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Author Topic: [Show #13] Fusion (4th, September 2011)  (Read 5989 times)


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[Show #13] Fusion (4th, September 2011)
« on: December 26, 2020, 08:18:55 pm »
The show is about to begin as the crowd starts to get rowdy with cheers until Jerry Honson steps out of the curtains with a microphone in his hand, he greets the fans as he stands at the entrance way.

I definitely could not miss tonight’s show, despite making rare appearances. If you may or may not know, we are currently coming up to our eighth month of NHW and our one year anniversary is coming up in January…I can now tell you that matches for the One Year Anniversary show will officially be finalized between now and then. Everyone is worthy to compete at the show, but only limited spots are available, we will make this the best show you have ever see-
Suddenly, Matt Greer walks out in his black suit with gold tie and “MG” initialed sunglasses, he takes Jerry’s microphone while taking off his glasses then looks to him.
Whoa… Jerry, stop… Jus- just stop. The talent that you think is worthy enough to wrestle at such a high-profile event is good, but let’s face it, I am the most deserving to wrestle on that show… Me, Matt Greer.
The crowd starts to chant that he sucks as Greer begins to gets frustrated.
And since I am the NHW CEO, I will be making sure that I have a match. I don’t mind what match, I am doing this for the good of the company, because the fans paid to see wrestling and since I am the only one who can actually wrestle, I will give it my all for the fans!
Matt Greer throws the microphone into Jerry Honson’s hands as he raises his hands to the booing crowd, Jerry shakes his head and walks through the curtains. Greer waves and smiles to the crowd while shouting at them to buy his merchandise before he walks through the curtains.

Match 1:   Devlyn Vs Scott Rendix     (Pick Your Poison Match)

The crowd boos as Devlyn walks out and raises his fist into the air as he stares to the fans, he makes his way to the ring as he argues with the crowd at ringside. He gets into the ring and climbs up the turnbuckle then taunts while the crowd still sends heat in his direction. He jumps down and Scott Rendix enters to a mixed reaction, he claps the fan’s hands while greeting them, he walks down to the ring and tries to pump the crowd up. He rolls into the ring and looks to Devlyn with an angered expression, they both stare to each other as Rendix raises his fists to the cheering and booing crowd.

The referee calls for the bell and they lockup until Devlyn quickly grabs hold of Scott Rendix’s arm but Rendix then ducks under and grabs hold of Devlyn’s arm, he then quickly goes to the ropes and the referee gets Rendix off. Rendix shouts at Devlyn as they both slowly walk to each other, Rendix then puts Devlyn in a headlock and wrenches at his head, Devlyn charges back and throws Rendix off the ropes but is taken down with a Shoulder Tackle, Rendix gets fired up as Devlyn backs away and gets back to his feet. Rendix puts Devlyn in another headlock and tries to go for a Headlock Takedown, but Devlyn keeps Rendix on his feet and again throws him off the ropes but is again hit with a Shoulder Tackle. He quickly gets to his feet and punches Rendix in the face, he throws him off the ropes and goes for a Hip Toss but Rendix takes a sidestep and throws Devlyn overhead with his own Hip Toss. The crowd continues to send a mixed reaction towards Rendix as Devlyn gets back up to his feet, he gets taken back down with a Clothesline. Devlyn then rolls to the outside and shouts at the fans, Rendix gets angered as Devlyn walks around the ring, he gets back in the ring and they stare at each other while and Rendix goes for a punch but Devlyn drives his knee into his ribs.

Devlyn then punches him in the face and Scott Rendix falls to one knee, Devlyn punches him again and he falls to the canvas. He picks him up and throws him off the ropes then goes for a Back Body Drop, Rendix jumps over him and connects a Sunset Flip, but gets a 2 count. They both quickly get to their feet and Rendix lifts him up overhead then hits him with a Body Slam, Devlyn again rolls to the outside and holds his back but Rendix gets frustrated and gets to the outside and follows pursuit. He then punches Devlyn on the jaw and hits him again, he grabs his head and throws him back into the ring, he rolls back in but Devlyn springs to his feet and starts to stomp on Rendix’s back, he kicks him in the corner and starts kicking him in the head. Devlyn picks him up and locks on an Abdominal Stretch, Rendix tries to get out of it but Devlyn applies more pressure and hits an elbow shot on his ribs, Rendix starts to slowly move to the centre of the ring and suddenly breaks the submission by throwing Devlyn overhead with a Hip Toss. He jumps up but Devlyn rolls out of the way and Rendix misses a Knee Drop, Rendix holds his knee as he gets to his feet while Devlyn rolls to the his feet and runs off the ropes, he leaps up and takes Rendix down to the canvas with a Flying Clothesline.

Devlyn gets back up to his feet and smirks to the booing crowd while shouting to them that he is the “Doctor Of Pain.” He runs off the ropes and hits Scott Rendix with an Elbow Drop, he quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Rendix sits up and Devlyn then locks on a chinlock, Rendix starts to get angered while the crowd once again sends a mixed reaction towards him and he gets to one knee, Devlyn tries to apply more pressure but Rendix gets to his feet and hits Devlyn in the ribs with an elbow, he hits a second elbow shot and Devlyn releases the hold. Devlyn suddenly lifts Rendix up and connects a Backbreaker, he then gets to the ring apron and starts to climb up the turnbuckle while arguing with the fans. He gets to the top until Rendix quickly gets to his feet and punches Devlyn in the jaw, he then grabs Devlyn’s head and throws him off the turnbuckle down to the canvas. Rendix then pumps himself up as Devlyn gets to his knees, Devlyn starts to back away to the bottom turnbuckle but Rendix grabs his head and picks him up, Devlyn goes for a punch but is blocked and Rendix hits him with a punch, he starts to hit him with numerous punches until he hits him in the chest with a chop, Devlyn then stumbles into the corner.

Scott Rendix stares at Devlyn then hits a chop on his chest, he gives him a second chop then goes to throw him into the opposite turnbuckle but Devlyn reverses and throws Rendix instead. He runs at him and jumps up with a Jumping High Knee but Rendix moves out of the way and Devlyn crashes into the turnbuckle. Devlyn hops on one leg until Rendix quickly sweeps him off his leg, he grabs his knee and hits an Elbow Drop. He gets back to his feet and steps over Devlyn’s leg and locks on a Figure-four Leg Lock! Devlyn screams in pain while the crowd cheers hugely, Devlyn eventually crawls and grabs the bottom rope as the referee gets Rendix to break it up, Rendix angrily gets to his feet and drags Devlyn into the centre of the ring, he grabs his leg and goes for another Figure-four Leg Lock until Devlyn grabs his head and rolls him overhead with a Small Package and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Small Package: Devlyn

Match 2:   The Lucidity Vs Hawk Knight

Hawk Knight walks out to cheers and he greets the fans, he makes his way down to the ring and takes his t-shirt off then throws into the crowd. He rolls into the ring and gets on the ropes while raising his fists into the air. The Lucidity enters to boos from the crowd as he shrugs it off not caring what they think, he looks to the fans booing at him while making his way down to the ring. He gets in the ring and climbs up the turnbuckle then proceeds to taunt at the crowd while they send him heat. He jumps off the turnbuckle and they both stare at each other in the middle of the ring.

The referee calls for the bell and they begin to talk trash in each other’s faces, Hawk Knight then quickly grabs The Lucidity’s arm and goes to throw him into the turnbuckle but Lucidity reverses and throws Hawk instead, he then grabs Hawk’s throat and starts to choke him but Hawk breaks free and they begin to punch each other. The referee pulls them apart until they begin to lockup in the corner, they both try to overpower the other until Hawk tries to shove Lucidity through the ropes but he grabs Hawk by the hair and they both fall through the middle rope to the outside. They both quickly get to their feet until Lucidity slaps Hawk across the face, Hawk then retaliates with a slap of his own as the referee gets to the outside and separates them. They get back into the ring and Lucidity quickly runs to him but Hawk grabs his head and throws him overhead with a Headlock Takedown, Lucidity then wraps his legs around Hawk’s head with a Headscissors but Hawk kicks out of it, they both roll to their feet until Lucidity throws him over with his own Headlock Takedown, Hawk then puts Lucidity in a Headscissors of his own until Lucidity kicks out of it. They both get to their feet and walk up to each other’s faces, the crowd begins to cheer as Lucidity pushes him, Hawk then hits him in the jaw with a forearm.

The Lucidity retaliates with a kick to the abdomen and sweeps him off his feet, he tries to go for a Boston Crab but Hawk Knight grabs his head then rolls him over with a Small Package, but gets a 2 count. They both get to their feet until Lucidity swings for a Clothesline, but Hawk leaps up and around Lucidity then rolls him backwards with a Crucifix Pin, but gets a 2 count. They both get to their feet until Lucidity hits him in the chest with a chop, Hawk then hits Lucidity with a chop until they both start to exchange chops. Lucidity then eventually rakes Hawk’s eyes and he stumbles to the turnbuckle, Lucidity then punches him in the head and grabs his arm then throws him into the opposite turnbuckle, he runs to him but Hawk moves out of the way and Lucidity lands on the turnbuckle. He then quickly turns to Hawk and runs to him until Hawk trips him up with a Drop Toe Hole, he then turns him over and starts to punch him in the face until the referee gets him off. Lucidity tries to get up until Hawk grabs his head and drives his knee into his face, he then hits him again with a second knee until he lifts his boot and stomps him on the head. He grabs Lucidity’s head and picks him up, he then punches him in the head and goes to throw him into the turnbuckle but Lucidity reverses and throws Hawk instead, Hawk stumbles back as Lucidity quickly grabs his waist then throws him over with a German Suplex.

The Lucidity still holds onto Hawk Knight’s waist and drags him back up to his feet, he lifts him up overhead and connects a second German Suplex. Lucidity doesn’t let go and pulls him back up to his feet until Hawk grabs the top rope and holds on. Lucidity tries to lift him up but Hawk clutches at the ropes, he then stops holding Hawk’s waist and hits him in the back with a forearm, he continues to hit him and grabs his waist then tries for the third German Suplex, but Hawk quickly holds the ropes again. Lucidity gets frustrated and hits him again with a forearm to the back, he then grabs his waist and lifts him up then over the ropes with a Backdrop to the outside! Lucidity then taunts as the crowd continues to boo him, Hawk slowly gets up until Lucidity suddenly runs off the ropes and leaps through the middle rope, Hawk manages to get out of the way and Lucidity crashes the floor with a Suicide Dive! Hawk eventually gets to his feet and stomps on Lucidity’s head, he then grabs the steel steps and pulls them closer to him, Hawk then stomps him on the head again and picks him up to his feet then punches him in the head. He hits him in the chest with a chop and goes to throw him until Lucidity reverses and throws Hawk into the steel steps but Hawk manages to jump over them and runs back him, but Lucidity kicks the steel steps into Hawk’s ribs and he falls down.

The Lucidity manages to get to his feet while Hawk Knight tries to get up, he walks over to him and kicks him in the ribs. He then punches him in the head and Hawk quickly rolls into the ring to safety, Lucidity rolls in afterwards and hits him in the ribs with an Elbow Drop, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He drags him up to his feet while holding his arm and throws him off the ropes, he then throws Hawk over as he drives his knee into his ribs with a Kitchen Sink. Hawk holds his ribs as Lucidity stares to the booing crowd, he then argues with the referee while Hawk begins to get up, he grabs Hawk’s head and picks him up then grabs his waist, he lifts him up and drops him onto his knee with a Gutbuster. Hawk holds his ribs and Lucidity then kicks him in the head, he grabs his head and pulls him back up then throws him into the turnbuckle. He walks over and stomps Hawk in the ribs, Lucidity then starts to stomp him numerous times until Hawk then slaps him across the face, he then kicks Lucidity in the abdomen then punches him in the jaw, Hawk starts to hit numerous punches on him then grabs his arm and throws him off the ropes, he leaps up for a Dropkick but Lucidity holds onto the ropes.

The Lucidity then grabs Hawk Knight’s legs and drops back as Hawk lands face-first onto the turnbuckle with a Slingshot. Lucidity rolls to his feet as Hawk stumbles over, he then hits Hawk in the chest with a chop until he hooks his head and swiftly throws him overhead with a Snap Suplex. Hawk tries to get up until Lucidity drags him up to his feet, he punches him in the jaw as the crowd continues to boo until he punches Hawk again, he kicks him in the ribs and hooks his head, he throws him overhead with a second Snap Suplex, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Lucidity gets to his feet as Hawk gets to one knee, he then punches Lucidity in the abdomen as he gets up then hits him in the jaw, Lucidity stumbles until Hawk springs up to his feet and jumps up then hits him with an Enziguri. Hawk rolls to his feet and jumps up at the ropes then springboards off and hits Lucidity on the face with a Springboard Leg Drop, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He gets to his feet and grabs Lucidity’s head then picks him up, he punches him in the face until Hawk is then punched, he kicks Lucidity in the abdomen then goes to throw him but Lucidity reverses and throws Hawk off the ropes, he goes for a Clothesline but Hawk ducks it and runs off the other ropes until he leaps up and a tackles Lucidity down with a Flying Back Elbow.

Hawk Knight gets to his feet while holding his ribs and taunts to the cheering crowd, The Lucidity gets to one knee as Hawk punches him in the jaw then picks him up. Lucidity then grabs Hawk’s head and connects a Jawbreaker, Hawk stumbles as Lucidity grabs his waist, he lifts him up then drives him onto his knee with a Backbreaker, he then pulls him up off his knee then hooks his arms for a Full Nelson Driver. Hawk suddenly breaks free and goes behind him, he sweeps him off his feet then wraps his leg on Lucidity’s legs and kicks him in the ribs, he then hooks his arms and locks on the Hawk Star! The crowd begins to chant “Tap!” as Hawk applies pressure, Lucidity crawls on his knees and manages to grab the rope. The crowd boos as the referee gets Hawk to break the submission. Hawk grabs Lucidity’s head and picks him up then punches him in the head, Lucidity then punches him in retaliation and they begin to punch each other in the jaw. Lucidity overpowers him until he turns around and hits Hawk in the ribs with a Spinning Back Kick. He then leaps up into the air for a Hurricanrana, until Hawk holds onto him then pulls him up onto his shoulder then slams him down with a Sitout Powerbomb, he quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count!

Hawk Knight gets to one knee and grabs The Lucidity’s head then picks him up, he kicks him in the abdomen until Lucidity hits Hawk with a forearm to the jaw. Hawk stumbles back until Lucidity runs off the ropes and leaps up for a Leg Lariat, but Hawk ducks and slides under as Lucidity falls to the canvas, he gets to his feet and stumbles until Hawk quickly turns him around and grabs his head then drives him down with an MDKO. Hawk gets to his feet and taunts to the crowd as Lucidity slowly gets to one knee, Hawk grabs his head and picks him up, he lifts him up onto his shoulders then runs to the centre of the ring and hits his Knight Of Amazement, he quickly hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Knight Of Amazement: Hawk Knight

Match 3:   Ian Shane Vs Luke Sensus     (Pick Your Poison Match)

The crowd sends a mixed reaction at Ian Shane, but more cheers than boos. He raises his fist into the air as he walks down to the ring area, he rolls into the ring into the ring as the crowd continues to give him a mixed reaction. Luke Sensus walks out to boos as he looks to the fans, he makes his way down to the ring while tying up his bandana. He gets into the ring and raises his fists to the crowd, they slowly walk to the centre of the ring and look to each other.

Ian Shane starts by running off the ropes and hits Luke Sensus with a Shoulder Tackle, but he remains standing. Luke then punches him in the jaw and Ian kicks him in the ribs, they both then lockup and try to overpower each other. Luke manages to push him towards the corner until Ian throws him into the turnbuckle, the referee gets them to break the lockup and Luke pushes Ian away. Ian goes to grab him but Luke gets out of the way as Ian goes into the corner, Luke then hits him in the chest with a chop and gives him a second, he grabs his arm and throws him into the opposite turnbuckle, Ian then charges out of the corner and takes Luke down with a Crossbody, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. He grabs Luke’s head and picks him up but Luke hits him in the ribs with a forearm, he grabs Ian’s waist then throws him down to the canvas with a Belly-to-belly Slam. He gets to one knee as he grabs Ian’s head, he punches him in the jaw while picking him up. Ian then hits Luke in the jaw with a forearm, Luke goes for a Spinning Back Elbow but Ian manages to grab Luke’s waist and lift him up into the air then slams him down with a Back Drop, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count.

Ian Shane gets to his feet and stomps on Luke Sensus’ ribs, he runs off the ropes and hits Luke with a Knee Drop. He grabs his head and begins to pick him up until Luke pushes him away, Ian then punches him in the jaw and picks him up, he grabs his arm and throws him off the ropes, Ian goes for a Back Body Drop but Luke leaps over him with a Sunset Flip, but gets a 2 count. They get to their feet and Luke quickly kicks him in the abdomen, he hooks his head and hits him down with a DDT. Luke then rolls him over and starts to punch him numerous times, the referee manages to get him off as the crowd boos him. Luke then picks Ian up to his feet and chops him in the chest, he kicks him in the ribs and goes for a second kick until Ian catches his boot, he spins him around then quickly hits Luke with a Neckbreaker, he slowly goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. Ian gets to his feet and grabs Luke’s head then pulls him up, he punches him in the face and Luke retaliates with a punch of his own, they both exchange punches until Luke spins around and sends Ian to one knee with a Discus Punch. He then runs off the ropes and kicks him in the jaw with a Leg Lariat, he quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count.

Luke Sensus gets to his feet and argues with the referee while Ian Shane gets to one knee, Luke grabs his head and picks him up until Ian chops him in the chest, Luke goes for a punch but Ian blocks it and hits him with another chop. Luke gets frustrated and goes for a Clothesline but Ian ducks under his arm and hooks his head, he then lifts Luke overhead and drives him down with a Reverse Suplex, he rolls him over and hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Ian gets to his feet as Luke gets to one knee, he picks Luke up and grabs his arm then throws him off the ropes, he goes for a Back Elbow but Luke ducks under and runs back to Ian and tackles him down with a Spear. Luke rolls to his feet as Ian slowly gets up, Luke then suddenly holds his eye and shouts in pain as the referee wonders what’s going on. Ian gets to his feet with a confused look on his face, Luke continues to hold his eye until Ian goes for a punch but Luke ducks it. Ian goes for a kick but Luke rolls to the side, Ian and the referee look to each other until he goes for a Big Boot but Luke then grabs his leg and lifts him up onto his shoulders then slams him down with a Powerbomb!

Luke Sensus then grabs Ian Shane’s head and drags him up to his feet, Ian then hits him in the ribs with an elbow causing Luke to stumble away. Ian misses a punch as Luke takes a step back, he runs to him but Luke quickly leaps up wrapping his legs around Ian’s head and throwing him down with a Headscissors Takedown. Luke gets to his feet and grabs Ian’s head, he picks him up then runs off the ropes, Luke goes for a Clothesline but Ian catches him and throws him down with a Powerslam, he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Suddenly, Devlyn walks out of the curtains as Ian gets to his feet, the crowd sends huge boos to him while Ian notices him and starts to shout at him. Luke quickly gets to his feet and takes advantage by grabbing Ian’s head, he swings and whiplashes him down to the canvas face-first with a Hangman’s Facebuster, he quickly rolls him over and hooks the leg and gets the 3 count… Winner via Hangman’s Facebuster: Luke Sensus

The Canadian Storm are seen backstage in the locker room with most of the NHW roster, the NHW Tag Team Championships are back on the small podium and the cage is on the table. Al Orb welcomes everyone to The Canadian Storm Lottery, Overboard reminds everyone that the same rules apply and wishes everyone no good luck, because they are pathetic losers. Yuzuru Maeda walks up to the cage and puts his hand inside then pulls out a silver ball, he kicks the ball at a locker as Chad Dayfield and Paper Cut both walk up to the cage, they both then argue that they were next in line until Overboard calms them down, he tells them they can both do it together as they both do so. Paper receives a burgundy ball as Chad gets a white ball, Chad throws his ball away and says he didn’t want to be part of this thing in the first place. Corvo slowly steps up and puts his hand in the cage, he pulls out an orange ball as The Canadian Storm look nervously to each other. Corvo walks back and folds his arms waiting to leave and not caring about this lottery as Tyson Roders steps up, he says he will lead his team to victory, even if he hates his partner, he puts his hand inside the cage and pulls out an olive green ball, he kisses it and wishes Orb and Overboard good luck. David Zutos walks up and puts his hand in the cage then pulls out an orange ball. He then quickly switches from a blank expression to a stunned face, he then quickly turns around and Corvo quickly notices what happened, Corvo throws his ball down and storms out of the locker room. The Canadian Storm grab their Championships and arrogantly smile as they place them on their shoulders.

Match 4:   Pierce Aylward Vs Tony Fire

Pierce Aylward steps out of the curtains and receives a lot of boos, he slowly makes his way down to the ring while taunting to the crowd with arrogance. He slides into the ring and looks at the heat he’s getting until the boos turns into huge cheer as Tony Fire jumps out of the curtains, he greets the fans while staring at Pierce. He taunts to the crowd while getting in the ring and they both go to neutral corners.

Pierce Aylward suddenly runs to Tony Fire and starts beating him down to the canvas, he starts to stomp him on his head numerous times until he stops to taunt to the booing crowd. Tony gets to his feet and Pierce punches him in the head, he grabs Tony’s arm and goes to throw him off the ropes but Tony manages to stop and runs to Pierce then hits him in the face, he goes to throw Pierce but Pierce throws him off the ropes instead but Tony ducks a Clothesline and punches Pierce in the jaw. He punches him a second time and a third punch sends Pierce down to the canvas, he gets to his feet until Tony kicks him in the abdomen, he grabs his waist and lifts him up onto his shoulder, he then throws him down onto his knee with a Gutwrench Gutbuster! Pierce holds his abdomen as he crawls to the ropes and Tony taunts to the cheering crowd, Pierce gets to his feet and Tony runs to him then sends Pierce and himself to the outside with a Clothesline. Tony lands on his feet and claps the fan’s hands, he grabs Pierce’s head and throws him into the guard rail, he grabs his head and hits him again into the guard rail, Pierce stumbles to the ring apron until Tony slams his head on the ring apron and throws him into the ring, Tony then rolls into the ring.

Pierce Aylward gets to his feet and stumbles to the corner, Tony Fire walks over and climbs up the turnbuckle over him, he grabs his head and starts punching him in the head until Pierce quickly grabs his legs and steps out of the corner, he then drops down and Tony’s head slams into the turnbuckle. Tony falls to the canvas and Pierce grabs his head then drags him up to his feet, he hooks his head and lifts him up then throws him onto the ropes. Tony holds his abdomen while hanging on the ropes and Pierce then punches him, he grabs his head then punches him in the jaw and runs off the ropes, he then hits a Back Elbow and Tony flies off the ring apron and onto the guard rails. Pierce then gets out of the ring and grabs Tony’s head then picks him up, he throws him back into the ring and rolls back in, Tony tries to get up but is kicked in the ribs sending him into the bottom turnbuckle. Pierce begins to stomp on Tony’s head until he starts to choke him with his boot. He grabs Tony’s head and pulls him up then pushes him into the turnbuckle, he punches him in the jaw and starts to hit numerous punches, Tony falls back down to the bottom turnbuckle as Pierce arrogantly taunts to the crowd to boos.

Tony Fire suddenly springs back up and grabs Pierce Aylward’s head then throws him into the turnbuckle, he then starts to hit Pierce with his own punches until he grabs his arm and throws him into the opposite turnbuckle, he then runs to him and Pierce lifts his legs to hit Tony but he ducks under and slides underneath the ropes, he grabs Pierce’s legs and sweeps him off his feet, he goes to pull his legs until Pierce lifts his legs and Tony goes right into the ring post. Pierce rolls out of the ring while Tony tries to get up, he grabs Tony’s head and quickly throws him back into the ring as he gets in. Tony gets to his knees and starts punching at Pierce’s ribs, he gets to his feet and goes for another punch but Pierce drives his knee into Tony’s ribs. He grabs his arm then locks on an Abdominal Stretch, Tony tries to get out of it but Pierce wrenches at his ribs. He then starts punching at Tony’s ribs and applies more pressure, Tony suddenly grabs Pierce’s arm and breaks the hold then elbows him in the face. He hits another elbow shot on Pierce’s face then punches him in the jaw, he spins around and goes for a Discus Punch but Pierce ducks under and hooks Tony’s head then connects a Reverse DDT, he quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count.

Tony Fire crawls to the bottom turnbuckle as Pierce Aylward argues with the referee, he walks over to Tony and picks him up then starts to choke him in the corner, the referee gets him off and Pierce grabs Tony’s arm and goes to throw him into the opposite turnbuckle, but Tony reverses and throws him instead. He runs to him but Pierce extends his elbow and Tony is hit in the jaw, he falls to his knees as Pierce gets to the ring apron and starts to climb up the turnbuckle. Tony quickly gets to his feet and punches Pierce in the ribs, he suddenly starts climbing up the turnbuckle while punching Pierce in the face, he then lifts Pierce up into the air and leaps off the turnbuckle and connects a Super Michinoku Driver! The crowd goes insane as Pierce holds his back in agony, Tony eventually gets to his feet as Pierce gets to one knee, he turns around while Tony spins around on the spot and hits a Discus Clothesline out of nowhere! He grabs Pierce’s head and picks him up then grabs his waist, he lifts him up into the air then sidesteps to the centre of the ring and connects a Sitout Powerbomb, Tony hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. They both get to their feet and Tony grabs Pierce’s arm and goes to throw him but Pierce ducks under the arm and drives his knee into Tony’s ribs. He goes for a Clothesline, but Tony ducks it and grabs his waist, he lifts him up but Pierce lands on his feet behind him and hooks Tony’s arms then whiplashes him down with Pierced, he quickly hooks the leg and it gets the 3 count… Winner via Pierced: Pierce Aylward

Match 5:   Thomas R. West Vs Josh Stone     (NHW Inter-Globe Championship)

Jerry Honson walks out with the NHW Inter-Globe Championship in his hands and greets the fans while they cheer for him, he sits down at ringside as Josh Stone walks out and goes for a fist pump, but stops and throws his hand to the crowd not caring what they think of him, he walks down to the ring and stops to look at a fan shouting at him, he laughs in his face and warns the fan that he will be put in an Uncool Coma. He rolls into the ring and walks to the corner then taunts to the booing crowd. The lights go out and a spotlight shines onto the entrance curtain until Thomas R. West steps out with a bottle of whiskey in his hand, he raises his hat and looks with confidence to the cheering crowd while taking a drink of his whiskey, he slowly makes his way down to the ring while furiously staring at Stone. He gets in the ring as the lights go back on and they both walk to the centre of the ring. They both then stare at the NHW Inter-Globe Championship then look to each other as the bell rings.

Thomas R. West turns around to put his bottle of whiskey down until Josh Stone ambushes him from behind, he proceeds to hit forearm shots on West’s back as he falls to the canvas, Stone then hits him in the back with knees then begins to stomp on him. He grabs West’s head and picks him up then punches him in the jaw, he punches him again and then hits him in the chest with a chop, West stumbles to the turnbuckle and Stone hits another chop on him. He then starts to hit numerous chops until he grabs his head then punches him in the jaw, he drags him away from the turnbuckle to the ropes, he grabs his arm and goes to throw him off but West reverses and throws Stone off the ropes instead and Stone is sent overhead with a Back Body Drop. West waits for Stone as the crowd begins to cheer, Stone gets to his feet until West lifts him up onto his arms, he leans back then throws Stone overhead with a Fallaway Slam. They both get to their feet with Stone holding his back, West then punches him down to the canvas and Stone quickly rolls to the outside. Stone leans on the guard rails trying to recuperate while West taunts to the cheering crowd.

Josh Stone gets on the ring apron and gets back into the ring as Stone shouts to him, they both walk to the centre and get into a lockup. Thomas R. West overpowers him and pushes him into the turnbuckle, Stone then throws West into the turnbuckle and drives his knee into his ribs. He then hits another chop on his chest and punches him in the jaw, he grabs his arm and goes to throw him but West reverses and throws Stone into the opposite turnbuckle instead, Stone stumbles out of the turnbuckle until West sends him down with a Clothesline. Stone gets to his feet until he is sent down with another Clothesline. Stone crawls to the ropes and pulls himself up, he turns around and West sends him over the ropes to the outside with a Clothesline. West turns to Jerry Honson and stares at the NHW Inter-Globe Championship while the crowd begins to chant his name, Stone manages to eventually get up and up to the ring apron, West then walks to him and slingshots him back into the ring. Stone then begins to beg and West starts to laugh at him, Stone gets on his knees and continues to beg while West walks over to him until Stone quickly grabs West’s belt on his jeans and throws him into the turnbuckle.

Josh Stone grabs Thomas R. West’s head and picks him up, he then starts to choke him on the top rope until the referee manages to get him off. Stone then chokes him again on the top rope as the referee tries to get him off again, Stone lets go and argues with the referee. He grabs West’s head and throws him down to the canvas, he then looks to the crowd and taunts to huge heat. West tries to get up until Stone kicks him in the head and begins to choke him, the referee gets him off and Stone then looks to Jerry Honson and stares at the NHW Inter-Globe Championship until he begins to choke West again, the referee manages to get him off again and Stone smirks to the downed West. He grabs his head and picks him up then drags him to the ropes, he grabs his arm and throws him off the ropes, he then hits a Back Elbow on West’s face but he still stands. He then runs off the ropes and grabs West’s head then connects a Bulldog, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. They both get to their feet as Stone grabs West’s arm, he throws him off the ropes and leaps up then sends West down with a Dropkick to the face, he quickly goes for a pin but gets a 2 count.

Josh Stone quickly picks him up and grabs his head, he throws him down with a Snapmare and locks on a chinlock. Thomas R. West tries desperately to break free but Stone applies more pressure and West gets himself to the centre of the ring, Stone tries to send him down but West manages to spring to his knees, he gets to his feet and hits Stone in the ribs with an elbow, he hits him again and Stone lets go. West then runs off the ropes and leaps up then tackles him down with a Flying Uppercut! They get to their feet as West then kicks him in the abdomen, he hooks his arms then drives him down with a Double Arm DDT. West gets to his feet and taunts to the cheering crowd, Stone holds his head as he gets to his feet, he kicks Stone in the abdomen and grabs his waist, he lifts him up onto his shoulder then sidesteps to the centre of the ring and drives Stone down onto his face with a Dominator! West gets to one knee then looks to his bottle of whiskey, he rolls to the other turnbuckle and grabs his bottle of whiskey while Stone gets to one knee, West then drinks some whiskey and turns his attention towards Stone. West puts his bottle of whiskey back down and grabs Stone’s head then picks him up, he begins to punch him numerous times in the face while Stone tries to shield himself.

Thomas R. West then spins around and hits Josh Stone right in the face with a Roaring Elbow, Stone falls to the ropes while holding his face and West taunts to the cheering crowd. West grabs Stone’s head and picks him up but Stone punches him in the ribs and tries to get out of the ring, West then grabs his head and drives his knee into Stone’s back, he turns him around and grabs his waist, he lifts him up onto his shoulders as Stone starts to punch him on the head, West then drives him down face-first with a Reverse Powerbomb! Stone tries to crawl as West gets to one knee, he gets up and quickly grabs Stone’s head then picks him up, he runs off the ropes and sends Stone down with a Big Boot. He starts to get pumped up as Stone crawls to the corner, he then grabs West’s bottle of whiskey and tries to hide it in his arms, West waits for him as he starts to get ready, Stone gets up and West quickly raises his boot for the Quick Draw until Stone ducks under his leg then hits West in the face with the bottle of whiskey, he hooks his head then swiftly swings him down onto the canvas with his Uncool Coma, he rolls him over and it gets the 3 count… Winner and NEW NHW Inter-Globe Champion via Uncool Coma: Josh Stone

After the match, Josh Stone with a face of astonishment quickly rolls to the outside and Jerry Honson offers him the NHW Inter-Globe Championship, Stone grabs the Championship and raises it over his head to the booing crowd. He quickly walks to the entrance way while hugging his newly won Championship and argues with the fans at ringside, Thomas R. West sits up and slowly turns his head to Stone with a vexed face, Stone begins to arrogantly smirk at him while he kisses the Championship, he goes to fist pump until he stops then throws his hand to West as he walks through the curtains.

Match 6:   The Canadian Storm (Al Orb And Overboard) Vs David Zutos And Corvo     (NHW Tag Team Championships)

The crowd begins to cheer as David Zutos limps out of the curtains with his hands on his hips not looking too pleased, he claps the fan’s hands as he carefully walks down to the ring. He gets in the ring and raises his fist to the crowd with an annoyed facial expression. Corvo slowly walks out and doesn’t acknowledge Zutos, he doesn’t look to the fans as he has a blank expression. He walks around the ring and crosses his arms while leaning on the guard rails. The Canadian Storm step out with their NHW Tag Team Championships raised overhead, the crowd boo them while Al Orb shouts at them to shut up. They both get in the ring and laugh at Zutos, Corvo continues to look away and act like he doesn’t want to be there.

Overboard gets into the corner as Al Orb and David Zutos walk to the centre of the ring, Zutos goes to grab him but Orb sweeps him off his feet, Orb then hits Zutos’ knee with an Elbow Drop and gets back up. He then turns Zutos over and locks on a Half Crab, causing Zutos to quickly grab the bottom rope, Orb lets go and kicks him in the back, he grabs his head and picks him up until Zutos throws his arms to the side and punches him. He then hits Orb with a forearm to the jaw and Orb then sends him down to one knee with a kick to his leg, Orb drags him to the centre of the ring and grabs his leg, he lifts him up and connects a Shin Breaker. Zutos falls to the canvas holding his knee as Orb quickly tags in Overboard, Orb grabs Zutos’ leg and lifts it up, Overboard runs off the ropes and hits his knee with a Low Dropkick. Zutos tries to crawl as Overboard drags him up to his feet, he hits Zutos in the jaw with an elbow shot as Zutos hops on one leg, he then retaliates with a punch and they both exchange punches and elbows. Zutos goes for a kick but his leg is caught, Overboard laughs at him until Zutos jumps up and takes him down with an Enziguri. Zutos begins to crawl as the crowd cheers for him, Orb gets off the ring apron and quickly runs around the ring then tackles Corvo into the guard rail.

David Zutos and Overboard get back to their feet as Overboard goes for a punch, Zutos blocks it and hits him with an elbow, he grabs his arm and throws him off the ropes then throws Overboard overhead with a Hip Toss. He gets back to his feet until he is sent back down with a Body Slam, Zutos pumps himself up as Overboard gets back up to his feet, Zutos kicks him in the ribs and runs off the ropes then connects a Bulldog. He gets to his feet while holding his knee from the running, he goes to grab Overboard’s head but he manages to roll to the corner and tag Al Orb in, he gets in and punches Zutos in the jaw causing him to stumble away, he runs to him until Zutos quickly throws Orb into the turnbuckle. He limps over to him and begins to punch him until Corvo gets on the ring apron and tags himself in. The crowd boos as Zutos and Corvo stare to each other, Corvo grabs Orb’s head and drags him into the centre of the ring, he grabs Orb’s hands then kicks one of his hands away and steps over his arm, he grabs Orb’s head until Orb grabs his waist then throws him off the ropes, he hits Corvo down with a Shoulder Tackle. He runs off the ropes but Corvo moves out of the way from a Leg Drop.

Corvo rolls to his feet as Al Orb gets to one knee, Corvo runs off the ropes and hits him down with a Shining Wizard. He gets to his feet and looks to the crowd until David Zutos tags himself in, he gets in and they both stare to each other while Zutos slowly walks to Orb. Orb gets to his knees as Zutos punches him in the head, Orb gets to his feet and Zutos hits him with another punch, Orb swings for a Clothesline but Zutos ducks under the arm and quickly grabs his head, he falls back and connects a Russian Leg Sweep, he goes for a cover but Corvo gets in the ring and stomps on Zutos’ leg. The crowd sends huge heat at Corvo as he gets back into the corner, Orb crawls to the corner and tags Overboard in. Zutos gets to one knee as Overboard walks over to him, he grabs Zutos’ head until he goes behind Overboard then rolls him backwards with a Schoolboy Pin, but gets a 2 count. They both get to their feet until Overboard sweeps Zutos off his legs, he then stomps on his knee as Zutos shouts in pain, he drags him to the centre of the ring and picks him up, he grabs his arm and goes to throw him into the turnbuckle but Zutos reverses and hits a forearm shot to his jaw. He then lifts him up onto his shoulders, but Overboard lands on his feet as Zutos drops him due to his knee, he takes advantage and takes him down with a Drop Toe Hold.

Overboard grabs David Zutos’ leg and drags him to the corner as Al Orb is tagged in, they pick Zutos up and hook his head, they lift him up then connect a Double Suplex Drop. Orb quickly rolls him over and hooks the leg, but gets a 2 count. He argues with the referee as he gets to his feet and picks Zutos back up, he punches him in the face and Zutos kicks him in the ribs, he grabs his arm and throws him off the ropes until Zutos runs to him and sends him down with a Back Elbow. Corvo grabs Zutos’ arm and turns him around then slaps him across the face, making a tag. He gets in the ring as the referee sends Zutos to his corner, Corvo runs to Orb and starts punching him on the jaw numerous times, he then grabs his head and picks him up. He grabs his shoulder and thigh then lifts him up into the air and hits Orb with his Reverse Body Slam. Corvo gets to the ring apron and looks to the booing crowd, he climbs up and looks down at Orb, he leaps off but Orb moves out of the way of a Diving Splash. Corvo holds his ribs as Orb begins to crawl, Corvo then grabs his leg until he kicks Corvo away and tags Overboard in, Corvo gets to his feet until Overboard punches him in the face. He grabs his head then hits him in the jaw with a forearm shot, he turns Corvo around and grabs his waist, he tries for a German Suplex but Corvo quickly goes behind Overboard then hooks his head and hits him with a Reverse DDT.

Corvo gets to his feet until David Zutos turns Corvo around and slaps him across the face, making a tag of his own. He gets in and smirks to him while Corvo angrily stares at him, Zutos limps over to Overboard and grabs his head, he picks him up and hits an elbow shot to his jaw, he goes for another punch but Overboard blocks it and kicks Zutos in the knee. He grabs Zutos’ arm and throws him off the ropes but Overboard is then sent to the canvas with a Clothesline. Al Orb gets in the ring and charges at him, Zutos then ducks and Orb hits Corvo with a Double Axe Handle. Corvo falls to the floor below as Zutos grabs Orb’s head and throws him into the turnbuckle, Overboard gets back up to his feet until Zutos then grabs Overboard’s arm and throws him into Orb in the corner. Zutos runs to them as Overboard gets out of the way but Zutos hits Orb with a Corner Splash, Zutos holds his knee from running as Overboard punches him in the face. He grabs Zutos’ head until he throws his arms to the side and kicks Overboard in the ribs, Orb walks to him and kicks him in the knee. Orb and Overboard then grab his arm and throws him into the turnbuckle, Orb then runs to him and Zutos gets out of the way as Orb crashes into the turnbuckle, Overboard runs to him and hits him with an elbow shot. He grabs Zutos’ head and drags him to the centre of the ring.

Overboard grabs David Zutos’ waist and tries to lift him up for a Piledriver, Zutos then manages to lift Overboard up onto his shoulders, he swings him off and hits the F-5, but Zutos falls to the canvas while holding his knee. Corvo suddenly rolls into the ring and to his feet, he runs towards Al Orb in the corner and drives his knee into his face, Orb stumbles out as Corvo leaps up and sends him down with an Enziguri, Orb gets to one knee as Corvo springs to his feet and runs off the ropes, until Overboard grabs his foot. Corvo tries to kick him off while Overboard gets to his feet, Corvo begins to punch him in the head until Overboard hits numerous punches. Zutos gets to his feet and tackles Orb down to the canvas with a Low Clothesline, Corvo then kicks Overboard in the ribs and runs off the ropes, he quickly grabs Overboard’s head and drives him onto his knee with a Knee Facebuster. Corvo gets to his feet as Zutos gets back up, Corvo then looks to him with a frustrated look and picks Zutos up, he then turns him around and hooks his arms, he elevates Zutos on his knees then spins him off and connects his D.L.S! Corvo then rolls to the outside and laughs at the fans, Zutos suddenly rolls from the D.L.S and places his hand on Overboard’s chest for a pin and it gets the 3 count… Winners and NEW NHW Tag Team Champions via Knee Facebuster: David Zutos And Corvo

After the match, Corvo then quickly stops laughing as the crowd begins to laugh at Corvo. The referee gets to the outside and grabs the NHW Tag Team Championships, he slides in the Championship for David Zutos and offers Corvo his, Corvo snatches it and begins to shout at the referee, they both exchange words while they slowly walk up the entrance way. Al Orb sits up and hits the canvas in frustration and David Zutos holds his knee until he notices his Championship next to him, he grabs it and rolls out of the ring. He limps on one knee while looking to the Championship in his hand, The Canadian Storm get to their feet while they angrily stare at the new NHW Tag Team Champions. Corvo stops at the curtains while he and Zutos stare at each other, Corvo shakes his head in disgust as he walks through the curtains, Zutos looks to the crowd and shrugs his shoulders then raises his title above his head to cheers. He then begins to limp up the entrance way as The Canadian Storm get out of the ring and start to argue with fans at ringside.

Match 7:   Hocktus And Mr. Detonator Vs Dino Nuo And Matt Greer

Matt Greer steps through the curtains and raises one his t-shirts into the air to boos from the crowd, he looks for money offers and notices numerous fans waving money around, he walks down to ringside and exchanges the money for the t-shirt with a fan. He gets into the ring and looks to the booing crowd while he doesn’t care what they think of him. Dino Nuo makes his way to the ring while shouting at the fans, he then runs down and slides into the ring. He climbs up the turnbuckle and taunts to the booing crowd while Greer claps at him. The crowd then cheers hugely as Hocktus steps out with a microphone in hand, he says everyone has been wondering who his partner will be and not one person has correctly predicted it. He tells Matt Greer that he might know this man very well considering he assaulted him a few shows ago. Mr. Detonator then walks out to an enormous cheer from the crowd! Hocktus announces that his partner is Mr. Detonator and they both quickly run down to the ring and get in, causing Greer and Nuo to retreat to the outside. Eventually, Hocktus gets into his corner and Greer agrees to fight Detonator.

The referee calls for the bell while Mr. Detonator and Matt Greer angrily stare at each other. They both then lockup and Greer overpowers him into the ropes but Detonator then overpowers him into the corner, they both drag each other to the centre of the ring and break free from the lockup. The crowd cheers for Detonator while Greer angrily stares to them, they both then lockup again until Detonator puts Greer in a headlock and sends him over with a Headlock Takedown, he wrenches at his head until Greer wraps his legs around Detonator’s head and locks on a Headscissors. Detonator kicks out of it and they both get to their feet until he sends Greer overhead with a second Headlock Takedown, he applies more pressure on his head until Greer gets to his feet, he elbows Detonator in the ribs and breaks free, he throws him off the ropes but gets hit down with a Shoulder Tackle. Detonator runs off the ropes but Greer gets to his feet and goes for a Hip Toss, but Detonator steps to the otherside of Greer and sends him overhead with a Hip Toss of his own. He walks to him but Greer lifts his legs and kicks Detonator down, they both get to their knees until Detonator sweeps Greer off his feet, they both get to their feet and we have a stalemate.

Dino Nuo gets into the ring until Hocktus quickly gets in causing all four men to get into stance until the referee calms them all down, Nuo and Hocktus get back to their corners while Mr. Detonator and Matt Greer begin to get closer to each other. They both lockup until Detonator quickly throws his arm to the side and grabs his other arm, he wrenches it while Greer tries to get him off, Detonator starts to punch at his arm and throws him into the turnbuckle. Hocktus is tagged and gets in, Detonator holds Greer’s arm and Hocktus punches it causing Greer to fall to his knees holding his arm. He picks him up and throws him overhead then hits a Knee Drop on his arm, Greer shouts in pain while Hocktus begins to pick him up. He drags him to the corner and Detonator is tagged in, Detonator then wrenches at his arm and sends him to his knees, Greer gets to his feet while Detonator applies more pressure until Greer hits him with a Back Elbow, Detonator lets go and holds his jaw while Greer quickly gets to his corner and Nuo gets tagged in, he runs to Detonator but is sent overhead with a Hip Toss. He picks Nuo up and wrenches at his arm, Nuo though punches him in the face and Detonator quickly tags Hocktus in as he holds his jaw. He climbs up the turnbuckle and hits a Double Axe Handle on Nuo, sending him down onto the canvas and he quickly goes for the cover but gets a 2 count.

Hocktus then grabs Dino Nuo’s head and picks him up while tagging Mr. Detonator back in, they throw him off the ropes and sends him down with a Double Back Elbow, they then hit him in the face with Double Fist Drops. Matt Greer gets into the ring but is swept off his feet by Detonator and Hocktus, they both grab Greer’s legs and throw him overhead onto the canvas with a Double Belly-to-back Suplex! They both get to their feet and taunt to the cheering crowd, Hocktus gets to the corner and Detonator tags him in, Detonator wrenches at Nuo’s head and Hocktus gets in and hits an elbow shot on his back. He kicks him in the back and grabs Nuo’s head then drags him up, he clutches at Nuo’s head and goes for a Jawbreaker but Nuo drives his knee into Hocktus’ ribs, Hocktus falls to one knee and holds his jaw then Nuo kicks him in the ribs. He picks him up and tags Greer in, they both throw Hocktus off the ropes and send him down with a Double Clothesline. Greer then holds his arm from the earlier attack as he hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Nuo lifts his boot on the turnbuckle as Greer picks Hocktus back up, he runs to Nuo’s boot and slams Hocktus’ head off it and Greer tags Nuo in. Greer hooks both of Hocktus’ arms and Nuo drives his knee into his ribs, he hooks his head and connects a Neckbreaker, Nuo then swiftly rolls to his feet and smirks to the booing crowd, he looks down at Hocktus and jumps up with a flip but Hocktus moves out of the way of Nuo’s Standing Somersault Leg Drop!

Hocktus quickly gets to his corner and tags Mr. Detonator in, Dino Nuo gets to his feet and goes for a punch but Detonator blocks it and punches Nuo in the jaw, he punches him again and spins around then sends Nuo down with a Discus Punch! Nuo gets to his feet while stumbling and Detonator throws him off the ropes then lifts his foot and hits Nuo with a Big Boot. He jumps up and hits him with an Elbow Drop, Nuo tries to get up while Detonator drags him up and slams his head off the turnbuckle. He throws him into the other turnbuckle and runs to him, but Nuo then hits him in the face with a Back Elbow and begins to climb the turnbuckle, Detonator then punches him in the back and grabs both of his arms, he walks to the centre of the ring and drives Nuo down to the canvas with a Sitout Crucifix Powerbomb! He hooks the legs but Matt Greer gets in the ring and kicks Detonator in the face. Greer grabs Detonator’s head and picks him up until Detonator punches him in the face and Greer falls to the outside, he then gets to the outside and picks Greer up, he goes for a punch but Greer ducks it and sends Detonator down with a forearm to the jaw. He laughs to the crowd while they send huge heat towards him, Nuo gets to his feet and gets to the outside, he picks Detonator up and throws him back into the ring. He hooks Detonator’s head and tags Greer in.

Matt Greer and Dino Nuo hook Mr. Detonator’s arms and they manage to lift him up then slam him onto their knees with a Double Gutbuster! Greer taunts at him telling him to get up, Detonator sits up but Greer punches him in the head. He then starts to punch him numerous times in the jaw until Detonator throws him off and retreats. Greer picks him up and throws him into the corner, he begins to punch him again and tags Nuo in, Greer holds Detonator in the corner while Nuo walks to the other turnbuckle and begins to run, Greer gets out of the way and Nuo drives his knee right into Detonator’s ribs. He falls to the canvas holding his ribs and Nuo hooks the leg but gets a 2 count. Detonator crawls to the ring apron and Nuo then kicks him in the head and chokes him with his boot, the referee manages to pull him off as Nuo argues with him. He then grabs Detonator’s head and pulls him up, he grabs Detonator’s arm and goes under it then kicks him in the ribs, he falls to one knee holding his ribs until Nuo suddenly runs to Hocktus and hits a forearm onto him sending him off the apron. Greer suddenly gets in and they both grabs Detonator’s back and lift him up then slam him down with a Double Backdrop! Greer quickly rolls to the ring apron and Nuo tags him in, Greer then runs off the ropes and connects a Leg Drop, he goes for a cover but gets a 2 count.

Matt Greer argues with the referee while Mr. Detonator tries to get up while holding his ribs, Greer grabs his head and picks him up then slams his head into the turnbuckle, he tags Nuo in and he begins to hit punch combinations on Detonator’s ribs until he tags Greer back in, they then drag him out of the corner and they both hook his head, they try to lift him up until Detonator suddenly lifts them both up overhead and he connects a Double Suplex! The crowd cheers for Detonator while he tries to get up to his knees, he crawls for a tag but Nuo holds onto his foot and Greer gets to his feet and punches Hocktus off the ring apron. They both then pick Detonator up and throw him into the turnbuckle, Greer gets onto the canvas as a platform and Nuo runs towards them, he leaps off Greer and kicks Detonator onto the jaw with an Aided Corner Dropkick. Greer and Nuo get to their feet and taunt to the booing the crowd, they laugh at the downed Detonator while they have smirks on their faces. Nuo begins to climb the turnbuckle while Greer drags him up to his feet, he hooks Detonator’s head and goes for a Cutter but Detonator then pushes Greer into the turnbuckle and Nuo gets crotched on the top turnbuckle! Detonator then makes the tag to Hocktus and he quickly gets in and punches Greer in the face, he punches him again and goes to throw him off the ropes but Greer instead throws him off the ropes but gets taken down with a Jumping Forearm Smash!

Hocktus springs to his feet while Matt Greer stumbles up to his feet and Hocktus hits him down with a Clothesline, Greer gets to his feet but Hocktus sends him down again with a second Clothesline. Greer gets to his feet but Hocktus lifts him up and hits an Inverted Atomic Drop and sweeps him off his feet, Greer tries to get free but Hocktus then slingshots Greer overhead onto the turnbuckle! Greer falls to the canvas and Hocktus hooks the leg but Nuo gets to his knees and punches Hocktus in the head. Nuo picks him up but is kicked in the ribs, Hocktus hooks his head and lifts him up while spinning him around then connects his Dragon’s Emerald! The crowd goes berserk with cheers until Greer kicks Hocktus in the head, he grabs his head and lifts him up, he grabs Hocktus’ arm and ducks under then sends him down with a Clothesline. Mr. Detonator then hits a forearm on Greer’s back, he throws him off the ropes but Greer holds onto the ropes, Detonator then runs to him and sends over the ropes to the outside with a Clothesline. He looks to the crowd while they cheer until he gets to the ring apron, Greer gets to his feet and Detonator leaps off the ring apron and hits a Diving Crossbody onto Greer! The crowd cheers for Detonator while they both begin to get up, Nuo gets to his feet in the ring and then runs off the ropes and dives through the ropes onto Detonator and Greer with a Suicide Dive!

Mr. Detonator, Dino Nuo and Matt Greer struggle to their feet while Hocktus begins to climb up the turnbuckle, he then leaps off as Detonator gets out of the way and Hocktus hits Nuo and Greer with a Diving Senton! Detonator greets the fans at ringside as Hocktus slowly gets to his feet, Detonator grabs Greer’s head and throws him into the ring, Hocktus manages to get to his feet as Detonator rolls into the ring. Greer crawls on his knees until Detonator punches him in the back, he picks him up and pushes him into the turnbuckle. He throws him into the other turnbuckle and Hocktus suddenly slides into the ring and gets to his feet then runs to Greer and hits a Corner Clothesline. Hocktus quickly gets to the ring apron and starts to climb up the turnbuckle, Detonator grabs Greer by the throat and lifts him up into the air then hits him down with a Choke Slam! Hocktus then leaps off the turnbuckle but Nuo manages to pulls Greer away and Hocktus misses the Diving Frog Splash. He holds his ribs while Detonator gets to the outside, he walks to Nuo but gets his head slammed off the ring apron and Nuo gets to the ring apron, Hocktus gets to one knee and turns around while Nuo suddenly leaps up and jumps off the ropes then kicks Hocktus on the jaw with a Springboard Dropkick! He quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count!

Dino Nuo argues with the referee and sits Hocktus up, he takes a sidestep and kicks him right in the back. He picks him up and hits a forearm onto his back, he then begins to send numerous forearms to his back and tags Matt Greer in. They both sweep Hocktus off his legs and they both grab his legs, they fall back and throw Hocktus face-first into the turnbuckle with a Double Slingshot! Hocktus stumbles back and is taken down with a punch to the back from Nuo, Greer laughs at Hocktus and kicks him in the back, he stomps on his back and sits him up then locks on a Bow And Arrow. Hocktus tries to use his leg strength to get to the ropes but Greer applies more pressure, the crowd starts to get behind him while Detonator cheers him on, Greer quickly lets go of the hold and hits him in the face with an Elbow Drop. He tags Nuo in as he picks Hocktus back up, they both hook his arms and throw him overhead right into the turnbuckle with a Double Hip Toss! Nuo drags him to the centre of the ring and leaps up with a flip and connects his Somersault Leg Drop, he goes for a pin but gets a 2 count. He grabs his head and goes to pick him up but Hocktus punches him in the ribs, he punches him again but gets a thumb to the eye. Nuo grabs his head and throws him to the outside.

Dino Nuo distracts the referee while Matt Greer gets off the ring apron and picks Hocktus up, he then punches him in the face and throws him into the guard rails. Greer quickly gets back to his corner and Nuo gets to the outside, he grabs Hocktus’ head and throws him into the ring and gets inside as well. Greer is tagged in and Nuo grabs Hocktus’ leg, he hits a Leg Drop on his leg while Greer hits a Leg Drop on his head, Greer goes for a cover but gets a 2 count. He gets frustrated and rolls him over then starts hitting elbow shots onto his back, he grabs his head and pulls him up to his feet and tags Nuo in. Greer grabs Hocktus’ waist and slams him off his knee, Nuo then slingshots himself over the ropes and hits a Slingshot Elbow Drop on Hocktus! The crowd starts to chant for Hocktus while Nuo goes for pin but Mr. Detonator gets into the ring and kicks him in the head. The referee sends him back to his corner while Nuo shouts at him, he picks him up and punches him in the head, he hits a second punch until Hocktus punches him in the head, he starts to punch Nuo numerous times and goes to throw him off the ropes but Nuo instead throws him off the ropes, Nuo leans over for a Back Body Drop but Hocktus leaps over him with a Sunset Flip, Nuo struggles to stay on his feet until he tags Greer in. Hocktus manages to roll Nuo back with a pin but Greer drives his elbow into Hocktus’ back.

Matt Greer then rolls Hocktus over and applies a Camel Clutch, Greer laughs while wrenching at his head as Mr. Detonator gets the fans behind him. Hocktus manages to get to his knees and hits an elbow shot into Greer’s ribs, he hits him again but Greer then drives his knee into Hocktus’ ribs. He lifts him up overhead but Hocktus lands on his feet behind him and grabs his waist but Greer then goes behind him and hooks his waist, he charges Hocktus into the ropes and rolls him backwards with a Roll-up, but gets a 2 count. Hocktus then kicks Greer off and to the outside, Hocktus crawls for a tag until Greer pulls Detonator off the ring apron and they both start brawling, Dino Nuo gets into the ring and drags Hocktus to his corner. Greer then slams Detonator’s head off the ring apron and gets into the ring, he grabs Hocktus’ head and picks him up then tags Nuo in, Greer sweeps him off his legs and they both grab Hocktus’ legs, they fall back and go for another Double Slingshot but Hocktus holds onto the ropes as Greer and Nuo get back to their feet, Hocktus then leaps backwards and hits them with a Diving Back Elbow. They all lay on the canvas while the crowd cheers for Hocktus.

Hocktus crawls over and tags Mr. Detonator, Matt Greer and Dino Nuo get back to their feet until Detonator hits them with a Double Clothesline. Greer gets to his feet and is punched back down, Nuo gets to his feet and is hit with an elbow to the face. Greer gets back up and is hit with a Clothesline, Nuo rolls to his feet and hit with a Clothesline. Detonator picks Greer up and hits him with a Body Slam, Detonator drags Nuo up to his feet and throws him into the turnbuckle, he runs at hits him with a Corner Clothesline and then hooks his head, he runs to the centre and hits a Bulldog. Detonator gets to his feet and taunts to the cheering crowd, Greer stumbles to his feet until Detonator grabs his waist and lifts him up then connects a Sidewalk Slam. He gets to feet as Nuo turns around and is grabbed by the throat, Detonator then lifts him up and slams him down with a Choke Slam, he quickly hooks the leg but gets a 2 count! He grabs Nuo’s head and drags him up, he lifts him up and connects a Body Slam. He walks to the corner and starts to climb the turnbuckle, he gets up and leaps off then hits him in the jaw with a Diving Elbow Drop, he hooks the leg and gets a 2 count.

Mr. Detonator grabs Dino Nuo’s head and picks him up, he then tags Hocktus in and he gets into the ring then starts to climb the turnbuckle, Detonator then lifts Nuo up onto his shoulders, he then flips him overhead onto Hocktus for a Powerbomb until Matt Greer hits a forearm shot onto Detonator, Greer then pushes Nuo up and Hocktus is suddenly hit with a Super Hurricanrana! Nuo crawls for a pin but gets a 2 count! Nuo argues with the referee until he gets to the ring apron, he then starts to climb up the turnbuckle and Greer walks over but Detonator then punches him and pushes him into the opposite turnbuckle. Hocktus quickly gets to his feet and punches Nuo in the abdomen, he starts punching him in the face