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Author Topic: [Show #17] Desperation (27th, November 2011)  (Read 6328 times)


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  • The Forgotten Obscure Orgasmic Mime
[Show #17] Desperation (27th, November 2011)
« on: December 26, 2020, 08:42:15 pm »
Match 1:   The Establishment (Sergei Romanov & Skip Emmerson) Vs Silent Field (Kei Otonashi & Yuzuru Maeda)

The crowd cheers as Silent Field step out of the curtains and greet the fans, they make their way down while Kei Otonashi takes off his t-shirt and throws it into the crowd. They get into the ring and Yuzuru Maeda jumps on the ropes and taunts to the cheering fans, Kei warms up as Maeda jumps down from the ropes and await for their opponents. The Establishment walk out to boos as Skip Emmerson raises his fists into the air, they make their way down to the ring as Sergei Romanov doesn’t acknowledge the crowd at all and not caring what they think of him. They get in the ring and both teams stare at each other, Sergei threatens Kei until Maeda taunts at him, Skip then talks trash at Maeda and both teams start to get angered, they go to fight each other until the referee steps in and stops them. He gets them to go to their neutral corners as Maeda and Skip get on the ring aprons.

The referee calls for the bell as Kei Otonashi and Sergei Romanov stare at each other as they slowly walk to the centre, they both lockup and Kei powers him into the ropes then Sergei powers him into the corner. The referee gets them to break until Sergei punches Kei across the face, Kei then punches him across the face causing him to stumble to the centre, he runs to him until Sergei throws him overhead with a Powerslam, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He gets to his feet and drags Kei to the corner then tags Skip Emmerson, he gets in and they both begin to stomp on Kei’s head until the ref manages to get Sergei to his corner. Skip picks Kei up and hits him with a forearm, Kei retaliates with a punch to the jaw until Skip kicks him in the abdomen, he runs off the ropes then Kei manages to leap up as he wraps his legs around Skip’s head and connects a Hurricanrana. Kei crawls to the corner and Yuzuru Maeda tags in, Skip gets to one knee as Maeda walks over to him until Skip gets up and puts his thumb to his eye.

Yuzuru Maeda stumbles to the ropes as Skip Emmerson grabs his arm and throws him off the ropes then runs to him and quickly drives his knee into his ribs, Maeda falls to one knee as he holds his ribs while Skip tags in Sergei Romanov. Skip hooks Maeda’s head as Sergei gets in and hooks it again, they both then connect a Double DDT and Sergei goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. He drags Maeda up to his feet until Maeda hits him with a Back Elbow, Sergei stumbles as Maeda hits him with an elbow shot, he runs off the ropes then Sergei quickly grabs his arm and goes for a Hip Toss, Maeda reverses and steps to the side then throws Sergei overhead with his own Hip Toss. He rolls to his feet and Sergei kicks him in the ribs, he grabs his waist and tries to lift him up, Maeda then hooks his head as he grabs his leg and lifts him up then connects a Fisherman’s Buster! He hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Maeda gets to his feet and tags Kei in, he picks Sergei as he hooks his arms and Kei punches him in the ribs then the ref sends Maeda back to the corner.

Kei Otonashi then punches him across the face causing Sergei Romanov to stumble to the centre, Kei goes for a kick but gets his leg caught. Sergei laughs at him until Kei leaps up but Sergei ducks an Enziguri, he grabs his other leg then locks on a Boston Crab. The crowd starts to cheer for Kei as he starts to crawl, Sergei applies pressure while shouting at the crowd, Yuzuru Maeda gets the crowd to cheer for him and Kei manages to grab the bottom rope. Sergei breaks it up and quickly drags him to the centre of the ring, he leaps up but Kei rolls out of the way from an Elbow Drop, they both get to their feet and hit each other with a forearm shot to the jaw. Sergei rolls to the corner and tags Skip Emmerson as Kei falls to one knee, Skip suddenly leaps up and bounces off the ropes then boots Kei down to the canvas with a Springboard Dropkick! He quickly goes for a cover but Maeda breaks it up at 2. Sergei gets back up to his feet until Maeda charges at him and tackles him out of the ring as they both fall to the floor. Skip and Kei get back up to their feet then Kei boots him the ribs, he grabs his head and goes to run to the turnbuckle until Skip manages to lift him up onto his shoulders then throws him down with a Death Valley Driver, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count.

Sergei Romanov throws Yuzuru Maeda into the guard rails on the outside and gets to his corner, Skip Emmerson crawls on his knees to the corner and tags him in. Kei Otonashi gets to one knee as the crowd starts to cheer and chant for him while Skip and Sergei pick him up, they grab his arms and throw him off the ropes but he holds on as Maeda quickly gets onto the ring apron and leaps up then bounces off the ropes and hits Sergei with a Springboard Crossbody! Skip takes advantage as he quickly picks Maeda up and kicks him in the ribs, he grabs his waist then lifts him up until Maeda rolls off his shoulders and whiplashes Skip down with a Sunset Flip Bomb! Sergei gets to his feet and quickly throws Maeda over the ropes to the outside as Skip rolls onto the ring apron. Kei gets to his feet as Sergei taunts to the crowd, Kei lifts his leg and boots him on the head with a Roundhouse Kick, he turns around and hits him with a Spinning Back Kick, sending him into the corner. Skip suddenly gets up to his feet and tags himself in then falls to his knees as Kei runs off the ropes then leaps up and hits a Corner Dropkick!

Sergei Romanov falls to the canvas as Kei Otonashi drags him to the centre of the ring, Skip Emmerson gets off the ring apron as Yuzuru Maeda gets back to his feet, Skip then kicks him in the ribs and hooks his head, then swiftly throws him overhead with a Snap Suplex. Kei rolls Sergei over and hooks the leg but the referee tells him he’s not the legal man, Skip springs to his feet and gets in the ring while Kei gets frustrated, he turns around as Skip runs to him, he grabs Kei’s head as he runs to the corner and springs his foot off the top turnbuckle then drives Kei’s head into the canvas with a Tornado DDT! Skip rolls to the ring apron and gets back up to his feet, he starts to climb up the turnbuckle as Sergei gets back up to his feet. Maeda on the outside gets back up and tries to get back into the ring until Sergei runs to him and sends him back down with a Baseball Slide, Skip gets to the top turnbuckle then leaps off as he spins in the air and connects a Shooting Star Press! He hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winners via Shooting Star Press: The Establishment

Match 2:   Craig Angel Vs Kevin Empire

The crowd boos as Craig Angel walks out of the curtains and nonchalantly makes his way down to the ring, not caring what the fans think of him. He rolls into the ring and adjusts his protective mask as he awaits his opponent. Kevin Empire steps out and raises his fist to the cheering crowd, he walks down while clapping various hands of the crowd. He rolls into the ring as Angel stares at him with a smug expression on his face, Empire stares back at him as the crowd begins to chant his name.

The referee calls for the bell and they lockup, Craig Angel tries power him into the turnbuckle but Kevin Empire pushes him away, Angel then grabs Empire’s arm and goes behind him with a hammerlock. Empire then ducks under and locks in his own hammerlock, Angel then hits him with a Back Elbow causing Empire to break the hold. He runs to him until Empire quickly sends him down a Headlock Takedown, he wrenches at his head as Angel gets up to one knee. Empire drags him while applying more pressure, Angel punches him in the ribs, then hits him again and runs back towards the ropes, Empire runs off the ropes and tackles Angel down with a Shoulder Tackle. He goes for an Elbow Drop but Angel moves out of the way, they both get back up to their feet and Angel leaps up while wrapping his legs around Empire’s head then sends him down with a Hurricanrana, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Angel grabs Empire’s head and drags him up, he hits him with a forearm shot to the jaw and grabs his arm, he throws him into the turnbuckle and walks over to him. He then drives his shoulder into Empire’s ribs with a Shoulder Barge, he hits him with a second one and Empire falls to the canvas.

Craig Angel stomps on the back of his head and picks him up, he drags him to the centre of the ring and lifts him up then hits a Body Slam, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. He drags him up to his feet and kicks him in the abdomen, Empire retaliates with a punch to the jaw until Angel kicks him and quickly hooks his head, he lifts him up and slams him down with a Snap Suplex, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. Angel gets frustrated as he gets to his feet and Empire gets to one knee, he picks him up and punches him across the face. He grabs his arm and throws him off the ropes, Empire ducks a Clothesline and runs back to Angel then sends him down with a Running Big Boot. Angel quickly gets back up to his feet and Empire kicks him in the abdomen, he grabs his waist and lifts him up then connects a Piledriver, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. They get back to their feet until Angel rakes the eyes of Empire, he tries to swing for punches to possibly hit him, but Angel dodges them all and leaps up then sends Empire down with a Dropkick. He goes for a cover but gets a 2 count.

Craig Angel grabs Kevin Empire’s head and starts hitting at him numerous times, Empire then throws his off and they both get to their feet. Angel goes for a kick until his leg is caught, Empire stares at him angrily as Angel tries to beg him off, he then spins him around and hits him with a Clothesline. Empire springs up to his feet and taunts to the cheering crowd, Angel gets up in the corner as Empire runs to him then hits him with a Corner Splash. Angel falls to the bottom turnbuckle while Empire then runs off the ropes and drives his boot into the face of Angel with a Running Front Kick! He drags him out of the corner and quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Empire grabs Angel’s head and picks him up to their feet, he hits him with a forearm shot and Angel retaliates with one his own, they both begin to hit each other with forearms to the jaw until Angel hits him with a Back Elbow. He grabs Empire’s waist as he goes behind him, he tries to lift him up for a German Suplex, until Empire blocks it and drives his elbow into Angel’s head. He lets go as Empire turns around and lifts him up onto his shoulders, he then throws him off and drives his ribs onto his knees with a Fireman’s Carry Double Knee Gutbuster! Angel gets to his knees while holding his ribs as Empire quickly gets back up and picks him up, he lifts him up again onto his shoulders then throws him off and connects a Fireman’s Carry Double Knee Backbreaker! The crowd goes crazy as Angel gets to his knees and holds his back, Empire springs to his feet and runs off the ropes then swiftly boots him in the jaw with the Sick Kick! Empire goes for a pin but Angel puts his foot on the rope at 2!

Kevin Empire hits the canvas in frustration and grabs Angel’s head then picks him up, he kicks him in the ribs and grabs his waist, he tries to lift him up until Angel spins out of it and grabs his head then rolls him over with a Small Package, but gets a 2 count. They both get up and Angel quickly hits Empire in the jaw with a Super Kick, Empire falls to one knee and Angel leaps off Empire’s knee then hits him with an Enziguri, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. Angel gets to his feet and holds his ribs and back from the earlier attack, Empire gets to his feet then Angel hits him in the jaw with a punch, Empire then hits him with a Big Boot but Angel stays on his feet. He stumbles around and Empire goes for a forearm shot, Angel blocks it and turns around then hits Empire with a Spinning Back Kick, sending him into the turnbuckle. He runs to him and connects a Running Elbow Smash, he drags Empire out of the corner as he hooks his head, he grabs his leg and lifts him up then hits a Fisherman’s Buster! He hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Angel gets to his knees and argues with the referee, he grabs Empire’s head and drags him up to his feet, he punches him on the jaw then kicks him in the chest. He runs off the ropes and leaps at him with a Spinning Heel Kick until Empire suddenly catches him, he then manages to throw him up onto his shoulders then throws him down with a Powerbomb!

The crowd cheers hugely while Kevin Empire falls to one knee, he grabs Craig Angel’s head and picks him up to his feet. He punches Angel in the jaw causing him to stumble, he goes for a Back Elbow but Angel ducks under his arm and leaps up then goes for a Spinning Back Kick, Empire ducks under and quickly grabs Angel’s head then whiplashes him down with an MDKO, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. They get to their feet and Angel quickly kicks him in the chest, Empire falls to the ropes and Angel kicks him again in the chest, he leaps up and boots him in the jaw with a Spinning Back Kick. Empire falls to one knee as Angel taunts to the booing crowd, he runs off the ropes until Empire catches him and throws him up into the air and boots him in the chest with the Alarm Clock! Angel falls to his knees as Empire runs and jumps onto the second turnbuckle, Angel gets back up as Empire leaps off the turnbuckle and quickly drives Angel’s head into the canvas with a Purple Reign! He hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Purple Reign: Kevin Empire

Project H.E.R.O’s theme plays throughout the venue, the cameras pan over to the entrance way but the team show no sign of entering through the curtain. Suddenly off camera, audience hubbub can be heard, the camera pans over to reveal Project H.E.R.O making their way through the crowd who are relentlessly booing and throwing insults at them. Corvo stops suddenly to confront a fan, Adam Faith interrupts and pushes the fan over. Corvo and Faith laugh and continue to make their way to the ring. Corvo and Faith both hop over the guard rails at ringside, Corvo slides into the ring. Faith removes his NHW Tag Team Championship from around his waist and throws it into the ring without care, then enters the ring himself, picking up the title and placing it over his shoulder once in the ring. Corvo is then handed a microphone, he eventually speaks.
"Now… It's almost been a year, can you believe that? It's almost been a year since David Zutos believed that he had any chance of taking me to the limit and defeating me, sadly he was painfully mistaken, and I believe he's learnt his lesson…"
Corvo hands the microphone over to Adam Faith.
"Well, sadly Corvo, he hasn't learnt shit, this is clear. Now, being as elite and professional as we both are, it's obvious people would hunt us, through jealousy, envy and just downright hatred that they themselves, would never be as talented as us." Faith says with an air of confidence.
Corvo applauds Faith's statement, then is handed the microphone back.
"Now Zutos, I can understand… I mean, I crushed you during the first ever Nytro War match, that had to of hurt. Yeah, okay you did take a lot out of me. But, who came away with the win…? Of course, it was me, and as I left you there bleeding on the canvas, I had no regrets about what I'd done to you, in fact, I was hoping that I would have been able to end your career during that match. But sadly, I was proven wrong and you continued, and still continue to be a constant thorn in my side."
Adam Faith takes the microphone as the fans continue to send heat towards the team.
"Now, there's yet another worthless, pathetic excuse of a wrestler, now involved in this, his name is Hawk Knight… Now, Corvo and I don't really have much to say about you, Hawk. Think yourself lucky, but whilst we're here, we shall warn you, get out, get out now, before you're in too deep, the NHW Tag Team Championships must be defended at Mount Success, and we will gladly face you two… Meaning you have no choice but to face the consequences, and trust us… There will be consequences." Faith laughs in a venomous way, smirks and drops the microphone.
The crowd suddenly cheers hugely as David Zutos and Hawk Knight step through the curtains, with Zutos holding a microphone. H.E.R.O in the ring stare at them with anger in their eyes, Zutos raises the microphone to his mouth.
Hold on, hold on… I would like to ask this. Why wait ‘til Mount Success? Corvo, you and I have possibly had the best rivalry this year, whether it was me winning, or you winning, I have enjoyed kicking your ass every single time. You may be wondering why Hawk and I were seen with Honson back at the Vultures show… Simple reason, we got ourselves a match, for tonight… Against you two… Right now… So, again, I ask… Why wait ‘til Mount Success!?

Match 3:   Project H.E.R.O (Adam Faith & Corvo) Vs David Zutos and Hawk Knight     (NHW Tag Team Championships)

David Zutos and Hawk Knight quickly run down to ringside while Project H.E.R.O get out of the ring as they throw their NHW Tag Team Championships to the floor and both teams begin to brawl! Faith then catches a boot from Hawk until he leaps up and sends Faith down with an Enziguri, while Zutos grabs Corvo and throws him into the guard rails. He then starts to punch at his head numerous times as Hawk picks Faith up to his feet, he goes to throw him but Faith reverses and sends Hawk down with a Clothesline, Zutos then charges over and tackles Faith with a Spear into the guard rails! Corvo gets to one knee as Zutos walks over to him and drags him to the ring apron, he throws him and rolls inside. The referee then finally calls for the bell.

David Zutos picks Corvo up to his feet and hits him in the jaw with a forearm shot, Corvo retaliates with a punch until Zutos kicks him in the ribs then grabs his waist, he lifts him up but Corvo lands on his feet behind him, he grabs Zutos’ head then connects a Neckbreaker. Corvo crawls to the corner for a tag but Adam Faith is still on the floor, Corvo gets to his feet as Zutos gets to one knee, he runs off the ropes and goes for a Knee Facebuster until Zutos quickly lifts him up overhead then drives him onto his knee with a Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker, he hooks th leg but gets a 2 count. Hawk Knight eventually gets back to his corner as Zutos gets up and tags him in, Corvo gets to one knee until Hawk gets in and boots him in the back, he drags him up and hits him in the jaw with a forearm. Corvo retaliates with a punch and kicks Hawk in the ribs, he grabs his head then throws him into the turnbuckle, he runs to him and Hawk moves out of the way causing Corvo to drive his knee into the top turnbuckle. He holds his knee as he stumbles out while Hawk runs off the ropes then takes Corvo down with a Flying Forearm Smash, he quickly goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Adam Faith then gets in the ring as Hawk gets back up then Faith takes him down with a Clothesline, the referee angrily sends Faith back to his corner as Corvo gets up to his feet.

Corvo then tags Adam Faith in and gets into the ring, he stomps on Hawk Knight’s head as he gets to one knee, he drags him up as he hooks his arms then drives him down face-first with a Double Arm DDT, he rolls him over and hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He drags Hawk back up to his feet and punches him in the face, he goes for an elbow shot but Hawk ducks under and grabs Faith’s arm, he then goes for a Russian Leg Sweep until Faith elbows him in the ribs, he then goes behind him as he grabs Hawk’s waist, he then hooks his arms and lifts him overhead with a Zutosphere! He puts a bridge on for a pin until David Zutos quickly gets in the ring and breaks up the pin at 2. Zutos starts to punch at Faith’s head numerous times as Corvo gets into the ring, Corvo then drags Zutos up to his feet and they start to brawl with each other. The referee tries to break them up as they fight to the ropes, Corvo rakes the eyes of Zutos causing him to walk to the centre of the ring as the referee checks up on him, Corvo then taunts until Zutos runs towards him and tackles Corvo, causing them both to fall through the ropes to the floor. They both get to their feet and suddenly start to brawl up the entrance way, the crowd cheers hugely until they go through the curtains to the locker room continuing to fight. Hawk and Faith get to their feet as they stare at each other.

Adam Faith goes for a punch but is blocked and gets a kick to the ribs, Hawk Knight grabs his waist and lifts him up then connects a Piledriver. He grabs Faith’s head and picks him up to his feet, he leaps up and Faith dodges a Dropkick, Faith then runs off the ropes as Hawk gets to one knee as he holds his ribs, Faith jumps at him and connects a Shining Wizard, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. He gets to one knee and taunts to the crowd making them boo towards him, he drags Hawk up to his feet and drives his knee into Hawk’s ribs, he runs off the ropes and Hawk boots him with a Super Kick. Faith stumbles as Hawk runs off the ropes, Faith then lifts him up into the air and drives him down to the canvas with a Toss Up Powerbomb! Faith then gets to the ring apron as he taunts to the crowd, he climbs up the turnbuckle while Hawk tries to crawl away, Faith gets to the top and jumps off but Hawk rolls out of the way and Faith misses the Diving Leg Drop! Hawk gets to one knee as Faith holds his leg, Hawk grabs Faith’s head and drags him back up to his feet and hits him in the jaw with an elbow shot, he hits him with a second elbow shot and goes for a third, but Faith blocks it and kicks Hawk in the head with an Enziguri. Hawk falls to his knees and Faith gets back up to his feet, he hooks Hawk’s head as he gets back up, he lifts him up and connects a Brainbuster, he quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count!

Adam Faith gets to his feet and shouts at the referee, the crowd starts to cheer and chant for Hawk Knight as he gets to his knees. Faith pulls him back up and punches him into the corner, he slaps Hawk across the face as he shouts in his face, Faith then runs off the ropes and leaps up until Hawk moves out of the way and Faith misses a Corner Dropkick. Faith gets back to his feet as he holds his jaw while Hawk drags him to the centre of the ring, he then leaps behind him as he hooks his arm and wraps his legs around Faith’s arm, then drives him back with a Crucifix Bomb! He still holds on with a pin but gets a 2 count! They both get to their feet and Hawk quickly lifts Faith up onto his shoulders and goes for his Knight Of Amazement, but Faith lands on his feet behind him and they both run off the ropes, but they both send each other down with a Clothesline. The referee checks up on both of them until David Zutos runs out of the curtains and back to the ring area, he gets on the ring apron and cheers for Hawk to get a tag. Hawk begins to crawl as Faith rolls to the corner until Corvo runs back out to the ring area, he gets to the ring apron and Faith tags him in, Corvo gets in and Hawk then tags Zutos!

David Zutos quickly gets in the ring and Corvo straight away brawls with him! Corvo then drives his knee into his ribs, he grabs Zutos’ arm and goes to through but he reverses and throws Corvo into the turnbuckle, he runs to him but Corvo moves out of the way and Zutos charges into the turnbuckle, Corvo then runs off the ropes and drives his knee into Zutos’ face. Adam Faith tags himself in as Corvo jumps off while Zutos stumbles out, Corvo leaps up and sends Zutos to his knees with an Enziguri, he rolls to his feet and goes for his Knee Facebuster until Hawk Knight springs to his feet and sends Corvo down with a Running Calf Kick! Faith gets in the ring as Hawk gets to one knee and sends Hawk down with a boot to the face, Zutos gets to his feet as Faith runs to him but Zutos quickly kicks him in the ribs and grabs his waist, he lifts him up into the air and drives him down onto his knees with a SAT Bomb! He hooks the leg but Corvo breaks it up at 2. Corvo gets to his feet until Hawk springs back up and punches him in the face, he goes for a Clothesline but Corvo ducks under and drives his knee into his ribs.

Hawk Knight then lifts his foot and boots Corvo in the head with a Roundhouse Kick, David Zutos gets to his feet as Adam Faith gets to one knee. Zutos grabs his arm and throws him into the turnbuckle, he then starts to hit Faith with a punch combination. Hawk hooks Corvo’s head and tries to Suplex him over the ropes, Corvo then reverses it and Suplexes him over the ropes instead but Hawk manages to land on his feet on the ring apron. Hawk goes for a forearm shot but Corvo dodges it and hits Hawk in the face with a Big Boot, causing Hawk to fall to the outside. Faith blocks an elbow shot from Zutos and pokes him in the eye, Zutos stumbles out of the corner and Corvo quickly runs towards him then connects his Knee Facebuster, Zutos stumbles on his feet until Faith hooks Zutos’ head and lifts him up then connects a Brainbuster, he hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winners and STILL NHW Tag Team Champions via Brainbuster: Project H.E.R.O

After the match, Adam Faith and Corvo quickly make their escape as Hawk Knight gets to his feet and is disappointed, the referee hands them their NHW Tag Team Championships and they raise them above their heads to the booing crowd. Hawk gets into the ring as Zutos sits up, Hawk helps him up to his feet as the crowd claps for their performance. Project H.E.R.O eventually walk through the curtains as Zutos and Hawk get out of the ring and claps the fans’ hands on their way back to the locker room.

Match 4:   Tony Fire (w/ Ian Shane) Vs Tyson Roders

Tyson Roders walks out to huge boos as he smirks to himself, he takes off his t-shirt while making his way down to the ring and throws it on the floor then proceeds to argue with fans. He rolls into the ring and gets to his feet then raises his fist into the air while the crowd continues to heavily boo him. Tony Fire and Ian Shane step out of the curtains to cheers and Tyson straight away shouts at Ian, they walk down to the ring and clap the fans’ hands as Tyson pumps himself up. Tony gets in the ring as the fans start to chant “Fuck you, Roders!”

The referee calls for the bell and Tyson Roders gets annoyed, they both walk to each other then Tyson begins to punch Tony Fire in the face numerous times, he then sends Tony down with continuous punches as he shouts at the crowd to shut up. Tony then rolls to his feet and they get into each other’s face until Tyson quickly grabs his waist and steps behind him, he lifts Tony up and slams him down with a Go Behind Takedown. He tries to go for a front facelock, Tony then spins out of it and tries for an armbar, Tyson rolls out and goes for his own armbar until Tony gets free and goes for a Crossface but Tyson gets to the ropes. The referee breaks them free and they get to their feet as they stare to each other, they slowly walk until Tyson sends him down with a Single Leg Takedown and locks on a waist lock, Tony tries to get himself free and Tyson grabs his foot then tries to lock on an Ankle Lock until Tony grabs the bottom rope. The referee gets Tyson to break free and Tony gets to his feet, they both then lockup and Tony quickly puts him in a top wristlock then Tyson spins around him and puts him in a hammerlock, Tony grabs his head and rolls him forward with a Snapmare but Tyson still holds on with a hammerlock. Tony gets to his feet and ducks under his arm and goes for a wristlock until Tyson reverses and puts Tony in a headlock.

Tony Fire then charges backwards and throws Tyson Roders off the ropes, he runs back and sends Tony down with a Shoulder Tackle, he runs off the ropes as Tony quickly springs back up to his feet and goes for a Hip Toss but Tyson blocks it and lifts him up onto his shoulders, until Tony rolls himself off with a Sunset Flip on Tyson, but gets a 2 count. They both get to their feet and Tony swiftly connects a Running Neckbreaker, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. They get back up to their feet and Tony quickly sends Tyson down onto the canvas then hooks his arm and head, he goes for his Necrosis Wave until Tyson uses his leg strength and gets to the ropes. Tony breaks the hold and Tyson rolls to the outside as the crowd starts to cheer for both men for the performance. Tyson then shouts at Ian Shane as he gets back into the ring, Ian shouts back at him causing a distraction and Tony takes advantage by putting Tyson in a headlock, he goes for a wristlock until Tyson quickly spins around him and throws him out of the ring to the floor. Ian walks over and goes to help him as Tyson smirks to himself and taunts to the booing crowd, Tyson then gets out of the ring and grabs Ian’s head then throws him into the ring post. Tony gets to his feet and Tyson hits him in the back with an elbow shot, he then elbows him over the head drags him around the ring, he lifts him up then drops him with a Guillotine across the guard rails!

Tyson Roders quickly picks him back up and throws him in the ring, he rolls him and gets to his feet. He stomps on his back then stomps on his ribs, he picks Tony Fire up and lifts him up then drops him on his knee with a Backbreaker, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He springs to his feet and starts to kick Tony on the head, angering him. He then sits him up and hooks his head with a Dragon Sleeper, Tony tries to break free as Tyson applies pressure, the crowd starts to chant for him while Tyson wrenches back on his head. Tony then clutches at Tyson’s head and drives his knee into his head. Tyson lets go and they both get to their feet, Tony then punches him in the jaw and hits him with a second, he grabs his arm then goes to throw him but Tyson reverses and throws Tony off the ropes then sends him over his knee with a Kitchen Sink. He picks Tony up and slams his head off the turnbuckle, he punches him in the ribs then kicks him in the ribs, he starts to drive his shoulder into his ribs numerous times until the referee manages to stop him and warns him. Tyson sarcastically smirks at the referee as Tony falls to one knee holding his ribs, he grabs his arm and pulls him up then throws Tony into the opposite turnbuckle, he runs towards him but Tony moves out of the way and Tyson drives his shoulder into the ring post!

Tyson Roders falls to the canvas and Tony Fire quickly picks him up then throws his shoulder again into the ring post, Tyson falls to one knee holding his shoulder then Tony picks him up as he grabs his waist and hits a Back Drop, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Tony gets to his feet as Tyson gets to one knee, Tony grabs his arm as he drags him up then connects an Armbreaker. He continues holding onto his arm and drags him back up to his feet then tackles him down with a Clothesline, Tyson gets to one knee and Tony picks him up then drives his knee into his ribs multiple times, he then grabs his arm and goes to throw him off the ropes until Tyson reverses and goes behind him then tries for a German Suplex, Tony goes to elbow him but Tyson ducks and goes for a Belly-to-belly Suplex, Tony then hits him in the ribs with a knee and hits a second one until Tyson hits him in the ribs with a knee of his own and a second one, he then lifts him up and connects a Belly-to-belly Slam. They both eventually get up and Tyson swings for a Clothesline but Tony ducks under as he grabs Tyson’s waist then lifts him up and connects a German Suplex, he still holds on as he drags him up to his feet then connects a second German Suplex.

Tony Fire continues to hold on and drags Tyson Roders back up to his feet, he tries to lift him up but Tyson blocks it and hits him in the head with a Back Elbow. Tyson goes around him as he grabs his waist then lifts him up and connects a German Suplex, Tyson continues to hold on as he drags him back up to his feet and hits a second German Suplex. He still holds on and picks him back up to his feet, Tony then hits him in the head with a Back Elbow and a second one, he goes behind Tyson as he grabs his waist again and connects another German Suplex. He drags him back up to his feet until Tyson quickly goes around and retaliates with another German Suplex, he continues to hold on and drags him back up to his feet then hits his fourth German Suplex. Tyson remains holding onto his waist and pulls Tony up to his feet then connects a fifth German Suplex and finally lets go as they both lay on the canvas while the crowd begins to cheer for both men. Tyson eventually gets to his feet as Tony gets to one knee, Tyson then hooks his head and falls to one knee as he drives Tony’s jaw onto his shoulder, he then goes for his Surgical Repair until Tony spins out of it and grabs Tyson’s waist as he goes behind him, he then lifts him up and Tyson suddenly lands face-first with a Release German Suplex!

Tony Fire slowly gets up to his feet and Ian Shane cheers him on as he starts climbing up to the second turnbuckle, Tyson Roders then rolls to his feet and Tony gets down until Tyson suddenly boots him in the jaw with a Super Kick, he then quickly gets up on the turnbuckle as Tony falls to one knee, Tyson then gets to the top turnbuckle and leaps off as Tony gets back up and is hit with a Senton Bomb! Tyson crawls and places his hand on Tony’s chest for a pin but gets a 2 count. Tyson gets to one knee and hits the canvas in frustration, he gets to his feet and grabs Tony’s leg then tries for a Half Crab until Tony kicks him in the face numerous times causing Tyson to break the attempt. They both get to their feet until Tony lifts him up then drops him on his knee with a Shoulderbreaker, Tony then quickly gets to the ring apron and climbs up the turnbuckle, he taunts to the crowd as they begin to cheer then he leaps off and connects a Diving Elbow Drop! He gets to his knees and hooks Tyson’s arm and head then bridges over him and locks on his Necrosis Wave! Tyson desperately tries to break free but Tony applies pressure and causes Tyson to tap out… Winner via Necrosis Wave: Tony Fire

Match 5:   Thomas R. West Vs Josh Stone     (NHW Inter-Globe Championship)

Josh Stone walks out to boos and goes for a fist pump but stops and throws his hand down in disgust to the crowd, he makes his way down to the ring while signaling that he will regain his title. He gets in the ring and arrogantly struts to the fans while he still gets boos. The lights go dark and the spotlight shines on the curtains until Thomas R. West steps out with his head lowered, he raises to stare with fury in his eyes towards Stone, he walks down to the ring area as the fans cheer hugely for him. He gets in the ring and takes off his NHW Inter-Globe Championship from around his waist and slowly raises it above his head, Stone gets angered as West drops it on the ring apron.

The referee calls for the bell and they both walk up to each other, Josh Stone starts to talk trash in his face and offers a Test Of Strength as he raises his hand. Thomas R. West grabs his hand as Stone raises his other hand until West quickly grabs it and straight away overpowers him. Stone tries to apply pressure but falls to his knees, he gets back up and puts his foot on the rope then the referee forces West to break the hold. West walks to the centre of the ring until Stone runs at him but is sent overhead with a Hip Toss, he rolls back to his feet and West again sends him down to the canvas with a Headlock Takedown. He wrenches at Stone’s head then gets up to one knee, he gets back up to his feet and punches West in the ribs, he hits him with an elbow on the abdomen and West breaks free. He grabs West’s arm and goes to throw him but West reverses and throws him off the ropes but Stone holds onto the opposite ropes, West runs towards him but Stone manages to duck as he lowers the ropes and West falls to the outside. Stone smirks then laughs to the booing crowd as he taunts at them, West gets to one knee as Stone gets to the ring apron, he jumps off for a Double Axe Handle until West gets to his feet and catches Stone in mid-air then throws him back-first into the ring post!

Josh Stone holds his back as he lays on the floor, Thomas R. West grabs his head and picks him up to his feet then punches him across the face. He lifts him up onto his shoulder and begins to run until Stone lands on his feet behind him, West turns around and Stone lifts him up then throws him onto the guard rails with a Guillotine! Stone quickly stops him from falling to the floor and throws him back into the ring, he rolls in and goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. He gets to his feet and begins to stomp on West’s leg numerous times, he grabs his leg and hits it with an Elbow Drop. He then applies a leglock as West tries to get him off, Stone then gets back to his feet and hits his leg with another Elbow Drop and applies the leglock again. West then starts to punch at Stone’s head causing him to break the submission, they get to their feet until Stone tackles him down and starts to punch on his jaw then suddenly West wraps his legs around Stone’s head and applies a Gogoplata! Stone quickly uses his leg strength and places his foot on the bottom rope, the referee gets West to break the hold as West holds his leg from the earlier attack. They both get to their feet as West grabs Stone’s head, he runs and throws his head into the top turnbuckle.

Thomas R. West drags him to the centre of the ring and punches him in the face, Josh Stone falls to his knees and West picks him back up then throws him into the opposite turnbuckle. He starts to punch Stone in the face with a punch combination causing Stone to fall to the bottom turnbuckle, West then steps back and boots him on the jaw. He picks Stone back up to his feet and drags him to the centre of the ring, he swings for a Clothesline but Stone ducks under while grabbing his arm, he lifts him up and connects an Olympic Slam. Stone slowly gets back up to his feet as West gets to one knee, he picks West back up and kicks him in the abdomen, he lowers his fist then punches him in the jaw with a Fist Pump Uppercut, West stumbles into the ropes and Stone grabs his arm, he throws him off the ropes and grabs his head then goes for his Stone Showcase until West pushes him away. Stone runs to him until West quickly hooks his head as he goes behind him, then connects a Reverse DDT. He rolls to his feet and drags Stone to the corner, he climbs up the turnbuckle as Stone gets to one knee, he grabs Stone’s head and goes for his Foot Branding until Stone throws his arms to the side and punches West in the jaw, West almost falls off the turnbuckle and Stone suddenly runs up the turnbuckle as he grabs West’s waist then throws him overhead to the canvas with a Super Belly-to-belly Suplex! The crowd goes nuts as the referee checks up on them both, Stone crawls and places his hand on his chest for a pin, but gets a 2 count.

Josh Stone gets to his feet as Thomas R. West gets to one knee, Stone then punches him on the jaw as he gets up. West retaliates with a punch of his own, Stone punches him again and a third punch to the jaw, he runs off the ropes but West sends him down with a Big Boot, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. He grabs Stone’s head and picks him up to his feet, he punches him on the jaw and Stone stumbles, he goes for another punch but Stone blocks it and hits West with an elbow shot. He hooks his head and tries to lift him up for a Suplex, until West sends him down to the canvas as he places his leg over his head and locks on the Stranglehold! The crowd starts to chant “Tap!” as Stone desperately tries to reach for the ropes, West applies more pressure until Stone manages to get to one knee as he grabs West’s legs and sends him down to the canvas then locks on a Boston Crab! The crowd begins to send heat heavily towards him as he wrenches back, West then uses his leg strength and flips Stone over onto his back, they both get back to their feet until West swiftly boots him in the abdomen and grabs his waist, he lifts Stone up into the air then lifts him up higher and drops him down onto the canvas with an Elevated Powerbomb! He goes for a cover but gets a 2 count.

Thomas R. West gets back up to his feet as he leans on the ropes, Josh Stone slowly gets up to his feet and West punches him on the jaw, Stone stumbles then kicks him in the ribs, West then kicks him as well then Stone hits him with a forearm shot, West goes for a punch but Stone blocks it and kicks West in the leg causing him to fall to one knee, Stone quickly hooks his head and goes for his Uncool Coma, but West lifts him up onto his shoulder as he hooks his head then drives him down to the canvas with an Air Raid Siren! West gets to one knee as he grabs Stone’s head and drags him up to his feet while turning him around, West spins on the spot and hits Stone in the back of the head with a Roaring Elbow! Stone falls to the ropes and West quickly gets to the ring apron, he climbs up the turnbuckle while grabbing Stone’s head, he gets to the top as he places his knee on Stone’s head then leaps off and drives his head to the canvas with his Foot Branding! He quickly goes for a cover and it gets the 3 count… Winner and STILL NHW Inter-Globe Champion via Foot Branding: Thomas R. West

After the match, Thomas R. West gets to one knee and looks to the cheering and clapping crowd, the referee hands him his NHW Inter-Globe Championship then raises it above his head. He rolls out of the ring and lifts up the ring apron, he then takes a bottle of whiskey from under the ring and begins to drink it while Josh Stone slowly sits up. West makes his way to the back as he places his championship over his shoulder, Stone gets out of the ring while holding his head, he looks to the booing crowd then goes for a fist pump, until he stops then throws his hand down to the ringside fans in disgust while he makes his way back to the locker room.

The MPire Uploader is seen with a microphone in his hand in a corridor, he is standing next to an exit door of the building with a sign “Push bar to open” on the door. He looks to the camera while adjusting the tie on his suit, then begins to speak.
MPire Uploader here, Nytro Hydro Wrestling. For those of you who didn’t see, Vincere Immunity featured an Elimination Chase to Mount Success main event, where the person who was pinned, was not going to Mount Success for the NHW World Champion. In a moment, I will be getting a word with the man who was unfortunately pinned, Kevin Empire.
TMU pushes down on the bar of the door, making it open and exits the building where the camera shows the parking lot with a dark sky in the evening. TMU walks along the pavement while the camera follows him until we see Kevin Empire leaning against a wall as he stands, he’s wearing his ring shorts and a white t-shirt while taking off his wrist tape. TMU walks over to him and Empire looks up to him with an emotionless expression.
Kevin! Hey, Kev. Thank you for your time, I’ll try and make this quick, I’m sure you’re a busy man and want to do something else besides this.” TMU says, while Empire looks to the floor as he still unwraps his wrist tape.
I have a couple of questions, if you don’t mind. The first being, how do you feel about not being able to compete for the NHW World Championship, after vowing to take Dino Nuo out of the picture?
I’m actually happy, believe it or not. The complete opposite to what people should be, regarding this situation.
Empire then looks to TMU as he rips off the unwrapped tape from his wrist.
I’m not upset about not getting a match at Mount Success, what I was upset about though, was sitting on the sidelines doing nothing… Which is why, at Fusion, I had to finally make my voice be heard, whether or not it was supposed to achieve something, I didn’t care what would happen, but that’s just me. And as for trying to take Dino out of the title picture, it didn’t work out in the end, but I did what I originally wanted to do.
If you did end up winning the Elimination Chase and taking Dino Nuo out of the picture, would you have concern of being a definite target of The Dragon’s Nest?
Of course not, why would they waste their time when they could actually try and do something relevant for once? They’re trying to take Hocktus out, right? They failed five years ago, and they’re still failing now. If they can’t do a simple goal within five years, what makes you think I’ll shit myself of fear? The Dragon’s Nest are nothing, but fu-
Out of nowhere, TMU and Empire are then interrupted as Kenny Heights walks up to them dressed in a white buttoned up shirt, black suit trousers and sunglasses, with a smile on his face. Empire looks to him with a confused look as Kenny takes TMU’s microphone and looks to Empire.
Sorry guys, but I couldn’t help but overhear what you were talking, especially you, Kev… Your words, are truly inspiring. If you may or may not tell, I am also not upset about not getting a Mount Success match.” Kenny says, while TMU takes a step back as Kenny takes off his sunglasses and places them on his buttoned shirt. Kenny and Empire stare at each other as Kenny slowly lowers his eyebrows in anger.
However, I am upset. Upset that this place is not what it should be, which is why I am here, to put the ‘Nytro’ in Nytro Hydro Wrestling… And in order for that to happen…
Kenny then looks away as TMU slowly tries to escape the confrontation, Kenny then smirks as he looks back at Empire.
I have to unleash the Celestial, within.
Suddenly, Kenny then hits Empire on the head with the microphone and they starts to attack him. Empire eventually fights back until security quickly rush to the scene, Kenny and Empire continue fighting as TMU tries to help the security while they break them up, they pull Kenny and Empire apart as they both shout at each other then the camera fades out to black.

Match 6:   Hocktus Vs Matt Greer     (NHW World Championship)

The crowd starts to boo heavily as Matt Greer steps out of the curtains with his initials on a hat while he raises it into the air looking for offers, fans at ringside wave money as Greer makes his way down to ringside. He walks to one of them and they exchange the hat for the money and he places the money in his kneepad as he gets into the ring, he raises his fists into the air with a vexed look on his face. Hocktus walks out to cheers as he places his NHW World Championship over his shoulder, he claps the fans’ hands as he makes his way down to the ring while Greer signals that he will become the new champion. Hocktus gets in the ring and raises the Championship over his head while taunting at Greer. He puts it on the ring apron and they walk up to each other as the referee calls for the bell.

Matt Greer goes for an elbow shot but Hocktus ducks under and goes behind as he grabs his arm then puts on a hammerlock, Greer then ducks under and locks on his own hammerlock. Hocktus elbows him on the head as he ducks under and puts him in a wristlock, Greer tries to free himself and grabs Hocktus’ waist as he goes behind then tackles him down with a Single Leg Takedown. They both quickly roll to their feet then Greer slaps him across the face, the crowd sends heat towards him as Hocktus gets angered and goes to punch him until Greer quickly goes behind him and rolls him backwards with a Roll-up, but gets a 2 count. They get to their feet and Greer drives his knee into Hocktus’ ribs, he runs off the ropes but Hocktus ducks under a Clothesline, Greer runs back off the ropes but Hocktus sends him down with a Big Boot to the face. He rolls to his feet as he holds his jaw and Hocktus kicks him in the ribs, he grabs his waist and tries to lift him up but Greer reverses and throws Hocktus overhead with a Back Body Drop. Hocktus gets back up to his feet and Greer leaps up then sends Hocktus back down with a Dropkick, he sits him up and locks on a chinlock.

Hocktus tries to free himself as Matt Greer applies pressure, the crowd begins to chant for him as he gets to one knee, Greer to wrench for more power but Hocktus gets to his feet and elbows him in the ribs, he hits him again and Greer lets go. Hocktus runs off the ropes until Greer rebounds off the ropes afterwards as Hocktus stops, Greer quickly grabs his head and connects a Rebound Bulldog, he rolls him over and hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He drags Hocktus up to his feet and hits him in the jaw with a forearm shot, he hits him with a second forearm and grabs his arm then throws him into the corner, he runs towards him and connects a Corner Clothesline. He falls his knees as Greer taunts to the crowd while he gets booed, he hooks Hocktus’ head as he drags him away from the corner and lifts him up into the air then connects a Suplex, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. He grabs Hocktus’ head and drags him up to his feet, he kicks him in the abdomen and lifts him up then connects a Body Slam. He runs off the ropes and quickly hits an Elbow Drop, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. Greer hits the canvas in frustration then picks Hocktus up and goes for a punch but is blocked and Hocktus hits him with a Back Elbow, Greer stumbles and he runs towards him but Greer lifts his foot and hits Hocktus with a Big Boot, Hocktus stumbles to the ropes and Greer quickly runs to him but Hocktus lifts him up and drops him onto the ropes with a Guillotine.

Hocktus taunts to the crowd as they begin to cheer while Matt Greer holds his throat, Hocktus grabs his waist and lifts him up then connects a German Suplex. They both get to their feet as Hocktus grabs Greer’s arm, he throws him off the ropes and sends him down with a Big Boot. Greer gets to his knees as Hocktus stare at him, he drags him up to his feet as he grabs his waist and lifts him up then connects a Piledriver, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. They both get to their feet and Hocktus swings for a Clothesline but Greer ducks under his arm and goes for a forearm shot but Hocktus ducks under, he then kicks Greer in the ribs and grabs his waist, he lifts him up onto his shoulder then slams him down face-first with a Dominator, he quickly goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. Hocktus gets to one knee and grabs Greer’s head then picks him up, Greer then throws his arms to the side and begins to punch at his jaw, he goes for a forearm but Hocktus blocks it and punches him across the face, he goes for a Back Elbow but Greer ducks under and goes for a punch but Hocktus lifts him up onto his shoulders, he then swiftly swings him off and drives him down with a TKO! He hooks the leg but gets a 2 count!

Matt Greer gets to his knees as Hocktus gets back up to his feet, he drags him up to his feet until Greer clutches at his head then hits him with a Jawbreaker. Hocktus stumbles to the ropes and Greer runs towards him until Hocktus lifts him up and throws him over the ropes but Greer lands on his feet on the ring apron. Hocktus goes for a forearm shot but Greer blocks it and hits him in the face with a headbutt, he then steps on the middle rope as he hooks Hocktus’ head then suddenly leaps off as he spins and drives him face-first with a Tornado DDT! Greer then rolls to the ring apron and gets to his feet, he climbs up the turnbuckle as the crowd boos. He gets to the top then leaps off and connects a Diving Elbow Drop! Greer quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count! He gets to his feet and shouts at the referee, he kicks the bottom turnbuckle in fury as Hocktus gets to one knee, he stares at him then runs off the ropes while Hocktus gets to his feet, Greer then jumps up and boots Hocktus in the jaw with his Bicycle Kick! He quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count!

Matt Greer gets to his feet as the crowd starts to chant for Hocktus, Greer then raises his fist into the air and moves his thumb across his throat suddenly doing a Mr. Detonator taunt. Hocktus gets to one knee and Greer picks him up, he then leaps up as he clutches at his head and goes for his Full Gear, but Hocktus manages to throw him off and Greer lands on his feet. Greer runs to him but Hocktus hits him in the jaw with a European Uppercut, Greer stumbles then swings for a Clothesline but Hocktus ducks under as he goes behind him while hooking his head, he lifts him up and connects a Reverse Suplex. Greer gets to his knees as he holds his jaw, Hocktus rolls to his feet and runs off the ropes while Greer gets to his feet and Hocktus sends him down on his head with a Big Boot! He hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He grabs Greer’s head and picks him up to his feet, he lifts him up onto his shoulder then swiftly connects a Reverse Piledriver! He hooks the leg and gets another 2 count! He grabs Greer’s head and drags him back up to his feet, he then runs off the ropes and slams his back onto his knee as he grabs his head, he then whiplashes him face-first to the canvas with the TigerDome! He hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner and STILL NHW World Champion via TigerDome: Hocktus

After the match, the crowd cheers hugely as Hocktus gets back up to his feet and leans on the ropes, he raises his fist into the air with claps from the fans. Matt Greer rolls to the outside while holding his face, the referee gives Hocktus his NHW World Championship and he raises it to the cheering crowd. Greer gets up to his feet and slowly makes his way back to the locker room as he stares at Hocktus with an annoyed expression. Hocktus looks to him and raises the championship overhead with a smirk on his face.

The Event Ends With Matt Greer Looking At The Booing Crowd While Hocktus Raises His NHW World Championship Into The Air, Greer Looks To Hocktus With Anger Then Walks Through The Curtains To The Locker Room. Hocktus Gets Out Of The Ring And Celebrates With The Fans At Ringside