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Author Topic: [Show #5] Ground Fire (17th, April 2011)  (Read 4629 times)


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[Show #5] Ground Fire (17th, April 2011)
« on: December 26, 2020, 07:28:07 pm »
The show starts with Dino Nuo holding the NHW World Championship around his shoulder, making his way out to the ring with The Dragon’s Nest. All three get into the ring as Spike hands Nuo a microphone… Dino Nuo explains that Hocktus has had his chance and that he should be sent to the back of the line, there should be a new face in the Championship scene and seeing as how he is Champion, he will declare his next challenger. Dino Nuo then announces his opponent for tonight will be Chris Cassius. The Dragon’s Nest then exits the ring while they all raise their fists into the air as the crowd boos them to the locker room.

Match 1:   Devlyn And Josh Stone Vs The Dragon’s Nest (Dan McMinalen And Tony Spike)
TWC IV Recorded Match

Match 2:   Scott Rendix Vs Kevin Empire

The crowd sends a mixed reaction at Kevin Empire, while he makes his way to the ring. He watches the crowd giving him both cheers and boos as he gets in the ring… Scott Rendix makes his way out to little cheer, he rolls into the ring and taunts to the crowd, confidently.

The referee calls for the bell and this match begins. They both tie-up and Kevin Empire overpowers him into the corner, Scott Rendix then starts to push forwards and they both get back into the centre of the ring, Rendix then throws Empire’s arm to the side and locks on a wrist lock. Rendix sends Empire down to his knees, Empire then gets back up and goes behind him and grabs his waist, Rendix then quickly goes behind Empire and lifts him up in the air then slams him down face-first to the canvas, still holding onto Empire’s waist. Rendix suddenly rolls over and has Empire in an Oklahoma Roll Up, it only gets a 1 count. They both quickly get back up and Empire sends him down with a Headlock Takedown, Rendix tries to get out of it but Empire wrenches at his head. Rendix then uses his leg strength and wraps his legs around Empire’s head until Empire quickly springs himself out of it and they both roll up to their feet to a stalemate. Rendix tries to get the crowd behind him as they both circle each other, they both get closer as they try to go for a Test Of Strength, Rendix goes to grab Empire’s hand until Empire sends his knee to Rendix’s ribs, he runs off the ropes but gets thrown overhead with a Back Body Drop.

Scott Rendix quickly picks Empire up and hits him in the face with a forearm, he kicks him in the abdomen then grabs his waist, he tries to lift him in the air but Empire drives his knee into Rendix’s ribs and throws him overhead with a Gutwrench Suplex, Empire hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Empire then sits him up and puts on a chinlock, Rendix tries to struggle free but Empire wrenches at his head. The crowd half and half cheers for both men as Rendix gets to one knee, Empire shouts: “Shut up!” to the crowd as he tries to apply more pressure on the chinlock as Rendix gets back up, he hits elbow shots into Empire’s ribs until the submission is finally broken, Rendix then runs off the ropes but ducks a Clothesline attempt, he runs back and jumps in the air hitting a Crossbody onto Empire sending him down, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Rendix then gets back up and pulls Empire up, he hits him with a forearm again which sends him into the corner where Empire is then lifted up onto the turnbuckle, Rendix climbs up and hooks his head while taunting to the crowd, Empire then starts to punch at his abdomen, he grabs Rendix’s head then hits him with a headbutt in the face. Empire quickly stands on the turnbuckle and grabs Rendix’s head, he jumps off the turnbuckle and slams Rendix down with a Super Sitout Facebuster!

The crowd then bursts out with cheers as the referee checks up on both men. Kevin Empire suddenly sits up and rolls Scott Rendix over, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Empire then gets to his feet and stomps on Rendix’s head, he grabs his shoulders and picks him back up, he then puts Rendix onto his shoulders and walks to the centre of the ring, Rendix suddenly gets off behind Empire onto his feet and quickly slams Empire down with a Russian Leg Sweep, he hooks the leg but it gets a 2 count. He picks Empire back up and goes for a kick but Empire catches his boot, he then spins him around and sends Rendix down with a Clothesline. Empire quickly picks him up and kicks him in the abdomen, he grabs his waist and tries to lift him up, Rendix then swings out of the hold and hits Empire with a Jawbreaker, causing him to stumble in the centre of the ring. Rendix then runs off the ropes but gets caught and thrown into the air, Empire then delivers a kick to Rendix’s jaw with the Alarm Clock, he then quickly spins around and hits a Spinning Back Elbow onto Rendix’s jaw, Empire then runs off the ropes and jumps in the air with a boot onto Rendix’s jaw once again with the Sick Kick, sending Rendix down onto his head! Kevin Empire quickly hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Sick Kick: Kevin Empire

Match 3:   Thomas R. West Vs Hawk Knight

The crowd cheers as Hawk Knight makes his way to the ring, he claps the hands of the fans until he rolls into the ring. He gets up to his feet and gets to the turnbuckle, he jumps up and taunts happily to the crowd. The arena lights then go out until the entrance curtain gets the spotlight put on it, Thomas R. West then steps out while looking around the arena as the crowd cheers for him. West makes his way to the ring while Hawk in the ring watches nervously, West slides into the ring and stares right into Hawk’s eyes, he stares back but gets concerned. The referee calls for the bell.
Hawk Knight slowly walks up to him until R. West swiftly grabs Hawk round the throat, then throws him over the ropes to the outside. Hawk holds his throat as he tries to crawl away, West gets to the outside and picks Hawk up, he grabs his head and throws him into the ring post. The referee tries to tell West to get into the ring while he stomps at Hawk’s ribs, West then sends a chilling stare at the referee which makes him back away. West picks Hawk back up and slams his head off the ring apron, he then rolls him back into the ring and crawls back in after, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. West grabs Hawk’s head and picks him up, he then turns around and hits Hawk in the jaw with a Spinning Back Elbow, sending him into the corner. West quickly takes advantage and puts Hawk onto the top turnbuckle, he climbs up and punches him in the jaw, he hooks his head for a Superplex until Hawk starts to punch him on the ribs. Hawk breaks the hook and headbutts West on the head, the then pushes him off the turnbuckle but lands on his feet, Hawk quickly climbs up the turnbuckle as West turns around, Hawk leaps off and hits West in the face with a Diving Missile Dropkick!

Hawk Knight then grabs West’s head and picks him up, he kicks him in the leg sending him down, he then runs off the ropes and leaps off West’s knee but misses an Enziguri, West then quickly picks him up and lifts him up onto his shoulder, he runs to the turnbuckle and slams Hawk’s back onto the top turnbuckle as West still has him on his shoulder, he then runs to the opposite corner and slams Hawk again off the turnbuckle, still holding on. West then runs to the centre and drives Hawk down to the canvas finishing off the Oklahoma Stampede, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. The crowd is in favor of R. West as they continue to cheer for him. He gets up to his feet as he picks Hawk up to his feet, he hooks his head and lifts him up overhead, he then drives him down onto his head with a Brainbuster. West suddenly gets up to his feet and grabs Hawk’s arm, he then places his leg over his neck and locks on the Neck Crank! Hawk screams in pain as he tries to get out of it, West applies more pressure as Hawk suddenly uses leg strength and his foot touches the bottom rope, breaking the submission. West then picks him up, Hawk throws his arms away and crawls to the bottom rope of the corner, Hawk tries to recover and heal until West walks over, Hawk then kicks him in the knee which causes West to stumble to the centre of the ring, Hawk gets back up and hits a Low Dropkick to West’s knee sending him down.

Hawk Knight then grabs R. West’s leg and starts kicking at it, he lifts up his elbow and hits an Elbow Drop on West’s knee. Hawk picks him back up and elbows him in the head, he holds his neck from the submission he took earlier until West then punches him across the jaw, Hawk stumbles back but jumps in the air and hits West down with an Enziguri, he rolls him over and hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He grabs West’s head and picks him up, West then pushes Hawk away and extends his leg for his Quick Draw!, but falls to the canvas holding his leg, Hawk takes advantage and wraps up his legs, he then locks him up with his Hawk Star! Hawk then suddenly lets go and falls to the canvas holding his neck from the Neck Crank earlier. The referee checks up on both of them until West gets back up to his feet, he pulls Hawk up to his feet and drags him over to the turnbuckle, West climbs up the turnbuckle while holding Hawk’s head, he places his knee to Hawk’s jaw then leaps off and drives him down with his Foot Branding! West quickly hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Foot Branding: Thomas R. West

Backstage in the locker room, Chad Dayfield is seen wearing sunglasses and sitting down on a bench, he has his hands clutching together at his jaw. He notices the camera then stares into it while smiling.
Everyone here tonight at Ground Fire, bought tickets to see me. They all know who has the most talent in wrestling today and it’s obviously me. I may wrestle in a ring in a backyard, but that does not change the fact, that I am the future of the wrestling business…
Chad then gets up off the bench and removes his sunglasses. He stares confidently into the camera and begins to speak.
In a couple years from now, my name will be on everything, everywhere… I will be the most talked about person, in the world… Everyone, will remember the name, Chad Dayfield… For the rest of eternity.
He then reaches into his GYM bag and pulls out an AGW t-shirt, he shows it to the camera while pointing to it.
You see, this is actually the reason I signed with NHW in the first place. I will prove that it doesn’t matter if you’re a backyarder, you can still follow your dreams to the big leagues… However, you have all failed to do just that, while I am currently reigning supreme over all of you morons, still trying to dream of being a star… This is the reality you’re dealing with, fate has spoken, fate says that Chad Dayfield’s legacy, is about to begin!
Chad gives out a sadistic laugh while he puts his sunglasses back on, he then walks out of the locker room as the camera zooms in on Chad walking away.

Match 4:   Tyson Roders Vs Brian Michaels

The crowd boos as Tyson Roders steps out of the entrance curtain and begins to arrogantly taunt by pointing to himself while telling the crowd that they should be bowing at him. He rolls into the ring and rests in the corner of the turnbuckle, not caring what the crowd thinks of him. Brian Michaels enters to a mixed reaction, he makes his way to the ring and slides in. He gets up to his feet and happily taunts to the crowd.

The bell sounds as Tyson quickly runs behind Brian and locks on a waist lock, Brian then quickly spins to the side of him and grabs his arm, he then locks on a wristlock. Tyson eventually flips Brian over and hits a Leg Drop on his arm, Tyson quickly grabs Brian’s arm and puts his legs over Brian’s arm, locking on a Crucifix Armbar. Brian tries to get out of the hold as the referee checks up on him, he tries to reach for the ropes as Tyson applies more pressure on the arm, Brian eventually uses his leg strength and his foot touches the bottom rope, breaking the submission. Tyson then grabs Brian’s head and picks him up, he punches him into the corner and runs at him but Brian hits him with an elbow shot on his bad arm, Tyson falls to the canvas as Brian holds him arm. Brian then walks over to him until Tyson suddenly throws his arms to the side and kicks Brian in the abdomen, he places Brian’s arm around his throat and hooks his head, he then slams him down onto the canvas with a Guillotine Bulldog! Tyson quickly rolls him over but gets a 2 count.

Tyson Roders gets up to his feet and shouts at the fans at ringside, he picks Brian up and pushes him into the corner turnbuckle. He grabs his arm and goes to throw him but gets reversed and Irish Whipped himself into the opposite corner, Brian then runs at him and hits a Corner Forearm Smash with his bad arm. Tyson falls to the canvas as Brian holds his arm, he walks over to Tyson and goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Brian grabs Tyson’s head and pulls him up to his feet, he kicks him in the thigh then sends a kick to his chest, Brian sends another kick to Tyson’s chest until he swiftly grabs Brian’s arm and connects an Armbreaker with both his knees. Brian falls to the canvas holding his arm while Tyson lies on the floor trying to recuperate. Tyson rolls to his feet and runs off the ropes with an Elbow Drop to Brian’s arm, Tyson then pulls Brian up to his feet using his arm and kicks him in the abdomen, he hooks his head and lifts him up into the air, Tyson then drives his head down onto the canvas with a Brainbuster, Tyson quickly hooks the leg but it gets a 2 count.

Tyson Roders then argues with the referee that is was a 3 count. He gets up to his feet while the crowd sends heat at him, he picks Brian up and hooks his head for another Brainbuster. Brian sends knee shots to Tyson’s ribs and then spins out of the hold, Brian then traps Tyson’s leg and hooks his arm, Brian then quickly lifts him onto his shoulder and slams him down with a Pumphandle Slam. Brian goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Brian then rolls to his feet and quickly picks Tyson up, he hooks his head and tries to go for his Spinning Perfect-Plex, but breaks the hold and holds his arm, Tyson takes advantage and drives Brian’s jaw onto his shoulder, he then places his arm onto his back and whiplashes him back with an Arm Trap Surgical Repair! Tyson quickly hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Arm Trap Surgical Repair: Tyson Roders

Match 5:   Fire Stadium (Ed And Tony Fire) Vs Polaroid (Baxter Raynes And Pierce Aylward) Vs The Canadian Storm (Al Orb And Overboard)     (NHW Tag Team Championships)

Jerry Honson walks out with the NHW Tag Team Championships in his hands, he walks down and sits at ringside until Baxter Raynes walks out of the curtain while not looking at the crowd at all, he walks to the ring with a confident expression as if he’s going to destroy everything. Pierce Aylward runs down to the ring and rolls inside, he raises his fists into the air while the crowd sends them both heat. Fire Stadium walk out to a tremendous amount of cheer from the crowd, they walk down to the ring while staring at Polaroid, angrily. The Canadian Storm make their way to the ring while the crowd sends their boos towards them, they get in the ring and taunt at both Polaroid and Fire Stadium.

The Canadian Storm begin to get Fire Stadium and Polaroid irritated by taunting arrogantly at them, Pierce Aylward suddenly runs at Overboard and hits a thunderous Clothesline sending him down onto his head! Ed Fire, Tony Fire and Baxter Raynes then assault Al Orb and start punching and kicking at him, he rolls to the outside to recuperate as Overboard crawls over to help him. Pierce gets up and charges Ed Fire into the turnbuckle, The Canadian Storm on the outside get up to their feet as Tony notices them, he then charges up and runs off the ropes but Baxter quickly grabs him and lifts him up overhead, he runs to the ropes and launches Tony right over the ropes to the floor onto both Orb and Overboard! Ed then drives his knee into Pierce’s abdomen sending him onto his knees, Ed then runs and leaps into the air, his feet are caught by Baxter at his head but Ed still manages to connect a Headscissors Takedown. Pierce gets up off his knees and walks over to Ed, he kicks him in the abdomen and grabs his waist, he lifts him up for a Powerbomb as he walks over to the ropes.

Pierce Aylward goes to Powerbomb Ed Fire from the ring to the outside, Ed then manages to grab the top rope and throws Pierce over the ropes crashing to the floor below. Tony Fire, Al Orb and Overboard then get back up to their feet as Pierce begins to get back up. Ed gets to his feet on the apron until Baxter Raynes suddenly runs off the ropes and goes for a Spear but Ed quickly ducks to the ring apron and Baxter dives through the ropes to the outside and tackles the four down while landing on his feet! Ed shoots back up on the ring apron, he jumps up in the air and springboards overhead right onto Baxter to the floor with an Asai Moonsault! Suddenly, Yasmin Foley walks out with a microphone in hand while Ed Fire begins to get up holding his ribs. Yasmin then explains that this match has gotten out of control and that there must be Tag Team Champions, she then declares that this match will be a Free-For-All! She exits as Ed quickly picks up Baxter and throws him into the ring, he goes for a cover but Al Orb pulls Ed out to the floor below and slides in, Orb hooks Baxter’s leg but gets a 2 count.

Overboard gets back up and slides into the ring, he picks Baxter up until he and Orb hook Baxter’s head, they then lift him up into the air and hit a Double Suplex on Raynes. Tony and Pierce get back up until Pierce slams Tony’s back into the ring apron, Pierce rolls back in the ring and hits Orb in the jaw with a forearm shot, he then lifts Overboard up overhead and takes him to the turnbuckle, Pierce then hangs him upside down in the corner with a Tree Of Woe. Tony rolls into the ring and sends Pierce down with a Clothesline, he runs off the ropes and hits a Corner Dropkick into Overboard’s face, which causes Overboard to fall from the Tree Of Woe, Tony tries to go for a cover but Orb picks Tony up and kicks him in the ribs, he goes for a punch but Tony ducks it and rolls Orb to his feet with an Arm Drag. Baxter starts to get up to his feet while Ed slides into the ring, he walks over to Baxter but gets a headbutt sending him down. Tony goes for a Dropkick but Orb avoids it, Tony gets to his knees until Orb hits Tony with a Dropkick of his own, Baxter then runs and hits a Big Boot onto Orb, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count.

Baxter Raynes then stares at the referee as he tells him it was a 2. Pierce gets back up and Polaroid notice Ed on the canvas, they then pick him up but Ed tries to fight them off, Pierce then drives his knee into Ed’s abdomen and Baxter hooks Ed’s arms, he then lifts him up into the air and slams him down overhead with a Double Underhook Suplex, Pierce goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Overboard quickly gets up and runs to Pierce, he then goes behind him and rolls him back with a Roll-up, it gets a 1 count as Baxter picks Overboard and lifts him up then slams him viciously down with a Spinebuster. Tony Fire gets to his knees as Pierce walks over to him until Tony springs to his feet and rolls Pierce over with a Snapmare, Baxter runs to him but gets a kick on the knee, Tony takes hold of Baxter’s leg and pulls him into the centre of the ring, he laughs at him while Baxter starts to look angry. Al Orb quickly gets up and jumps in the air then springboards into the air and takes out both Tony Fire and Baxter Raynes with a Springboard Double Back Elbow, Overboard crawls over to Tony and places his hand on his chest for a cover but gets a 2 count.

Al Orb bashes his fist on the canvas in frustration, he then hooks Baxter’s leg but also gets a 2. Orb then gets to his feet and shouts in anger while Overboard begins to pick Baxter up. Baxter then pushes him into the turnbuckle then spins around and connects his Discus Clothesline onto Al Orb, sending him down and rolling to the outside! As Baxter gets back up, he turns around and gets hit by Overboard with his Super Kick! Baxter remains standing but stumbles around, Overboard then shouts in Baxter’s face and hits him with a second Super Kick, this time sending him down. Ed Fire suddenly gets to his feet and turns Overboard around, he kicks him in the abdomen and hooks his head with his leg, he grabs his arm and quickly hits the Overdrive! Tony suddenly gets up and runs off the ropes then hits a Baseball Slide onto Pierce Aylward, Ed hooks the leg on Overboard and it gets the 3 count… Winners and NEW NHW Tag Team Champions via Overdrive: Fire Stadium

After the match, Jerry Honson walks over to Fire Stadium and hands them the NHW Tag Team Championships, they celebrate while they make their leave. Eventually, The Canadian Storm and Polaroid make their exit while the crowd applauds their appreciation at them.

Match 6:   Paper Cut Vs Matt Greer

Paper Cut steps out of the entrance curtain to the cheering crowd, he claps their hands until he gets into the ring. He gets up to his feet and climbs up the turnbuckle, he raises his fists and tries to get the crowd fired up… Matt Greer then walks out with a t-shirt in his hand, he then lifts and shows it to the crowd. The t-shirt has Paper Cut’s and Yasmin Foley’s name with red crosses through them, in the corner of the t-shirt has Matt Greer’s initials. He makes his way to the ring until he spots a fan at ringside with money in his hand, they both exchange the money and the t-shirt before Greer eventually getting in the ring.

They both run to each other until Paper Cut jumps into the air and sends Greer down with a Running Calf Kick, they quickly roll to their feet and Greer wraps his legs around Paper’s head and throws him down with a Flying Headscissors. Again they quickly get back up but Greer kicks him in the abdomen, he runs off the ropes and drives his knee into the side of Paper’s head, sending him down. Greer gives an arrogant smile to the crowd while he receives boos from them, he grabs Paper’s head and pulls him up. Greer then punches him in the head and starts to choke him on the throat, Paper then gets sent into the turnbuckle corner while Greer still holds onto his throat, the referee tries to pull him off until Greer lets go and slaps Paper in the face. The crowd loudly sends hate at Greer’s despicable act, Paper steps out of the corner with an enraged expression, Greer backs away slowly trying to beg him off. He gets into the turnbuckle corner as Paper Cut slowly walks to him, Greer then holds his hand out for a handshake, Paper looks to his hand and then quickly slaps it away and goes to grab him, Greer quickly rolls to the side puts his finger to his head as if it was smart thinking. Paper Cut suddenly lifts his boot and hits a thunderous Super Kick sending Greer down to the canvas!

Paper Cut quickly gets down and starts angrily punching at Greer’s head, he springs up to his feet then kicks Greer in the abdomen, he sits up but Paper kicks him right in the chest sending him back down. Paper kicks Greer in the abdomen again making Greer sit back up until Paper again hits another kick to Greer’s chest. Paper grabs his head and picks him up, he lands forearm shots on his jaw until he then runs off the ropes, he goes for a Clothesline but misses, he runs back at Greer and leaps into the air for a Crossbody but Greer catches him in his arms, Greer then throws him up with Paper sitting on his shoulders until Greer swiftly slams Paper to the canvas with a Sit-out Powerbomb! Greer quickly goes for a cover but gets a 2 count! He argues with the referee while the crowd gets behind Paper Cut. Greer picks him back up to his feet and lifts him up in the air, he then throws him down with a Body Slam, Greer then runs off the ropes and hits an Elbow Drop onto Paper’s chest, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Greer quickly gets back up and picks Paper up, he lifts him up overhead and slams him down with a second Body Slam, he runs off the ropes and hits another Elbow Drop, he goes for a cover and gets another 2 count. Greer frustratingly gets up and picks Paper up, he sends weak slaps to Paper’s face until Paper suddenly jumps back and hits a Hurricanrana on Greer out of nowhere!

They both get up to their feet as Matt Greer goes for an elbow shot but they both run off the ropes, Greer then misses a Kitchen Sink and they run back to each other. Greer then stops and throws Paper Cut in the air but suddenly gets booted in the face, sending him down from an Elevated Dropkick! Paper rolls to his feet and gets the crowd roaring, he picks Greer back up and runs off the ropes, he jumps in the air and grabs Greer’s head then slams him down face-first with a Bulldog. Paper rolls to his feet and runs on the spot, he then runs off the ropes and jumps into the air, he springboards off the middle rope and connects a Lionsault onto Greer! He hooks the leg but gets a 2 count! The crowd cannot believe it as Paper looks disappointed, he rolls to his feet and gets the crowd behind him, he walks to the corner and waits. Greer starts to move as Paper Cut jumps on the spot getting ready, Greer gets up to his feet as Paper then charges at him, Greer suddenly jumps up and takes hold of Paper’s head, he drives his head off both of his knees connecting the Full Gear!

The crowd goes nuts as Greer slowly crawls to Paper Cut, he then hooks the leg but gets a 2 count! Greer sits up at looks at the crowd chanting for Paper Cut, he gets up to his feet and picks Paper back up, Paper then quickly drives his knee into Greer’s ribs then lifts him up into the air and hits an MDKO on him to the canvas. Paper then rolls to the apron while he looks up at the crowd, exhaustingly. He gets up to his feet and climbs up the turnbuckle, he gets to the top and leaps off with a spin in mid-air but Greer moves out of the way and Paper Cut lands face-first onto the canvas missing his Twisting Splash. Greer takes advantage and rolls him over for a pin but gets a 2 count. Greer quickly grabs Paper’s head and picks him up, he runs off the ropes but Paper moves out of the way from the Bicycle Kick! Paper goes for a kick to the abdomen but Greer catches the boot, he spins Paper around then jumps in the air and drives Paper’s head off both his knees and connects a second Full Gear! Greer quickly hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Full Gear: Matt Greer

The Dragon’s Nest is seen in a corridor, backstage… We then see Hocktus walking up to them with an angry expression, McMinalen and Spike start to get into attack stances but Nuo stops them and arrogantly smirks at Hocktus… Hocktus says he may not know who Chris Cassius is, but he hopes Nuo retains the Championship, so he can get his hands on him and take the Championship that he deserves. Nuo explains that he cannot be happy for anyone else when they’re Champion, he says Hocktus always wants the spotlight and the glory all to himself, which is why he will always be pathetic. Hocktus says he’ll go through anybody to get to the Championship match that he deserves, he says he will stop The Dragon’s Nest, once and for all. Nuo laughs at Hocktus’ comment, he then offers Hocktus a match for the next show, a Gauntlet match. Hocktus says he accepts the offer and offers Nuo a stipulation, if he beats The Dragon’s Nest, he gets an NHW World Championship match. Nuo agrees to the stipulation until he claims it’s not fair for Hocktus to have a stipulation, he will add one for himself, he says if either Nest member wins, Hocktus will be forced to leave NHW. Tony Spike ends up laughing like a maniac and says this is the beginning of the “Demise of Hocktus”. The Dragon’s Nest then walks away as Hocktus looks on, angrily.

Match 7:   Dino Nuo Vs Chris Cassius     (NHW World Championship)

Dino Nuo walks out with a microphone in hand while the crowd sends tremendous heat towards him. Dino Nuo says that his opponent could have the greatest debut in NHW history, by beating him for the NHW World Championship. He walks to ringside as he tells the crowd that his opponent could have the best match of his career against him, he gets in the ring and says his opponent will get destroyed… Chris Cassius then makes his way out and looks nervously at Dino Nuo, he rolls into the ring and raises his fists to the crowd.

The bell sounds and Dino Nuo walks over to Cassius, he goes to grab him until Cassius suddenly goes behind Nuo and rolls him up for pin but gets a 2 count. Nuo quickly gets back up, angrily and goes for a kick on Cassius’ head but gets swept off his feet as Cassius then goes for a cover, but gets another 2 count. Nuo then looks frustratingly at Cassius as they both get up, Cassius exchanges his hand for a handshake until Nuo swiftly slaps him across the face, he then shouts in his face that he “Should not mess with a Dragon’s Nest member.” Chris Cassius stumbles back but then jumps in the air and boots Nuo right into the face with a Dropkick, causing Nuo to fall to the outside. Cassius quickly gets back up and slingshots himself over the ropes to the outside landing on top of Nuo with the Senton Plancha! The crowd then cheers on Cassius as he slowly gets back up to his feet, he grabs Nuo’s head and picks him up, he throws him back into the ring and rolls in afterwards for a cover, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count.

Chris Cassius then gets up to his feet and springboards himself off the bottom rope but Nuo moves out of the way as Cassius misses the Springboard Leg Drop, Nuo then grabs his head and starts punching at it, he then quickly picks Cassius up and kicks him right in the ribs, he throws him off the ropes and lifts him up into the air then slams him down onto his knee with a Tilt-a-whirl Backbreaker. He throws him off his knee and stomps him on his back, he runs off the ropes and hits a Knee Drop to Cassius’ back, he rolls him over and hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Nuo then angrily looks up at the referee as he gets up, he quickly picks Cassius up to his feet and punches him in the jaw, he throws him off the ropes again and throws him up in a Tilt-a-whirl but Cassius quickly grabs Nuo’s arm and rolls him over with an Arm Drag, they quickly roll to their feet until Nuo runs at him but gets hit in the head with an Enziguri, Nuo stumbles to the centre as Cassius runs off the ropes then grabs Nuo’s head and slams him down with a Bulldog, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Cassius tries to get the crowd behind him as he picks Nuo back up, he hits a forearm shot on his jaw and runs off the ropes, but gets caught and lifted into the air, Cassius then lands on his feet behind Nuo, he hooks Nuo’s head then drives him down with a Reverse DDT, he quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count.

Chris Cassius springs up to his feet while taunting to the cheering crowd, he picks Nuo up but gets a thumb to the eye, Nuo takes advantage and locks on a Cobra Clutch on Cassius, Nuo then suddenly throws him overhead with a Cobra Clutch Suplex! Nuo quickly crawls over and hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He gets up to his feet and picks Cassius up, he kicks him in abdomen then sends him down with a Clothesline. Nuo grabs his head and pulls him up, he goes for a kick but gets caught, Cassius then places his leg over Nuo’s and jumps in the air with a boot to the face of Nuo with a Step-over Spinning Wheel Kick, sending Nuo down. Cassius gets back up and taunts to the crowd, while they cheer him on. He picks Nuo back up and hooks his head, he then lifts him up in the air and quickly drives him down with his Ferrari DDT! Chris Cassius quickly hooks the leg but it gets a 2 count! Cassius sits up and is disappointed, he asks the referee if it was a 3 count. He slowly gets to one knee until Tony Spike suddenly runs down from the crowd area, Spike jumps over the security barrier as Cassius then notices him while Spike taunts at him.

Out of nowhere, Hocktus then runs down from the entrance curtain as Spike then quickly makes a getaway. Hocktus then follows pursuit while Cassius in the ring, picks Nuo up, until Nuo then kicks him in the abdomen. Nuo runs off the ropes and quickly drives Cassius onto his knee, he then gives a sadistic smirk to the crowd and whiplashes Cassius face-first into the canvas, stealing Hocktus’ move of the TigerDome. Nuo then rolls him over and hooks the leg which gets the 3 count… Winner and STILL NHW World Champion via TigerDome: Dino Nuo

Match 8:   David Zutos Vs Corvo     (Nytro War Match)

The crowd starts to get rowdy and pumped up for this match. David Zutos enters through the curtains wearing jeans and his fists taped up. Suddenly, he walks halfway to the ring and Corvo walks out and stands on the entrance way, staring at Zutos also wearing jeans and a “Charlie Sheen Of Professional Wrestling” t-shirt. Corvo then quickly runs down as Zutos runs to Corvo and they start viciously brawling at the entrance way. The referee tries to tell them to get to the ring as they continue punching at each other, Zutos then gets the upperhand and then slams Corvo into the crowd barrier. Zutos grabs his head and drags him to ringside, Corvo then punches him in the back and throws him into the ring post. Corvo then lifts him up into the air and slams his head onto the ring apron, he rolls him into the ring and slides in with him. The referee gets in afterwards and finally calls for the bell to officially begin the match!

Corvo picks him up and kicks him in the abdomen, he hooks his head and lifts him up into the air then slams him down with a Suplex. Corvo rolls to his feet and walks over to Zutos, until he sits up and rolls Corvo to the floor, Zutos then starts punching at his head once again until Corvo throws him off. They both get back to their feet and Zutos lifts him up onto his shoulder, he runs to the turnbuckle and slams Corvo’s back onto it, he walks to the centre of the ring and hits a Shoulder Powerslam onto Corvo. He quickly picks Corvo back up and punches him into the ropes, he runs off the ropes and sends Corvo over the ropes with a Clothesline, Corvo however holds onto the bottom rope on the apron. Zutos then leans through the ropes grabbing Corvo’s head, Corvo then puts his thumb to Zutos’ eyes and gets back up, he then turns Zutos around making him sit on the ropes, Corvo drives Zutos’ head with a Neckbreaker onto the ring apron! Zutos falls to the outside holding his neck while Corvo laughs at what he did.

Corvo gets to his knees and goes under the apron, he then pulls out a steel chair and looks at it with a sickening smirk. Zutos crawls to the crowd barrier and looks up at Corvo, he then slams the chair off Zutos’ head and slides the chair into the ring. Corvo picks Zutos back up and kicks him in the abdomen, he grabs his waist and attempts to lift him up but Zutos then lifts Corvo up and throws him overhead with a Back Body Drop. Corvo shouts in pain as Zutos crawls to the ring apron, he goes under the ring apron and starts to pull out a table. Corvo then gets back up and quickly hits an Elbow Drop onto Zutos’ back, Corvo then punches him on the back of the head and pulls out the table himself, he then sets up the table as Zutos quickly springs to his feet and charges Corvo’s back into the ring post. Zutos then throws him into the ring and rolls in after him. He picks Corvo back then grabs his waist, he lifts him up overhead then drives his head down with a Piledriver onto the chair! Zutos quickly hooks the leg but it gets a 2 count!

David Zutos gets back up to his feet while holding his back, he picks Corvo up and punches him in the face, he goes to throw him but Corvo instead runs Zutos off the ropes, Zutos runs back until he quickly gets down onto his back and rolls Corvo over with a Small Package but it gets a 2 count. They quickly get to their feet until Corvo spins around on the spot and hits a Rolling Elbow to Zutos’ face, sending him into the corner. Corvo then runs at him and drives his knee into his face, he quickly jumps off the turnbuckle as Zutos stumbles into the centre, Corvo leaps up and hits an Enziguri to Zutos’ head. Zutos begins to hold his head as Corvo runs off the ropes until he quickly gets caught and turned around, Zutos quickly lifts Corvo up by the waist and hits him down onto his head with a Back Drop Driver! Zutos rolls to the outside and goes under the apron once again, he then pulls out a second steel chair and slides that into the ring, he then taunts to the crowd and pulls out a ladder! The crowd continues to cheer as Zutos slides the ladder into the ring.

David Zutos rolls into the ring as Corvo begins to beg him to stop. Zutos quickly grabs his head until Corvo clutches at Zutos’ head and hits him with a Jawbreaker, Zutos stumbles into the ropes as Corvo walks over to him, he then hooks Zutos’ arms and tries to lift him up in the air for Hook And Ladder, Zutos then gets down to his knees and Corvo rolls to the side, breaking the hold. They both then stare at each other as they begin to walk to the centre, Zutos then delivers a punch to Corvo’s face until Corvo hits a forearm shot to Zutos. They both then get to their faces until they then both start brawling once again! Zutos goes for a Clothesline until Corvo catches his arm and goes behind Zutos, he grabs his leg and shoulder then lifts him in the air, Corvo then slams Zutos down with a Reverse Body Slam face-first onto the ladder! The crowd watches on as they are even sided for both men. Corvo quickly takes advantage and rolls him over and goes for a cover but gets a 2 count! Corvo yells at the referee that it was a 3 count. He gets back up and quickly picks Zutos back up, until Zutos quickly picks Corvo up onto his shoulders, Zutos then spins around in the centre of the ring until he throws him to the side and slams Corvo down with an F-5 on one of the steel chairs!

David Zutos rolls him over and hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. The crowd cannot believe what they are witnessing. Zutos gets back up and grabs both steel chairs, he then sits them up near the corner of a turnbuckle, he then walks over to the ladder and picks it up until Corvo starts to get back to his feet. Zutos notices Corvo and walks over to him, Corvo then springs to his feet and slams the ladder off Zutos’ back. He then throws Zutos into the ropes and grabs the ladder, Corvo places the ladder on the steel chairs and walks over to Zutos. Corvo then charges at him and he tackles Zutos to the outside, Corvo then springs back to his feet while holding his head. He suddenly pulls out a Singapore cane and whips it on Zutos’ back, he grabs Zutos and throws him back into the ring. Corvo rolls back into the ring and picks Zutos back up, he puts the cane around Zutos’ neck and slams him down with a White Russian Legsweep. Corvo goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Corvo angrily picks Zutos back up still holding the cane, he shouts in Zutos’ face until he quickly drives the cane right into his face, sending Zutos down and causing him to bust open.
Corvo then sends a chilling stare at the crowd as they still cheer for both men, evenly.

Corvo throws down the cane and drags Zutos to the bottom rope, he then gets to his knees and starts biting at Zutos’ open cut. He picks Zutos back up and kicks him in the abdomen, he grabs his waist and lifts him up into the air and quickly drives him down onto knees with an SAT Bomb! He quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count! Corvo springs to his feet and drags Zutos up, he turns him around and hooks his arms around his neck, he elevates him on his knees until he quickly rolls him off and drives him down face-first with the D.L.S! Corvo quickly goes for the cover but gets another 2 count! The crowd is going insane as Corvo sits up, he stares at the bloodied Zutos while looking vexed. Corvo then reaches into the pocket of his jeans and pulls out a long length chain, he quickly picks Zutos up until he gets kicked in the abdomen, Zutos then grabs the chain and ties it around Corvo’s head, Zutos lifts his foot and boots Corvo in the back of the head and runs off the ropes, he then places his knee to Corvo’s face and drives him down with Corvo’s own Knee Facebuster!

Corvo is seen busted open due to the chain around his head during the Knee Facebuster. Zutos quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count! Zutos quickly picks him up and hooks his arms next to the ropes, he tries to lift him up and over the ropes with a Zutosphere until Corvo headbutts Zutos in the face, breaking the hold. Corvo then quickly gets to the ring apron and drags Zutos to the apron afterwards. Corvo hooks Zutos’ head and tries to lift him up for a Suplex until Zutos delivers his knee to Corvo’s abdomen, Zutos then hits a Big Boot onto Corvo’s face, sending away to the turnbuckle. Corvo then suddenly runs to Zutos until he gets caught as Zutos turns around and hooks his arms to Corvo’s head, Zutos quickly jumps off the ring apron and shockingly hits a Zutosphere from the ring apron through the table! The crowd proceeds to chant: “Holy S***!” while the referee tries to check up on both of them. Out of nowhere, David Zutos pulls himself up using the ring apron!

David Zutos somehow recovers and drags Corvo up to his feet, he rolls him onto the ring apron and climbs up to it himself. He pulls up Corvo’s lifeless body and throws him onto the turnbuckle, Zutos shouts to the extreme crowd and begins to lift Corvo up onto the turnbuckle. Zutos climbs up the turnbuckle and wants to destroy Corvo as he hooks his arms around Corvo’s neck. Suddenly, Corvo regains life and hits a Low Blow on Zutos, breaking the hold. Corvo quickly stands on the top turnbuckle and turns Zutos around, he hooks his arms around his neck and elevates him on his knees. Corvo then quickly shouts in frustration as he rolls Zutos off in mid-air and breaks the ladder on the chairs with a Super D.L.S! The crowd is half stunned and half cheering. Eventually, Corvo manages to place his hand over Zutos’ chest and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Super D.L.S: Corvo

After the match, the referee holds up the X sign as two groups of EMTs arrive at ringside. Both Corvo and David Zutos get treated on until Corvo sits up and throws the EMTs to the side, he gets up to his feet and begins to slowly walk away while hurt, an EMT walks up to Corvo to help him until Corvo throws the EMT into the crowd barrier! David Zutos is strapped up and put onto a stretcher as Corvo slowly makes his way to the locker room.

The Event Ends With Corvo Watching David Zutos Being Put On A Stretcher While The Crowd Applauds Appreciation For Both Men, Corvo Points To What It Says On His T-Shirt While Watching David Zutos Being Helped To The Back On A Stretcher