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General Discussion / Re: TWC4 - Memory Access Violation
« Last post by wolf123329 on June 14, 2023, 01:43:19 am »
I'm having problems with the game, It runs smooth and well, but everytime I load into a match it always gives me a memory access violation too.
May Day Madness / Re: MMW: May Day Madness 2023 (01/05/23)
« Last post by -The Real- Big Pete on June 01, 2023, 07:17:34 am »
The second part of May Day Madness 2023 finally arrives! Sorry for the delay...offline life has been fairly traumatic as I have spent most of the month visiting my Mum in hospital...she sadly died last Friday...I am not putting MMW on hiatus...but the next event won't take place until the end of this month (June) and will be MMW: WarZone, an Extreme Themed PPV tipping it's cap to the MMW TV show from 2008-2015. Further details will follow in the coming weeks...for now please enjoy May Day Madness 2023 Part 2!

May Day Madness / MMW: May Day Madness 2023 (01/05/23)
« Last post by -The Real- Big Pete on May 12, 2023, 08:13:57 am »
Finally...the first 5 matches are ready to hit your peepers! Enjoy Part 1 of May Day Madness 2023!

Character Submissions / Re: Oliver Marx
« Last post by -The Real- Big Pete on April 28, 2023, 04:56:33 pm »
Ah! No worries then! Dark...but perfectly plausible! lol! Welcome to the MPire Mall!
Character Submissions / Re: Oliver Marx
« Last post by Marx on April 27, 2023, 10:55:09 pm »
And, plus with that, Oliver was adopted by domino's father, therefore, making Oliver and Domino brothers, legally, they were just separated.
Character Submissions / Re: Oliver Marx
« Last post by Marx on April 27, 2023, 10:53:58 pm »
Exactly what i meant to describe, my bad, yes, the backstory for our characters is: We're from different mothers, my mom and his dad got married, we were brothers for a bit, and then they divorced.
Character Submissions / Re: Oliver Marx
« Last post by -The Real- Big Pete on April 27, 2023, 04:23:56 pm »
Just an observation...you can be the younger brother by all means...but you need to be at least 12 months younger...there's no way unless you are brother's from separate mothers...and that might explain the divorce...that you are 2 months younger...so please clarify that situation...if you are a brother from the "mistress" that caused the divorce...I'm OK with that...

I mean this might be "make believe" but it needs to be at least probable...  ;)
Character Submissions / Oliver Marx
« Last post by Marx on April 27, 2023, 03:55:41 am »
Name: Oliver Marx
Nickname: The Marxman
Face Theme: Something like linkin park
Heel Theme: Something like the misfits
Face: Fighter
Heel: Fight the man (basically, against authority)
Signatures: Bleedout {Diving Meteora 2} On Target {Superman Punch 1}
Finishers: Dead End {Sole Kick & Uppercut} Hybrid Divide {Diving Front Dropkick}

The younger brother {BY 2 MONTHS} of Sir Domino the Third, born in Eagle Alaska/Canada.. was kind of close to Sir Domino, but their parents' divorce ended up with them getting further away... they reunited when they were 16, and they went to become wrestlers together... they trained hard, and were decent, Sir Domino graduated and went to MMW... Marx had to retake the class. Although, he was already very well trained, so he passed really fast... he is now attempting to join MMW.
New Members / Re: Changed my name, howdy folks!
« Last post by High Flying Dwarf on April 26, 2023, 04:22:35 pm »
Mat is a dumbie who rescinded the open source status of the source code for his games after the fact once he realised he could make money off the mobile market. No shocks found here.
Promo Center / MMW: May Day Madness 2023
« Last post by -The Real- Big Pete on April 25, 2023, 03:22:23 pm »
Next Monday, the May Day Madness returns! One year ago, MPire Mall Wrestling arose after a 7 year hiatus...and so we mark that anniversary with another gathering of the Faithful in the MMW Arena as the roster brings you May Day Madness 2023! See the Match Card below!
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