks out of the curtains to the booing crowd, he walks to the ring while laughing like a maniac to himself. He gets into the ring and stares with a deranged look in his eye. Kei Otonashi makes his way down to the ring and pumps the ringside crowd up, he slides into the ring and shouts at Spike.

They both walk to the centre of the ring until Kei Otonashi quickly throws Tony Spike overhead with a Japanese Arm Drag, they both roll to their feet and Spike sends Kei down with a Dropkick. They both get to their feet then Kei leaps up and wraps his legs around Spike’s head and throws him down with a Headscissors Takedown, they roll to their feet once again and Spike grabs Kei’s waist and throws him up with a Tilt-a-whirl but Kei lands on his feet, he quickly steps in the side and sends Spike down with a Super Kick! He hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Kei then sits him up and starts to hit him on the back of his neck with forearm shots, Spike rolls to the side and gets to one knee. Spike then gets to his feet and runs at Kei, he jumps up and sends him down with a Spinning Heel Kick. Spike goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Spike sits him up and hooks his head, locking on a Dragon Sleeper. Kei tries to get out of it but Spike applies more pressure, Kei then lifts his leg and knees Spike on the head, he breaks up the submission as Kei gets back to his feet.

Kei Otonashi then runs off the ropes, but Tony Spike quickly gets to his feet and ducks a Clothesline. He also runs off the ropes until Kei leaps up and sends Spike down with a Crossbody, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Kei then rolls Spike over and gets up, he jumps up and hits a Leg Drop on the back of Spike’s neck. He picks Spike up to his feet and lifts him onto his shoulder, he runs to the turnbuckle but Spike lands on his feet behind Kei, Spike then hooks Kei’s head and slams him down with a Reverse DDT. He holds the back of his neck while going for a cover on Kei, but gets a 2 count. Spike picks him up and punches him in the jaw, he punches him again and runs off the ropes, Kei then hits a Spinning Back Kick on Spike’s abdomen, Kei then runs off the ropes until Spike grabs his waist and lifts him up into the air, he then leaps up and drives Kei’s head down with a Reverse Piledriver! He hooks the leg but gets a 2 count.

Tony Spike quickly picks him up and kicks him in the abdomen, Spike grabs Kei Otonashi’s waist and lifts him up into the air, he takes hold of his arms and goes for his Insanity’s Edge, but Kei manages to get free and land on his feet behind Spike. He then steps to the side and hits a Super Kick on the back on Spike’s neck, he spins Spike around and lifts him up onto his shoulders, he runs and spins Spike down to the canvas with the Infinite XP! Kei quickly hooks the leg but Spike puts his foot on the bottom rope at 2. The crowd heavily boos until Kei fires himself up to crowd cheers, he grabs Tony’s head and pulls him up to his feet, he kicks him in the abdomen and hooks both of his arms, Kei then goes for a Tiger Bomb but Spike manages to spin out of it and kick Kei in the abdomen, he grabs his waist and lifts him into the air, Spike takes hold of his arms then drives him down onto the canvas with the Insanity’s Edge, he hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Insanity’s Edge: Tony Spike

Paper Cut is seen walking down a backstage corridor until he stops as Chad Dayfield casually walks towards him with an angered expression. Cut asks him what he wants and Chad says he knows exactly what he wants and he will get it, one way or another and that’s respect. Cut tells him that he’s done nothing to deserve respect, Chad then smirks at him and says that he may have been eliminated by him at Leading Souls and embarrassed in front of the entire arena, but he will return the favor and will show him what a “backyarder” can do to embarrass him. Chad walks away as Cut stares at him while cracking his knuckles, in fury.

Match 5:   Josh Stone Vs Dr. Numbre Jr.     (NHW ICON Wildcard Spot)

Josh Stone makes his way out to the ring wearing sunglasses, he fist pumps as he gets into the ring and taunts to the crowd. The crowd suddenly runs to the guard rail as Dr. Numbre Jr. flails out of the entrance curtain, he runs to the ring but randomly makes his way back up the entrance, he then turns around and runs to the ring. He rolls into the ring and begins to flop around, he gets to his feet while looking at Stone.

Josh Stone quickly grabs Dr. Numbre Jr.’s head and throws him over with a Headlock Takedown, Numbre Jr. tries to get him off but Stone wrenches at his head while he gets to one knee, he then throws him over again with a second Headlock Takedown. Stone then picks him up still locked onto the head, he goes for a third Headlock Takedown but Numbre Jr. lifts him up into the hair and connects an Atomic Drop, Stone immediately lets go and stumbles to the centre of the ring, Numbre Jr. then grabs hold of Stone’s waist and lifts him up then slams him down with a Back Drop, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Numbre Jr. then quickly gets up to his feet and chases the referee around the ring while shouting “NO!”. Numbre Jr. then runs and stomps Stone on the face, he begins to get up until Numbre Jr. pulls him up to his feet, he throws him into the corner and runs to him with a Clothesline, Stone then catches him and connects a Samoan Slam.

Josh Stone gets back up to his feet and looks to the crowd, which is cheering for both men. He picks Dr. Numbre Jr. up and grabs his waist, he lifts up overhead and connects a Gutwrench Suplex, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Numbre Jr. begins to squirm around on the canvas until Stone picks him up, he punches him in the face which causes Numbre Jr. to fall into the turnbuckle, Stone then connects a second punch and taunts in his face. Stone goes for a third punch but Numbre Jr. ducks it and grabs his head, he runs to the centre and hits a Bulldog on Stone. Numbre Jr. rolls to his feet and climbs up the second turnbuckle, he then salutes and dives off but Stone gets out of the way, causing Numbre Jr. to headbutt the canvas. Numbre Jr. then quickly gets back to his feet but falls back down onto the canvas.

Josh Stone gets to his feet and drags Dr. Numbre Jr. up to his, he then hooks his leg and spins him around for the Cool Driver but Numbre Jr. spins out of it and rolls Stone overhead with a Small Package, but it gets a 2 count! They both quickly get up to their feet, Numbre Jr. runs to him until Stone quickly grabs his head for a Stone Showcase, but Numbre Jr. manages to throw him off the ropes. Numbre Jr. then quickly grabs Stone’s head and his own Stone Showcase! The crowd begins to cheer as Numbre Jr. crawls to the cover while shouting “ME!”, but gets a 2 count. He gets to his knees and rubs his mask at the referee, he gets to his feet and picks Stone back up, he throws him off the ropes until Stone leaps up and hits a Flying Uppercut. They both get back up to their feet and Stone quickly hooks Numbre Jr.’s arms, he whiplashes back and connects a Double Arm DDT. Still hooking onto his arms, Stone then rolls through with it onto his feet and spins round to the canvas and connects the Cool Driver! He rolls him over and hooks the leg and gets the 3 count… Winner and STILL NHW ICON Wildcard via Cool Driver: Josh Stone

Match 6:   Hawk Knight Vs Corvo

The crowd cheers as Hawk Knight makes his way to the ring, he raises his fists to the crowd before getting into the ring. Corvo walks out to heat from the crowd while wearing his signature t-shirt, he argues with the ringside crowd while getting into the ring. They both stare at each other while Hawk taunts at him while saying: “The Charlie Sheen of Professional Idiocy.”

Corvo then runs towards him until Hawk Knight leaps up and throws Corvo over with a Hurricanrana, they both roll back up to their feet until Corvo sends him down with a Kitchen Sink to the ribs. Corvo then picks him up to his feet and punches him in the jaw, he punches him a second time until Hawk begins to punch him, Hawk then blocks a punch attempt and kicks Corvo in the abdomen. He then runs off the ropes but Corvo kicks him in the ribs once again, he hooks his head and tries to lift him up, Hawk then knees Corvo in the head and lands on his feet, he lifts Corvo up himself then drives his head into the canvas with a Brainbuster. He goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Hawk crawls to the ring apron and gets to his feet, he begins to climb the turnbuckle, Corvo suddenly springs to his feet and runs up the turnbuckle, he quickly grabs hold of Hawk’s waist and throws him off with a Super Belly-to-belly Suplex! The crowd cheers at what they just saw while Corvo crawls for a cover, he places his hand on Hawk’s chest for a pin but gets a 2 count.

Corvo gets to one knee and looks down at Hawk Knight with anger in his eyes, he then grabs his head and starts punching at his jaw, Hawk rolls to the side and they get to their feet, they then run to each other and they begin to brawl with punches to the face! Hawk then manages to punch Corvo away until Corvo sends his thumb to Hawk’s eye to heat from the crowd, Corvo then grabs Hawk’s shoulder and goes behind him, he grabs his thigh and lifts him up into the air then slams him down with his Reverse Body Slam. Corvo then kicks him in the ribs and begins to pick him up, Hawk manages to throw his arms to the side and retreats into the turnbuckle. Corvo then laughs and runs to the turnbuckle, he leaps up but Hawk moves out of the way and Corvo hits his knee into the top turnbuckle, Hawk then quickly climbs up then turnbuckle and hooks Corvo’s head, he then jumps up and drives Corvo’s head into the canvas with a Super Reverse DDT! The crowd is going nuts as Hawk hooks the leg, but gets a 2 count!

Hawk Knight then gets to one knee while checking for blood on his mouth from the earlier attacks, he grabs Corvo’s head and begins to pick him up, he then shouts to the crowd while lifting Corvo up on his shoulders, he goes for the Knight Of Amazement until Corvo lands behind him on his feet, he then leaps up and hits an Enziguri. Hawk stumbles to the centre as Corvo rolls to his feet, he runs off the ropes and places his knee onto Hawk’s face then connects the Knee Facebuster. Corvo quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He argues with the referee that it was a 3 count, he gets to his feet and picks Hawk up, he hooks both of his arms and elevates him on his knees, Corvo then spins him off and goes for his D.L.S but Hawk manages to spin around Corvo’s back and connects the Crucifix Bomb! He still holds on for a pin but gets a 2 count! Hawk asks the referee if it was a 3 count and gets anxious, he gets to his feet and picks Corvo up, he hits him on the jaw with a forearm until Corvo retaliates with a forearm of his own. Hawk goes for a forearm but Corvo then kicks him in the abdomen, he throws Hawk into the ropes until Hawk jumps up and off the middle rope and connects a Springboard Crossbody onto Corvo!

Hawk Knight rolls to his feet and begins to pick Corvo up, he taunts to the crowd and runs off the ropes, he jumps up for a Hurricanrana but Corvo counters with a Powerbomb, Corvo hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Corvo shouts in anger until he picks Hawk back up to his feet, he kicks him in the abdomen and grabs his waist, he lifts him up onto his shoulders until Hawk spins around and rolls Corvo over with a Victory Roll, but gets a 2 count! They both get back up to their feet as Hawk runs towards him but Corvo sends him back down with a Clothesline to the face! Corvo quickly picks him back up and hooks his arms, he elevates him on his knees and swiftly spins him off and drives his face to the canvas with his D.L.S, he goes for a cover and it gets the 3 count… Winner via D.L.S: Corvo

After the match, Corvo stares to the booing crowd until David Zutos makes his way out to the ring, he helps Hawk Knight out of the ring as Corvo notices and locks eyes with him. The crowd begins to cheer as Zutos helps Hawk back to the locker room while Corvo smirks at him.

Match 7:   Hocktus Vs Dino Nuo     (NHW World Championship)

Dino Nuo steps out of the curtains to a huge amount of heat, The Dragon’s Nest step out and stand beside him, Nuo then mysteriously tells them to go back, Dan McMinalen looks at him confused while Tony Spike continues to laugh to himself. Nuo then makes his way to the ring while McMinalen and Spike make their way back to the locker room as McMinalen stares at Nuo with a puzzled look on his face. Hocktus then walks out and throws his fist into the air as the crowd chants his name, he walks to the ring while taking of his NHW World Championship and raises it to the cheering crowd. He rolls into the ring and looks around himself looking out for The Dragon’s Nest but Nuo strangely tells him they aren’t going to be here at all in the match.

The referee calls for the bell and they both lockup, Dino Nuo overpowers Hocktus and sends him into the ropes, Hocktus then sends Nuo into the turnbuckle and begins to overpower him, the referee then calls for a break and they do, Nuo then drives his knee into Hocktus’ ribs and pulls him to the centre of the ring. He hooks his head and drives his head down with a DDT, he rolls him over and quickly hooks the leg, but gets a 2 count. Nuo then rolls Hocktus over and slaps him on the back of his head, Hocktus looks up angrily at Nuo as he gets to one knee. They then stare at each other face to face and begin to exchange elbow shots to their jaws, Hocktus then blocks and elbow and punches Nuo in the abdomen, he then kicks him the abdomen and hooks his head, he lifts Nuo up into the air and slams him down with a Suplex, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Hocktus then picks Nuo back up and runs off the ropes, he goes for a Big Boot but Nuo ducks and runs off the ropes himself, he then jumps in the air and boots Hocktus in the face sending him down with a Running Calf Kick.

Dino Nuo gets to one knee and taunts to the booing crowd, he grabs Hocktus’ head and picks him up, he punches him in the face and Hocktus retaliates with one of his own, Nuo then sends Hocktus a headbutt until he retaliates again with one of own, Nuo then jumps up with a Dropkick but Hocktus throws his legs away, Nuo quickly gets back to his feet until Hocktus jumps up and boots Nuo down to the canvas with a Dropkick of his own. Nuo rolls to his feet as Hocktus runs to him, Nuo then quickly catches him and drives him down to the canvas with a Spinebuster, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Nuo picks Hocktus back up and runs off the ropes with a Big Boot to the face, Hocktus stays on his feet and stumbles, Nuo again runs off the ropes and hits a second Big Boot to his face, Hocktus still stays on his feet almost falling down, Nuo runs off the ropes a third time but Hocktus manages to lift him onto his shoulders, he spins around on the spot and then connects a Death Valley Driver on Nuo!

Hocktus holds his face while trying to capitalize, he then rolls to the ring apron and gets to his feet, Hocktus begins to climb the turnbuckle while Dino Nuo gets to one knee. Hocktus gets to the top rope until Nuo manages to throw his leg to the side and Hocktus gets crotched, Nuo climbs up the turnbuckle and headbutts Hocktus then begins to lift him up, he hooks his head and suddenly leaps off the turnbuckle and connects a Super Bulldog! The crowd goes insane as Nuo somehow manages to get to his feet, he begins to pick Hocktus up and pulls him into the centre of the ring. Nuo then runs off the ropes and slams Hocktus off his knee, he whiplashes him face-first onto the canvas with his own TigerDome! Nuo quickly hooks the leg and gets a 2 count! Nuo then looks to the referee with a shocked face and argues that it was a 3 count. He picks Hocktus back up and throws him into the turnbuckle, he runs and jumps at him while hitting a Corner Forearm Smash on his jaw. He throws him onto the canvas while looking to the crowd, while they cheer for both men turning into a mixed reaction.

Dino Nuo grabs Hocktus’ head and picks him up, Hocktus then suddenly punches Nuo in the face causing him to stumble to the side, Nuo then drives his knee into Hocktus’ ribs and lifts him up on his shoulder, Hocktus then falls behind him on his feet and hooks his waist, he throws him overhead with a Release German Suplex! Nuo holds his back as Hocktus begins to get up, they both get up and Nuo swings at him with a Clothesline but Hocktus ducks and trips Nuo up, he grabs hold of Nuo’s legs and lifts his legs in the air while Nuo’s faces the canvas, he tries to beg Hocktus until he quickly connects the Cloverleaf Backbreaker! Nuo shouts in pain as Hocktus quickly goes for a cover, but gets a 2 count. Hocktus quickly picks him up and hooks his head, he lifts him up and spins him in midair before slamming down with his own Dragon’s Emerald! Hocktus hooks the leg and gets another 2 count! The crowd continues to cheer for both men while Nuo tries to crawl away to safety.

Hocktus frustratingly picks Dino Nuo up to his feet and throws him into the turnbuckle, Hocktus then climbs up the turnbuckle while holding Nuo’s head, he then begins to drag Nuo up to the turnbuckle. Hocktus then grabs hold of Nuo’s waist and lifts him up in the air and leaps off the turnbuckle, connecting a Super Powerbomb! The crowd goes nuts while the referee checks up on Nuo to see how his back is. Hocktus anxiously gets to his feet and pulls Nuo back up, he hooks his head and shouts as he lifts him up overhead while spinning him in the air and slams him down with another Dragon’s Emerald of his own, he hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner and STILL NHW World Champion via Dragon’s Emerald: Hocktus

After the match, Hocktus eventually sits up and is given his NHW World Championship, the crowd claps at what they just witnessed as Hocktus raises his fist and NHW World Championship to the crowd. The referee helps Dino Nuo out of the ring until Dan McMinalen and Tony Spike walk out and shoves the referee away, they help Dino Nuo to the locker room while Nuo looks at Hocktus in the ring celebrating the win.

The Event Ends With The Dragon’s Nest Helping Out Their Leader, Dino Nuo To The Locker Room While Hocktus Raises The NHW World Championship To The Cheering Crowd